Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 345
AS - Asia 178
EU - Europa 74
Totale 597
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 341
SG - Singapore 171
IT - Italia 37
FI - Finlandia 23
DE - Germania 8
CA - Canada 4
KR - Corea 3
CN - Cina 2
NL - Olanda 2
AT - Austria 1
BE - Belgio 1
FR - Francia 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 597
Città #
Santa Clara 297
Singapore 125
Helsinki 20
Falkenstein 8
Cagliari 5
Mascalucia 4
Turin 4
Verona 4
Naples 3
Seoul 3
Vantaa 3
Guangzhou 2
Ottawa 2
Seattle 2
Toronto 2
Brussels 1
Cascina 1
Catania 1
Dijon 1
Hong Kong 1
London 1
Milan 1
Palermo 1
Phoenix 1
Tokyo 1
Vienna 1
Totale 495
Nome #
Modified Silicone-SAPO34 Composite Materials for Adsorption Thermal Energy Storage Systems 12
Experimental evaluation of the hydrothermal stability of a silicone/zeolite composite foam for solar adsorption heating and cooling application 11
An innovative adsorptive chiller prototype based on 3 hybrid coated/granular adsorbers 11
Plastic heat exchangers for adsorption cooling: Thermodynamic and dynamic performance 10
Development of "salt in porous matrix" composites based on LiCl for sorption thermal energy storage 10
Adsorption energy system design and material selection: Towards a holistic approach 10
Prototipo di un sistema "solar cooling" per la produzione del freddo da energia solare 10
Validation of zeolite coatings : SEM-EDX analysis 9
Innovative composite sorbent for thermal energy storage based on a SrBr2 ·6H2 O filled silicone composite foam 9
null 9
Deliverable D2.1 "Report of composite material development" - Rap. Est. 42_ Ott. 2023 9
Identification and characterization of promising phase change materials for solar cooling applications 9
Microwave based regenerating permeable reactive barriers (MW-PRBs): Proof of concept and application for Cs removal 9
Morphological and Structural Evaluation of Hydration/Dehydration Stages of MgSO4 Filled Composite Silicone Foam for Thermal Energy Storage Applications 9
Cementitious composite materials for thermal energy storage applications: a preliminary characterization and theoretical analysis 8
Phase Change Slurries for Cooling and Storage: An Overview of Research Trends and Gaps 8
Synthesis and characterization of graphite composite foams for oil spill recovery application 8
Numerical simulation and experimental analysis of a latent thermal energy storage for naval applications 8
Experimental Validation and Numerical Simulation of a Hybrid Sensible-Latent Thermal Energy Storage for Hot Water Provision on Ships 8
Field technical applicability and cost analysis for microwave based regenerating permeable reactive barriers (MW-PRBs) operating in Cs-contaminated groundwater treatment 8
Experimental comparison of innovative composite sorbents for space heating and domestic hot water storage 8
Tecnologie ad alta Efficienza per la Sostenibilità Energetica ed ambientale On board" (TESEO) Obiettivo realizzativo OR5: Studio e realizzazione di sistemi energetici altamente innovativi appositamente sviluppati per applicazioni di medio e lungo termine nel settore marino Stato di avanzamento n. 5 01/07/2014 - 31/12/2014 (R.E. n° 98/14) 7
Progetto SMART ART - Relazione Finale - RE-86/24 7
Latent Thermal Storage for Solar Cooling Applications: Materials Characterization and Numerical Optimization of Finned Storage Configurations 7
An experimental study on the corrosion sensitivity of metal alloys for usage in PCM thermal energy storages 7
Design of adsorption chillers under rolling conditions in naval applications: Experimental and numerical approaches 7
Progetto Formativo Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Felice Bisazza" A.S. 2016/2017 (R.I. 07/17) 7
Sviluppo di sistemi di accumulo latente per applicazione in impianti di solar cooling 7
Solar Powered Solid Adsorption System for Cold-Storage Applications 7
Thermal performance of hybrid cement mortar-PCMs for warm climates application 7
Hydration and dehydration behavior of MgSO4 hydrate-silicone composite foams for thermal heat storage application 7
SWS Heating - D4.4 Specifications of the condenser and evaporator HEX prototypes (RE 50) 7
Prototipo di sistema di accumulo termico con scambiatore a piastre e PCM 7
Analysis on integration of heat pumps and thermal energy storage in current energy system: From research outputs to energy policies 7
Tecnologie ad alta Efficienza per la Sostenibilità Energetica ed ambientale On board" (TESEO) Obiettivo realizzativo OR5: Studio e realizzazione di sistemi energetici altamente innovativi appositamente sviluppati per applicazioni di medio e lungo termine nel settore marino Stato di avanzamento n. 7 01/07/2015 - 31/12/2015 (R.E. n° 78/15) 7
Development and characterization of silane-zeolite adsorbent coatings for adsorption heat pump applications 7
Development of adsorbent materials for adsorption cooling, Research contract between FAHRENHEIT AG and CNR ICCOM, Second Technical report 7
Dynamic evaluation of sorption working pairs and hybrid configurations for waste heat - to- cool solutions 7
Tecnologie ad alta Efficienza per la Sostenibilità Energetica ed ambientale On board" (TESEO) Obiettivo realizzativo OR5: Studio e realizzazione di sistemi energetici altamente innovativi appositamente sviluppati per applicazioni di medio e lungo termine nel settore marino Stato di avanzamento n. 4 01/01/2014 - 30/06/2014 (R.E. n° 97/14) 7
Adsorption Heat Storage: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives 7
Tecnologie ad alta Efficienza per la Sostenibilità Energetica ed ambientale On board" (TESEO) Obiettivo realizzativo OR5: Studio e realizzazione di sistemi energetici altamente innovativi appositamente sviluppati per applicazioni di medio e lungo termine nel settore marino Stato di avanzamento n. 6 01/01/2015 - 30/06/2015 (R.E. n° 77/15) 7
Magnesium sulphate-silicone foam composites for thermochemical energy storage: Assessment of dehydration behaviour and mechanical stability 6
Evaluation of hydrothermal stability of commercial silico-alumino-phosphate adsorbent material for automotive applications: phase III 6
HYSTORE Deliverable 2.3 - Report on the selection of TCM materials for solution IV and the characterization 6
Experiments and Modeling of Solid–Solid Phase Change Material-Loaded Plaster to Enhance Building Energy Efficiency 6
Screening and experimental evaluation of materials for sorption storage applications for sector coupling 6
Unified Methodology to Identify the Potential Application of Seasonal Sorption Storage Technology 6
Sorption systems for thermal energy storage 6
Experimental evaluation of different macro-encapsulation designs for PCM storages for cooling applications 6
Experimental testing of a novel activated carbon/ethanol refrigerator 6
D 2.3 "Certification and marking strategies for future EU wide exploitation" 6
Contract CNR ITAE - Toyota Motor Corporation: Evaluation of hydrothermal stability of commercial silico-alumino-phosphate adsorbent material for automotive applications: phase II - Deliverable 3 (R.E. 43/2015) 6
HYCOOL - D4.2 Set of data on currently commercially available as well as state of the art adsorber materials (RE 46) 6
Experimental characterization of the LiCl/vermiculite composite for sorption heat storage applications|Caractérisation expérimentale du composite LiCl/vermiculite pour les applications de stockage de chaleur par sorption 6
Tecnologie ad alta Efficienza per la Sostenibilità Energetica ed ambientale On board" (TESEO) Obiettivo realizzativo OR5: Studio e realizzazione di sistemi energetici altamente innovativi appositamente sviluppati per applicazioni di medio e lungo termine nel settore marino Stato di avanzamento n. 3 01/07/2013 - 31/12/2013 (R.E. n° 41/13) 6
Deliverable 8.3 "Exploitable results table" 6
Experimental characterization of promising phase change materials for solar cooling applications 5
Contract CNR ITAE - Toyota Motor Corporation: Evaluation of hydrothermal stability of commercial silico-alumino-phosphate adsorbent material for automotive applications: phase II - Technical Note (R.E. 45/2015) 5
SWS Heating - D7.1 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) (RE 53) 5
Prototipo di accumulo latente basato su scambiatore di calore a tubi alettati per applicazioni solar cooling 5
Experimental and theoretical analysis of hybrid cement mortars-PCMs for energy efficient buildings applications 5
Sorption Thermal Energy Storage 5
Titolo: Report of the second year of activity - from 01/07/2019 to 31/05/2020 5
Morphological evaluation of hydration/dehydration stages of an innovative MgSO4 filled composite silicone foam for thermal energy storage applications 5
Formulation and development of composite materials for thermally driven and storage-integrated cooling technologies: a review 5
Progetto PIACE - Industria 2015 - Deliverable U7.12: Second design review di un prototipo in scala industriale di accumulo termico a tecnologia PCM - Rapp. Est. 71/2014 5
Progetto SWS Heating - D6.2 Lab-scale test results of the prototype SWS-STES configuration - RE-73/24 5
P.O.N. RICERCA E COMPETITIVITA' 2007-2013 - Avviso n. 713/Ric. del 29/10/2010 Titolo II - "Sviluppo/Potenziamento di DAT e di LPP"-RAPPORTO TECNICO FINALE TESEO OR4 Attività: 4.4 - Sviluppo di tecnologie per la refrigerazione di prodotti ittici mediante processi ad adsorbimento alimentati dai calori di scarto disponibili a bordo 5
Assessment of the hydration/dehydration behaviour of MgSO4?7H2O filled cellular foams for sorption storage applications through morphological and thermo-gravimetric analyses 5
Sorption composites for sustainable cooling: a comparison among different salts and host matrices 5
Water adsorption equilibrium and dynamics of LICL/MWCNT/PVA composite for adsorptive heat storage 5
Latent thermal storage for solar cooling applications: materials characterization and numerical optimization of finned storage configurations 5
Realizzazione e test sperimentale delle performance del prototipo di accumulo termico a tecnologia PCM. 5
Experimental comparison of two heat exchanger concepts for latent heat storage applications 4
Design and testing of a latent heat storage for solar cooling applications 4
Thermochemical heat storage: experimental characterization of materials and prototypes 4
Study of adsorption dynamics of ethanol onto porous materials 4
VIESSMANN contract (period from Jan 2014 to March 2014) Validation of zeolite coatings - final report , Rapp. Est. 07/2015 4
Evaluation of the properties of silane-zeolite composite coatings for adsorption heat pumps 4
Preliminary investigation on regeneration of simulated radionuclide-contaminated activated carbons by microwave irradiation 4
ENGIMMONIA Deliverable 5.3 – Design/material identification for adsorption chiller for use in long distance vessels 4
Ethanol adsorption onto carbonaceous and composite adsorbents for adsorptive cooling system 4
MgSO4·7H2O filled macro cellular foams: An innovative composite sorbent for thermo-chemical energy storage applications for solar buildings 4
Experimental investigation of a latent heat storage for solar cooling applications 4
Dynamics study of ethanol adsorption on microporous activated carbon for adsorptive cooling applications 4
Prototipo di sistema di accumulo latente per applicazione in impianti solari termici 4
Progetto TESEO att.5.3.2 - 5.3.3 Attività 5.3. (R.E.36) 4
Atomistic modelling of water transport and adsorption mechanisms in silicoaluminophosphate for thermal energy storage 4
Prototipo di accumulo latente per applicazioni navali da 0.1 dm3 4
Latent heat storage for low-grade heat applications: experimental analysis of a lab-scale prototype 4
Contract CNR ITAE - Toyota Motor Corporation: Evaluation of hydrothermal stability of commercial silico-alumino-phosphate adsorbent material for automotive applications: phase I - Deliverable 2 (R.E. 17/2015) 4
Progetto SWS Heating - D4.2 Design of the innovative sorption storage including the central switching unit - RE-71/24 4
Progetto SWS Heating - D4.3 Specifications of the adsorber HEX prototypes - RE-72/24 4
Characterisation and comparative analysis of zeotype water adsorbents for heat transformation applications 4
Thermal performance of a latent thermal energy storage for exploitation of renewables and waste heat: An experimental investigation based on an asymmetric plate heat exchanger 4
Experimental methods for the Characterization of Materials for Sorption Storage 4
Experimental characterization of composites materials for thermochemical storage with foam matrices 4
Progetto esecutivo di un serbatoio per l'accumulo con PCM con densità di energia superiore a 100 MJ/m3 4
How the use of solvent affects the mechanical behavior of polyester resin/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites 4
Totale 616
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.494
article - articoli 1.375
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 90
Totale 4.959

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 5
2024/2025682 8 8 135 80 287 150 14 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 694