Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 584
AS - Asia 255
EU - Europa 103
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 943
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 584
SG - Singapore 249
IT - Italia 65
FI - Finlandia 23
NL - Olanda 9
CN - Cina 6
DE - Germania 4
FR - Francia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
Totale 943
Città #
Santa Clara 545
Singapore 161
Helsinki 23
Turin 8
Milan 7
Bologna 6
Rome 5
Perugia 4
Amsterdam 3
Falkenstein 3
Florence 3
Bari 2
Cavallino 2
Phoenix 2
San Giuseppe Vesuviano 2
Christchurch 1
Clermont-Ferrand 1
Forest City 1
Monteforte d'Alpone 1
Nola 1
Sale 1
Trieste 1
Urbana 1
Totale 784
Nome #
First national inventory of high-elevation mass movements in the Italian Alps 20
A model for estimating flood damage in Italy: preliminary results. 19
Effects of inter-annual climate variability on grape harvest timing in rainfed hilly vineyards of Piedmont (NW Italy) 13
“La Criosfera”, in Siccità, scarsità e crisi idriche 13
Water Colour Changes in High-Elevation Alpine Lakes during 2017–2022: A Case Study of the Upper Orco Valley Catchment 12
Albedo effect on near surface air temperature measurement 11
Effects of inter-annual climate variability on grape harvest timing in rainfed hilly vineyards of Piedmont (NW Italy) 11
Co-design of sectoral climate services based on seasonal prediction information in theMediterranean 11
RiST2: ricerca scientifica e tecnologica nel bacino glaciale della Bessanese (TO) 11
Serie storiche Vezzolano - Progetto "Recupero e valorizzazione delle serie storiche di dati agro-meteorologici di Vezzolano" 11
"PROJECT DAMAGE: Développement d'Actions pour le Marketing et la Gestion post-évènement". 11
An integrated approach to investigate climate-driven rockfall occurrence in high alpine slopes: the Bessanese glacial basin, Western Italian Alps 11
Clima e ghiacciai nelle Alpi Occidentali italiane: variabilità ed evoluzione negli ultimi 150 anni 10
Climate variability and Alpine glaciers evolution in Northwestern Italy from the Little Ice Age to the 2010s 10
Floods in alpine river basins (Italy): an interdisciplinary study combining historical information and hydroclimatic data 10
A GIS tool for historical instability processes data entry: An approach to hazard management in two Italian Alpine river basins 10
Il SIT-RIG della Val Germanasca 10
Aumento delle temperature: l'impatto ambientale sulle Alpi 9
Rock temperature variability in the alpine cryosphere 9
I ghiacciai delle Alpi piemontesi centro-meridionali dalla Piccola Età Glaciale al 2006 9
Mobilità planimetrica di un alveo fluviale e condizionamento imposto dall uomo. Il caso del Fiume Tanaro in territorio alessandrino. 9
Effects of inter-annual climate variability on grape harvest timing in rainfed hilly vineyards of Piedmont (NW Italy) 9
Scienza e Conoscenza 9
Gli archivi e la montagna : scritti in onore di Paolo De Gasperis 9
High Elevation Rock Falls and Their Climatic Control: a Case Study in the Conca di Cervinia (NW Italian Alps). 9
The May 2008 extreme rain event in the Germanasca Valley (Italian Western Alps): processes and effects observed along the hydrographic network and valley slopes 9
Instrumented experimental sites for the control of landslide hazards in mountain environments: the Germanasca and Susa Valleys (Northwestern Italy). 9
1991-2020 climate normal in the European Alps: focus on high-elevation environments 9
Vulnerabilità manifestata dagli argini maestri del Fiume Po negli ultimi due secoli 9
Little Ice Age glacial systems and related natural instability processes in the Orco Valley (North-Western Italy) 9
Application of a model to the evaluation of flood damage 9
Bacino idrografico del Torrente Orco: analisi integrata evento-fenomeno-danno. 9
Changes of glaciers outlines in the last 150 years in the Western Italian Alps 9
Organizzazione di documentazione storica eterogenea per studi sull'instabilità geo-idrologica: un approccio a basso costo 9
Evolution of temperature indices in the periglacial environment of the European Alps in the period 1990-2019 8
Temperature measurements in the alpine cryosphere: a new approach 8
High elevation rock falls and their climatic control: a case study in the Conca di Cervinia (NW Italian Alps) 8
Freeze-thaw cycles in the rocks of the Bessanese experimental site (Western Alps, Italy) 8
Recently deglaciated areas, permafrost and natural instability in the Orco and Lanzo valleys (NW Italy) 8
Rock temperature variability in high-altitude rockfall-prone areas 8
Strategies and tools for a systematic hazard assessment in glacial and periglacial alpine areas, in a contest of climate change 8
Large glacier failures in the Italian Alps over the last 90 years 8
Catasto delle frane di alta quota nelle Alpi italiane 8
Climatic conditions associated to the occurrence of slope instabilities in the Italian Alps in year 2016 8
Progetto RiST2, un breve video di fine progetto 8
Verifica di possibili criteri di individuazione di soglie pluviometriche per situazioni di emergenza idrogeologiche 8
Morphometric reconstruction of glacial outlines from Little Ice Age to the present in the Italian Western Alps 8
Rock and debris temperature in the alpine cryosphere 8
Links among rock thermal properties, climatic data and geomorphological processes in a high-elevation instrumented site (W-Alps, Italy) 8
Slope failures at high elevation in the Italian Alps in the period 2000-2020 8
I ghiacciai delle Alpi piemontesi centro-meridionali dalla Piccola Età Glaciale al 2006 8
Risultati preliminari dell'applicazione di un modello metodologico per la stima del danno atteso da inondazione 8
Rock temperature measurements in high-alpine cryosphere: the role of metrology 7
Potentialities of Sentinel-2 images for the study of the fresh water resource in a mountainous catchment 7
Recently deglaciated areas, permafrost and natural instability in the Orco and Lanzo valleys (NW Italy) 7
Climate anomalies associated to the occurrence of rockfalls at high-elevation in the Italian Alps 7
Metrology for climate observation 7
Instrumental monitoring for development, control, projecting and construction of defensive works: the case of Gardiola landslide 7
Effetti del Cambiamento Climatico sui Ghiacciai delle Alpi Occidentali 7
Integration of geomorphological field surveys and geomatics methodologies for natural hazards assessment in glacial and periglacial areas of the Piemonte region (NW-Italy) 7
I rifugi, le nostre sentinelle 7
Fenomeni di instabilità idrogeologica ed effetti sulla viabilità provinciale di Torino, comprensiva dei ponti 7
Campagna glaciologica 2023: Sopralluogo e relazione per i ghiacciai dell'Arguerey meridionale, dell'Arguerey settentrionale, del Breuil meridionale e del Breuil settentrionale 7
Slope failures in high-mountain areas in the Alpine Region 7
Alpine Indicators of Climate Change 7
WebGIS Rischi naturali e viabilità nella Provincia di Torino 7
Risultati preliminari dell'applicazione di un modello metodologico per la stima del danno atteso da inondazione 7
Integration of geomorphological field surveys and geomatics methodologies for natural hazards assessment in glacial and periglacial areas of the Piemonte region (NW-Italy) 7
Effect of snow-covered ground albedo on the accuracy of air temperature measurements 7
Changes of glaciers outlines in the last 150 years in the Western Italian Alps 7
Geomorphological evolution and hazard in recently deglaciated areas affected by permafrost degradation (Piedmont Alps, Italy) 7
dbalps: natural instability processes at high-elevation sites 7
Temperature metrology for the cryosphere 7
Il progetto RiST e il laboratorio all'aperto della Bessanese: primi risultati e prospettive 7
Campagna glaciologica 2018: osservazioni ai ghiacciai di Arguerey e Breuil (La Thuile, Valle d'Aosta) 6
Geomorphological studies for hazard assessment in glacial and periglacial areas (Western Italian Alps) 6
Progresses in the investigation of the relation between climate and slope instability processes at high-elevation 6
The 2022 Marmolada Glacier failure in the framework of historical glacier instability in the Italian Alps 6
Rock-face temperature at high-elevation sites: a new measuring approach 6
The evolution of the Mont Tabel Glacier over the last 150 years 6
Rainfall thresholds for possible occurrence of shallow landslides and debris flows in Italy. 6
Predicting the evolution of ice and snow resources at seasonal time scales 6
Temperature in aumento nell'ambiente periglaciale alpino 6
Forecasting alpine glacier evolution at the seasonal/multiannual scale 6
Slope instabilities occurred at high elevation in the Italian Alps in 2016: Regional landscape fragility and meteorological situation 6
RiST Project: Il bacino glaciale della Bessanese come laboratorio di ricerca all'aperto 6
Dynamic taxonomies applied to a web-based relational database for geo-hydrological risk mitigation 5
Osservazioni ai ghiacciai Arguerey e Breuil 5
Recent slope failures in the Dolomites (northeastern Italian Alps) in a context of climate change 5
The impact of climatic factors on slope instability processes in permafrost areas: the case study of the Matterhorn (Northwestern Alps) 5
A method to reveal climatic variables triggering slope failures at high elevation 5
A model for simulating event scenarios and estimating expected economic losses for residential buildings: preliminary results 5
Recent slope failures in the Dolomites (Northeastern Italian Alps) in a context of climate change 5
New insights in the relation between climate and slope failures at high-elevation sites 5
Seasonal prediction of the evolution of ice and snow resources 5
Gradiente termico verticale e processi di instabilità naturale in alta quota: il caso di studio del Cervino 5
Slope instabilities occurred at high elevation in the Italian Alps in 2016: regional landscape fragility and meteorological framework 5
Co-design of sectoral climate services based on seasonal prediction information in the Mediterranean 5
Campagna glaciologica 2018: osservazioni ai ghiacciai del gruppo Clapier-Maledia 4
Campagna glaciologica 2014: osservazioni ai ghiacciai Arguerey e Breuil (La Thuile, Aosta) 4
Totale 795
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.848
article - articoli 2.081
book - libri 107
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 276
Totale 7.312

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 6 3
2024/2025937 9 15 170 108 489 124 22 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 952