Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 351
AS - Asia 179
EU - Europa 56
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 587
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 351
SG - Singapore 174
IT - Italia 39
FI - Finlandia 12
CN - Cina 4
DE - Germania 4
BR - Brasile 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IE - Irlanda 1
Totale 587
Città #
Santa Clara 309
Singapore 141
Helsinki 12
Venice 10
Bologna 3
Falkenstein 3
Milan 3
Verona 3
Fort Worth 2
Pietrasanta 2
Prineville 2
Rome 2
San Diego 2
San Donato Milanese 2
Villafranca di Verona 2
Casavatore 1
Dublin 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Hong Kong 1
Pisa 1
Seattle 1
Springfield 1
Trieste 1
Volpago del Montello 1
Totale 507
Nome #
The earliest stages of wind wave generation in the open sea 14
Local and large-scale controls of the exceptional Venice floods of November 2019 13
Correction of ERA5 Wind for Regional Climate Projections of Sea Waves 12
Wind-wave forecasting in enclosed basins using statistically downscaled global wind forcing 10
The 2015 exceptional swell in the Southern Pacific: Generation, advection, forecast and implied extremes 10
Sensitivity of a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone to Different Model Configurations and Coupling Strategies 10
The impact of winter 2012 cold outbreak over the Northern Adriatic Sea dynamics: preliminary comparison among data and high resolution operational atmospheric models 10
Representative and Morphological Waves along the Adriatic Italian Coast in a Changing Climate 10
Scratching beneath the surface while coupling atmosphere, ocean and waves: analysis of a dense water formation eve 10
Wave modelling in coastal and inner seas 10
A coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave modeling approach for a Tropical Like Cyclone in the Mediterranean Sea 9
Turbulence observations in the Gulf of Trieste under moderate wind forcing and different water column stratification 9
Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 5 9
Multi-model chain for climate change scenario analysis to support coastal erosion and water quality risk management for the Metropolitan city of Venice 8
Wind Waves in the Mediterranean Sea: An ERA5 Reanalysis Wind-Based Climatology 8
Response of the Adriatic Sea to an intense cold air outbreak: Dense water dynamics and wave-induced transport 8
The impact of winter 2012 cold outbreak over the Northern Adriatuc Sea dynamics: preliminary comparison among data and high resolution operational atmospheric models. 8
Three-dimensional imaging of waves and floes in the marginal ice zone during a cyclone 8
On the use of a coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave model during an extreme cold air outbreak over the Adriatic Sea 8
The winter 2012 cold outbreak over the Northern Adriatic Sea: preliminary comparison among data and high resolution operational atmospheric models 8
Gli effetti della navigazione maggiore in laguna di Venezia 7
Modelling a Tropical Like Cyclone in the western Mediterranean sea: a sensitivity study using a coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave approach 7
High-resolution satellite turbidity and sea surface temperature observations of river plume interactions during a significant flood event 7
The October 29, 2018 storm in Northern Italy - An exceptional event and its modeling 7
WASS: An open-source pipeline for 3D stereo reconstruction of ocean waves 7
An exceptionally high wave at the CNR-ISMAR oceanographic tower in the Northern Adriatic Sea 7
Interactions among Adriatic continental margin morphology, deep circulation and bedform patterns 7
Ocean wave physics and modeling the message from the 2019 Wise meeting 7
Large waves and drifting buoys in the Southern Ocean 7
Turbulence observations in the Gulf of Trieste under moderate wind forcing and different water column stratification 7
Modeling ship-induced waves in shallow water systems: The Venice experiment 6
On the shape and likelihood of oceanic rogue waves 6
Sediment transport modifications induced by submerged artificial reef systems: a case study for the Gulf of Venice 6
On the short-term response of entrained air bubbles in the upper ocean: a case study in the north Adriatic Sea 6
The Draupner wave: A fresh look and the emerging view 6
Toward real-time optical estimation of ocean waves' space-time fields 6
The 2019 flooding of venice: And its implications for future predictions 6
null 6
The exceptional Winter 2012 conditions in the Northern Adriatic Sea: an analysis using the COAWST Modelling System 6
On the Groupiness and Intermittency of Oceanic Whitecaps 6
On the shape and likelood of oceanic rogue waves 6
Towards a unified framework for extreme sea waves from spectral models: rationale and applications 6
On the extreme value statistics of spatio-temporal maximum sea waves under cyclone winds 6
A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean modelling system to investigate the exceptional Winter 2012 conditions in the Northern Adriatic Sea 6
numerical modeling of space-time extremes using WAVEWATCHIII 6
Local and large-scale controls of the exceptional Venice floods of November 2019 6
Off-shelf fluxes across the southern Adriatic margin: Factors controlling dense-water-driven transport phenomena 6
Po River plume pattern variability investigated from model data 6
Assessment of climate change impacts in the North Adriatic coastal area. Part I: A multi-model chain for the definition of climate change hazard scenarios 6
Measurements of short water waves using stereo matched image sequences 5
Characterization of extreme wave fields during Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones 5
WHAT TIME TAUGHT US FOR THE FUTURE The 1966 Flooding of Venice 5
Exceptional Bora outbreak in winter 2012: Validation and analysis of high-resolution atmospheric model simulations in the northern Adriatic area 5
Ocean-atmosphere dynamics during winter 2012 in the Northern Adriatic sea by means of a coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave modeling system 5
Validation and analysis of high-resolution atmospheric model simulations of the cold Bora outbreak over the Northern Adriatic Sea in winter 2012 5
Modelling ocean currents in the northern Adriatic Sea 5
A Low-Cost Stereo Video System for Measuring Directional Wind Waves 5
Wave-current interaction: Effect on the wave field in a semi-enclosed basin 5
On the statistical analysis of ocean wave directional spectra 5
Maximum wave heights from global model reanalysis 5
Extreme sea state measurements by stereo video system 5
Operational models hierarchy for short term marine predictions: The Adriatic Sea example 5
A data set of sea surface stereo images to resolve space-time wave fields 5
Modelling wave-driven sediment transport in a changing climate: a case study for northern Adriatic Sea (Italy) 5
Unseeded large scale PIV measurements corrected for the capillary-gravity wave dynamics 5
Investigating extreme events using the Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Wave Sediment Transport Modeling System (COAWST) 5
Wave-current interaction effect on sediment dispersal in a shallow semi-enclosed basin 5
Wind-wave modeling: Where we are, where to go 5
A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean modelling system to investigate the exceptional Winter 2012 conditions in the Northern Adriatic Sea 5
null 5
Characterizing the signature of a spatio-temporal wind wave field 5
Wave Modulation in a Strong Tidal Current and Its Impact on Extreme Waves 4
Analysis of the effect of fish oil on wind waves and implications for air-water interaction studies 4
Wave-current interaction effect on sediment dispersal in a shallow semi-enclosed basin 4
Note on the directional properties of meter-scale gravity waves 4
Vegetation cover analysis using a low budget hyperspectral proximal sensing system 4
Linking reduced breaking crest speeds to unsteady nonlinear water wave group behavior 4
A surface kinematics buoy (SKIB) for wave-current interaction studies 4
Towards an operational stereo system for directional wave measurements from moving platforms 4
Euler characteristics of oceanic sea states 4
Numerical modeling of space-time wave extremes using WAVEWATCH III 4
Space-time measurements of oceanic sea states 4
Space-Time Wave Extremes: The Role of Metocean Forcings 4
Observation of Extreme Sea Waves in a Space-Time Ensemble 4
Multi-view horizon-driven sea plane estimation for stereo wave imaging on moving vessels 4
What conditions led to the Draupner freak wave? 4
The Draupner event - the large wave and the emerging view 4
On the role of Sea Surface Temperature forcing in the numerical simulation of a Tropical-Like Cyclone event in the Mediterranean Sea 4
THE DRAUPNER EVENT The Large Wave and the Emerging View 4
Observation of a giant nonlinear wave-packet on the surface of the ocean 4
A physics-driven CNN model for real-time sea waves 3D reconstruction 4
Mapping Coastal Frontal Zones In Northern Adriatic via AUV Tracking Seawater Conditions for Environmental Assessment 4
Improving the assessment of wave energy resources by means of coupled wave-ocean numerical modeling; 4
Stereo imaging and X-band radar wave data fusion and assestement 4
Spatially distributed sea wave measurements 4
Statistical and Dynamical Characteristics of Extreme Wave Crests Assessed with Field Measurements from the North Sea 3
Space-time extreme wind waves: Analysis and prediction of shape and height 3
On the two-dimensional structure of short gravity waves in a wind wave tank 3
Totale 599
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.379
article - articoli 2.853
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 9
Totale 6.241

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202429 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 15 7
2024/2025608 3 8 168 62 207 142 18 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 637