Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 440
AS - Asia 136
EU - Europa 5
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 582
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 440
SG - Singapore 106
CN - Cina 23
KR - Corea 7
FI - Finlandia 2
BR - Brasile 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
IT - Italia 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 582
Città #
Santa Clara 419
Singapore 68
Guangzhou 17
Seoul 7
Helsinki 2
Phoenix 2
Amsterdam 1
Astoria 1
London 1
Mogi Guaçu 1
Naples 1
Seattle 1
Totale 521
Nome #
Feasibility Analysis for Quantum Key Distribution between a LEO Satellite and Earth 11
Few-optical-cycle pulses tunable from the visible to the mid-infrared by optical parametric amplifiers 11
Diode laser bar beam shaping by optical path equalization 9
Sub-two-cycle pulses at 1.6 mu m from an optical parametric amplifier 9
Attosecond pulses in the few-cycle regime 9
Generation of 8.5-fs pulses at 1.3 mu m for ultrabroadband pump-probe spectroscopy 9
High order harmonics driven by a self-phase-stabilized IR parametric source 9
Advanced instrumentation for spectral and spatial investigations of high-order laser harmonics 8
Intense femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses by using a time-delay-compensated monochromator: erratum (vol 32, pg 2837, 2007) 8
Beam divergence of high-order harmonics generated in the few-optical cycle regime 8
Elemental sensitivity in soft x-ray imaging with a laser-plasma source and a color center detector 8
Attosecond metrology in the single-cycle regime 8
Attosecond pulse compression in the extreme ultraviolet region by conical diffraction 8
Observation of carrier-envelope phase phenomena in the multi-optical-cycle regime 8
Even-Order Aberration Cancellation in Quantum Interferometry 8
SPERIMENTANDO 2017 Alla Scoperta del Cosmo 8
Cluster effects in high-order harmonics generated by ultrashort light pulses 8
Experimental Certification of Sustained Entanglement and Nonlocality after Sequential Measurements 8
Effects of carrier-envelope phase of few-cycle pulses on high-order harmonic generation 8
Sistema di imaging a contatto in trasmissione basato su una sorgente laser plasma a raggi X con rivelazione in fluorescenza, per applicazioni all analisi dello spessore e della composizione chimica di film sottili 8
High-order harmonics generated by 1.5 mm parametric source 8
XUV supercontinuum generated by incommensurate two-color mid-IR optical parametric amplifier 8
Controlling attosecond electron dynamics by phase-stabilized polarization gating 8
Feasibility of satellite quantum key distribution 8
Double side membrane deformable mirror for pulse shaping 8
Analysis of the simultaneous measurements of iron K- and L-shell radiation from ultrashort laser produced plasmas 8
Optimization of high-order harmonic generation by adaptive control of a sub-10-fs pulse wave front 8
Soft X-ray Contact Imaging of Thin Films by a laser plasma source 8
Compression methods for XUV attosecond pulses 8
Soft X-ray Fresnel-like diffraction from thin films edges by an ultrafast laser plasma source 7
The role of beam profile in high-order harmonic generation by few-optical-cycle pulses 7
Time-duration dependence from the simultaneous measurements of iron K- and L-shell radiation from laser produced plasmas 7
High-dimensional decoy-state quantum key distribution over multicore telecommunication fibers 7
Isolated single-cycle attosecond pulses 7
Gas medium ionization and harmonic wavelength tunability in high-order harmonic generation with ultra-short laser pulses 7
Temporal characterization of a time-compensated monochromator for high-efficiency selection of extreme-ultraviolet pulses generated by high-order harmonics 7
Source-device-independent heterodyne-based quantum random number generator at 17 Gbps 7
Molecular orbital dependence of high-order harmonic generation 7
Spectral interference of attosecond light pulses 7
Measurement of harmonic phase differences by interference of attosecond light pulses 7
Time-delay compensated monochromator for the spectral selection of extreme-ultraviolet high-order laser harmonics 7
Interplay between GDD-induced polarization gating and ionization to generate isolated attosecond pulses from multi-cycle lasers 7
Two-Cycle Light Pulses in the Near and Mid Infrared by PPSLT-based Optical Parametric Amplifiers 7
Gating of high-order harmonics generated by incommensurate two-color mid-IR laser pulses 7
Beam separator for high-order harmonic radiation in the 3-10 nm spectral region 7
Gas medium ionization and harmonic wavelength tunability in high-order harmonic generation with ultra-short laser pulses 7
Sub-two-cycle light pulses at 1.6 mu m from an optical parametric amplifier 7
Grating monochromator for extreme-ultraviolet ultrashort pulses 7
Features of high order harmonic generation in the 30 fs and in the sub-10 fs regimes 7
Isolated Attosecond Pulses in the Few-Cycle Regime 7
High-brightness high-order harmonic generation by truncated bessel beams in the sub-10-fs regime 7
Dependence upon the molecular and atomic ground state of higher-order harmonic generation in the few-optical-cycle regime 7
Intense femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses by using a time-delay-compensated monochromator 7
Ultrafast Grating Instruments in the Extreme Ultraviolet 6
Isolated high-harmonic XUV photon absorption and NIR strong-field tunnel ionization 6
Tunable soft-x-ray radiation by high-order harmonic generation 6
Influence of all-reflective optical systems in the transmission of polarization-encoded qubits 6
Influence of satellite motion on polarization qubits in a Space-Earth quantum communication link 6
Nonadiabatic three-dimensional model of high-order harmonic generation in the few-optical-cycle regime 6
Time-delay compensated monochromator in the off-plane mount for extreme-ultraviolet ultrashort pulses 6
Attosecond pulse compression in the extreme ultraviolet region by conical diffraction 6
High-order laser harmonics and synchrotron study of transition metals M2,3 edges 6
Sub-two-cycle light pulses at 1.6 mu m from an optical parametric amplifier 6
Spectral features and modeling of high-order harmonics generated by sub-10-fs pulses 6
Surface Damage of Extreme-Ultraviolet Gratings Exposed to High-Energy 20-fs Laser Pulses 6
Link budget and background noise for satellite quantum key distribution 6
Spectral analysis of high-order harmonics generated by 30-fs and sub-10-fs laser pulses 6
Experimental verification of the feasibility of a quantum channel between space and Earth 6
Table-top soft x-ray imaging of nanometric films 6
Phase-matching analysis of high-order harmonics generated by truncated Bessel beams in the sub-10-fs regime 6
Spectral Entanglement and Precise Measurement of Optical Dispersion 5
Ultrafast spectroscopy and extreme nonlinear optics by few-optical-cycle laser pulses 5
Polarization transformation induced on qubits in a Space-to-Earth quantum communication link 5
Study of few-optical-cycles generation of high-order harmonics 5
Extracting ion emission lines from femtosecond-laser plasma x-ray spectra heavily contaminated by spikes 5
Two-photon spectral coherence matrix and characterization of multi-parameter entangled states 5
Instrumentation for analysis and utilization of extreme-ultraviolet and soft x-ray high-order harmonics 5
The utilization of the GALILEO timing signals for Quantum Communications 5
High-order laser harmonics detection in the EUV and soft X-ray spectral regions 5
Polarization transformations induced on qubit transmission in a Earth-to-Space quantum communication system involving Galileo satellites 5
Realization of a time-compensated monochromator exploiting conical diffraction for few-femtosecond XUV pulses 5
Optical design of a spectrometer-monochromator for the extreme-ultraviolet and soft-x-ray emission of high-order harmonics 5
Realizzazione di un monocromatore compensato in tempo per l'estremo ultravioletto 5
Optical concept of a compressor for XUV pulses in the attosecond domain 5
Semi-device independent randomness generation based on quantum state’s indistinguishability 4
Unbounded randomness from uncharacterized sources 4
Totale 591
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.356
article - articoli 1.710
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 65
Totale 4.131

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 28 0
2024/2025560 0 3 71 50 334 102 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 591