Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 466
AS - Asia 314
EU - Europa 212
Totale 992
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 465
SG - Singapore 281
IT - Italia 119
FI - Finlandia 42
CN - Cina 24
LV - Lettonia 20
DE - Germania 13
EE - Estonia 11
KR - Corea 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
IE - Irlanda 2
NL - Olanda 2
AT - Austria 1
BE - Belgio 1
CA - Canada 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
Totale 992
Città #
Santa Clara 365
Singapore 210
Helsinki 41
Padova 32
Milan 25
Guangzhou 16
Tallinn 11
Venice 11
Falkenstein 10
Boardman 7
Phoenix 5
Seoul 5
Albignasego 4
Hong Kong 4
Varese 4
Ashburn 3
Fort Worth 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Valenza 3
Bitonto 2
Cambridge 2
Como 2
Dublin 2
Modena 2
Pisa 2
Rome 2
Seattle 2
Selvazzano Dentro 2
Amsterdam 1
Bologna 1
Bolzano Vicentino 1
Brussels 1
Chicago 1
Council Bluffs 1
Legnano 1
Nanyang 1
Ottawa 1
Parma 1
Prineville 1
Southampton 1
Springfield 1
Verona 1
Vienna 1
Viterbo 1
Totale 796
Nome #
Calculation of α knock-on neutron spectra from JET DT plasmas 39
Overview of the EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation programme in support of ITER and DEMO 28
RFX-mod2 Facility Upgrades And Diagnostic Capability Enhancements For The Exploration Of Multi-Magnetic-Configurations 27
RFX-mod2 diagnostic capability enhancements for the exploration of multi-magnetic-configurations 23
Divertor Tokamak Test facility project: status of design and implementation 16
Design solutions for the hodoscope of the magnetic proton recoil neutron spectrometer of the SPARC tokamak 13
Detection of alpha heating in JET-ILW DT plasmas by a study of the electron temperature response to ICRH modulation 12
First neutron spectroscopy measurements with a pixelated diamond detector at JET 12
First direct measurement of the spectrum emitted by the H 3 (H 2,γ) He 5 reaction and assessment of the relative yield γ1 to γ0 12
A high resolution neutron spectroscopic camera for SPARC based on JET DT experience 11
Lessons learned after three years of SPIDER operation and the first MITICA integrated tests 11
Capabilities of a Diamond Detector matrix for neutron spectroscopy measurements at JET 11
Characterization of X-ray Events for a Vacuum High Voltage Holding Experiment 11
NBTF Progress Report 08/2022 11
Overview of T and D-T results in JET with ITER-like wall 10
GET-ART project: an alternative novel method to measure DT fusion power in magnetic confinement fusion based on detection of 17 MeV gamma rays 10
A new mechanism for increasing density peaking in tokamaks: improvement of the inward particle pinch with edge E x B shearing 10
Diagnostics upgrades for the RFX-mod2 facility for multi-magnetic-configuration exploration 10
A GEM-based high-rate x-rays diagnostic for flux measurement during high voltage conditioning in vacuum insulated systems 10
X-ray Micro-Discharges Fine Dynamics in a Vacuum High Voltage Experiment 10
The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic 10
Measurement of the Gamma-Ray-to-Neutron Branching Ratio for the Deuterium-Tritium Reaction in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasmas 10
Optimization studies for DTT neutron camera collimators 9
Analytical and MonteCarlo approaches to infer the total gamma ray emission from the JET tokamak 9
Interpretative and predictive modelling of Joint European Torus collisionality scans 9
Mosaic diamond detectors for fast neutrons and large ionizing radiation fields 9
NBTF Progress Report 02/2023 9
NBTF Progress Report 04/2022 9
NBTF Progress Report 01/2022 9
NBTF Progress Report 01/2023 9
Observation of alpha-particles in recent D-T experiments on JET 9
A Chlorine based detector (LaCl3(Ce)) for 2.5 MeV neutron spectroscopy in deuterium nuclear fusion plasmas with enhanced particle discrimination algorithm 9
New thick silicon carbide detectors: Response to 14 MeV neutrons and comparison with single-crystal diamonds 9
NBTF Progress Report 05/2022 8
Ion cyclotron resonance heating scenarios for DEMO 8
NBTF Progress Report 03/2022 8
NBTF Progress Report 10/2022 8
European machine enhancements for the JT-60SA Tokamak 8
Synthetic diagnostic for the JET scintillator probe lost alpha measurements 8
NBTF Progress Report 06/2022 8
Comparison of unfolding methods for the inference of runaway electron energy distribution from gamma-ray spectroscopic measurements 8
Characterization of vacuum HV microdischarges at HVPTF through X-ray bremsstrahlung spectroscopy 8
A high-resolution neutron spectroscopic camera for the SPARC tokamak based on the Jet European Torus deuterium-tritium experience 8
Development of a measuring technique based on JET second D-T campaign (DTE2) experience for assessing fusion power at ITER during D-T operation using the radial gamma-ray spectrometer 8
Mosaic diamond detectors for fast neutrons and large ionizing radiation fields 8
Development of fast 2.5 MeV neutron detectors for high-intensity stray magnetic field environments 8
NBTF Progress Report 07/2022 8
NBTF Progress Report 03/2023 8
Overview of the JET results in support to ITER 8
On the road to ITER NBIs: SPIDER improvement after first operation and MITICA construction progress 7
Nuclear diagnostics for assessing the performance of the DT burning plasma experiment SPARC 7
Learning from each other: Cross-cutting diagnostic development activities between magnetic and inertial confinement fusion (invited) 7
Overview of the early campaign diagnostics for the SPARC tokamak (invited) 7
A GEM-based high-rate x-rays diagnostic for flux measurement during high voltage conditioning in vacuum insulated systems 7
Gamma-ray measurements in D3He fusion plasma experiments on JET 7
Control of the hydrogen:deuterium isotope mixture using pellets in JET 7
Design of gamma-ray spectrometers optimized for fast particle studies at ITER 7
COSMONAUT: A COmpact spectrometer for measurements of neutrons at the ASDEX upgrade tokamak 7
Nuclear spectroscopy measurements on DT fusion reactors based on JET experience 6
First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful fusion power predictions for JET and ITER 6
Degenerate Pile-up Correction in Pulse Height Spectra from Gamma-ray Spectrometers 6
Flux symmetry and operational comparison of EJ276 and EJ309 scintillators for fusion neutron spectroscopy at SPIDER 6
The single crystal diamond-based diagnostic suite of the JET tokamak for 14 MeV neutron counting and spectroscopy measurements in DT plasmas 6
First-time demonstration of the three-ion scheme for radio-frequency heating in deuterium-tritium plasmas at the Joint European Torus 6
Characterization of X-ray Events for a Vacuum High Voltage Holding Experiment 6
Preliminary parametric analysis of the first neutrons measured with a scintillator array at SPIDER 6
Characterization of X-Ray Events in a Vacuum High Voltage Long-Gap Experiment 6
A new dedicated signal processing system for gamma-ray spectrometers in high power DT plasmas scenarios in tokamaks 6
Characterization Measurements of Compact Neutron Generators of the New NILE Facility 6
A new hard x-ray spectrometer for runaway electron measurements in tokamaks 6
A new dedicated signal processing system for gamma-ray spectrometers in high power DT plasmas scenarios in tokamaks 6
Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall 6
Ion optical design of the magnetic proton recoil neutron spectrometer for the SPARC tokamak 6
Overview of the neutron diagnostic systems for the SPARC tokamak 6
Private enterprises in fusion: an opportunity for innovative nuclear diagnostics 6
Vacuum High Voltage Holding: DC Experiments and modelling 5
Detecting alpha - particle heating in JET-ILWDT Hybrid discharges by the delayed electron temperature response to ICRH modulation 5
JET D-T scenario with optimized non-thermal fusion 5
Conceptual design of a GEM based Cherenkov detector diagnostic for measurement of 17 MeV gamma rays from T(D,gamma)5He in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas 5
Fundamental ICRF Heating of Deuterium Ions in JET-DTE2 5
First measurement of neutrons produced by deuterium fusion reactions in SPIDER 5
Multiphysics approach to plasma neutron source modelling at the JET tokamak 5
Facets of alpha particle physics anticipated in D-3He plasmas in preparation for deuterium-tritium at the Joint European Torus 5
Characterization and operational stability of EJ276 plastic scintillator-based detector for neutron spectroscopy 5
X-ray Micro-Discharges Fine Dynamics in a Vacuum High Voltage Experiment 5
Towards the use of SDD as an absolute detector for high-energy neutron measurements 5
null 5
Conceptual studies of gamma ray diagnostics for DEMO control 5
ICRH operations and experiments during the JET-ILW tritium and DTE2 campaigns 5
Generation and observation of fast deuterium ions and fusion-born alpha particles in JET D-He-3 plasmas with the 3-ion radio-frequency heating scenario 5
Beam uniformity studies based on neutrons measured with a scintillator array at SPIDER with Cs injection 5
COREDIV numerical simulation of high neutron rate JET-ILW DD pulses in view of extension to JET-ILW DT experiments 5
Sensitized Triplet–Triplet Annihilation in Nanostructured Polymeric Scintillators Allows for Pulse Shape Discrimination 5
Conceptual design of the radial gamma ray spectrometers system for alpha particle and runaway electron measurements at ITER 4
Fast neutron response characterization of an EJ-276 plastic scintillator for use as a neutron monitor 4
Runaway electron beam dynamics at low plasma density in DIII-D: energy distribution, current profile, and internal instability 4
High rate neutron and gamma ray spectroscopy of magnetic confinement fusion plasmas 4
Detailed reproduction of the neutron emission from the compact DT neutron generator used as an in-situ 14 MeV calibration neutron source at JET 4
Activation measurements in support of the 14 MeV neutron calibration of T JET neutron monitors 4
MeV range particle physics studies in tokamak plasmas using gamma-ray spectroscopy 4
Totale 827
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.409
article - articoli 2.909
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 8.318

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 21 29 20
2024/2025993 11 16 225 226 336 177 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.064