Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 99
AS - Asia 84
EU - Europa 49
Totale 232
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 99
SG - Singapore 78
IT - Italia 43
CN - Cina 4
AL - Albania 3
IL - Israele 2
CH - Svizzera 1
NL - Olanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 232
Città #
Santa Clara 79
Singapore 63
Rome 6
Cascina 5
Albano Laziale 3
Guangzhou 3
Messina 3
Ashburn 2
Bassano in Teverina 2
Durrës 2
Modena 2
Turin 2
Boardman 1
Fort Worth 1
Manzano 1
Milan 1
Pisa 1
Tirana 1
Totale 178
Nome #
Dal modello concettuale al modello numerico: il caso di studio del sistema acquifero di Follonica (Toscana meridionale) 22
The role of groundwater modelling for the sustainable management of water resources in a context of climatic change: an experience on a carbonate aquifer in Tuscany (Italy) 11
Climate and environmental changes in Italian mountains 10
Groundwater modeling with process-based and data-driven approaches in the context of climate change 9
The Subsurface Database of the Torino Area (Western Po Plain): From the Design of the Conceptual Scheme to 3D Modeling 8
Shallow portion of an active geothermal system revealed by multidisciplinary studies: the case of Le Biancane (Larderello, Italy) 7
Adaptation to Saltwater inTrusion in sEa level RIse Scenarios 7
Numerical modeling of the seasonal variation of the groundwater quality in the aquifer Magra River, Italy 6
The foothill aquifer system of the Piedmont Alpine zone: geology, hydrogeology and groundwater chemistry 6
Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of waters in a past-mining area of southern Apuan Alps (Italy): Hydrogeological characterization and implications on the fate of potentially toxic elements 6
New geochemical investigations in Platanares and Azacualpa geothermal sites (Honduras). 6
Stable water isotopes as fundamental tool in karst aquifer studies: some results from isotopic applications in the Apuan Alps carbonatic complexes (NW Tuscany). 5
Modelling tools for quantitative evaluations on the Versilia coastal aquifer system (Tuscany, Italy) in terms of groundwater components and possible effects of climate extreme events 5
Geological, hydrodynamic and geochemical features of the volcanic aquifer of Mt. Amiata (Tuscany, central Italy): an overview 5
Hydrodynamic and geochemical behavior of a karst aquifer system exposed to contamination: analysis of the response of the Moresco Springs (Apuan Alps, Italy) to rainfall. 5
How meteorological and flow timeseries contribute to a modelling exercise: an experience on a carbonate aquifer in Tuscany (Italy) 5
Effects of climate change on groundwater: observed and forecasted trends on Italian systems 5
Hydrogeological and geochemical overview of the karst aquifers in the Apuan Alps (Northwestern Tuscany, Italy). 5
Studio stratigrafico, idrogeochimico e isotopico sulle acque sotterranee e superficiali intercettate dalla rete di monitoraggio della discarica denominata "Il Fossetto" (comune di Monsummano Terme, Pistoia) gestita dalla società CMSA-Società Cooperativa Muratori Sterratori e Affini - Relazione finale 5
Carbonate aquifers threatened by legacy mining: hydrodynamics, hydrochemistry, and water isotopes integrated approach for spring water management 5
Groundwater response to meteo-climate variation: example from the foothill aquifer system of the Piedmont Alpine zone (NW Italy) 5
An integrated methodology to define Protection Zones for groundwater based drinking water sources: an example from the Tuscany Region, Italy. 5
Dal modello concettuale al modello numerico: il caso di studio del sistema acquifero di Follonica (GR, Toscana meridionale) 4
Geochemical, geostatistical and time series analysis techniques as a tool to achieve the Water Framework Directive goals: An example from Piedmont region (NW Italy) 4
Applicazione della modellizzazione numerica all'acquifero costiero compreso tra il canale Burlamacca ed il Fosso della Bufalina (Versilia meridionale) 4
Moisture sources and climatic effects controlling precipitation stable isotope composition in a western Mediterranean island (Pianosa, Italy) 4
Hydrodynamic and geochemical features of metamorphic carbonate aquifers and implications for water management: The Apuan Alps (NW Tuscany, Italy) case study 4
Preliminary observations on the microbial communities of an extreme hydrological system: the Bayelva River catchment (Western Svalbard, High Arctic Norway) 4
Groundwater vulnerability to climate variability: modelling experience and field observations in the lower Magra Valley (Liguria, Italy) 4
Contamination Assessment and Temporal Evolution of Nitrates in the Shallow Aquifer of the Metauro River Plain (Adriatic Sea, Italy) after Remediation Actions 4
New data on the seawater intrusion in the gravelly confined aquifer of the coastal Pisa Plain (Tuscany) 3
Hydrogeochemical surveys of shallow coastal aquifers: A conceptual model to set-up a monitoring network and increase the resilience of a strategic groundwater system to climate change and anthropogenic pressure 3
Protection of groundwater resources: worldwide regulations and scientific approaches 3
Soils hydraulic conductivity tests in slopes affected by fire: an example on Pisani Mountains (Tuscany, Italy) 3
Groundwater flow controlled by rivers and implications with future climate scenarios: a predictive modelling for the Magra valley aquifer (southeast Liguria, Italy) 3
Modellazione numerica nell'acquifero costiero compreso tra il Canale Burlamacca ed il Fosso della Bufalina, Versilia merdionale (Toscana, Italia) 3
Aspetti idrogeologici delle vulcaniti nel Monte Amiata 3
A multidisciplinary approach to define the hydrogeological model of the carbonate aquifer system in the Versilia River basin (Tuscany, Italy) 2
Surface-subsurface structural architecture and groundwater flow of the Equi Terme hydrothermal area, northern Tuscany Italy. 2
The Versilian coastal aquifer (NW Tuscany) and its relationships with seawater 2
ACQUASENSE - Analisi e sviluppo sperimentale di un modello del sistema per la rivelazione di anomalie 2
Totale 232
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.139
article - articoli 501
book - libri 85
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 98
Totale 1.823

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 5 1
2024/2025222 6 6 76 56 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 232