Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 678
AS - Asia 381
EU - Europa 287
AF - Africa 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 1.348
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 673
SG - Singapore 320
IT - Italia 128
EE - Estonia 83
CN - Cina 42
FI - Finlandia 32
DE - Germania 10
IE - Irlanda 7
KR - Corea 7
NL - Olanda 6
AT - Austria 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
CA - Canada 2
DK - Danimarca 2
FR - Francia 2
GR - Grecia 2
LT - Lituania 2
PA - Panama 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
HR - Croazia 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
PH - Filippine 1
PL - Polonia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 1.348
Città #
Santa Clara 535
Singapore 176
Tallinn 83
Bologna 63
Helsinki 32
Guangzhou 25
Afragola 9
Ashburn 7
Dublin 7
Los Angeles 6
Seoul 6
Vienna 5
Amsterdam 4
Brescia 4
Marigliano 4
Venice 4
Casandrino 3
Cavallino 3
Falkenstein 3
Hong Kong 3
Milan 3
Potenza 3
Rome 3
Athens 2
Bratislava 2
Ferrara 2
Parma 2
Trento 2
Xi'an 2
Baku 1
Boston 1
Buenos Aires 1
Central 1
Colombo 1
Copenhagen 1
Dubai 1
Edison 1
Forest City 1
Lauterbourg 1
Luxembourg 1
Manila 1
Naples 1
Nicosia 1
Nuremberg 1
Ottawa 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Rabat 1
Reston 1
Riga 1
Riyadh 1
San José 1
Springfield 1
Tashkent 1
Toronto 1
Verona 1
Viareggio 1
Washington 1
Zagreb 1
Totale 1.033
Nome #
Twelve-crystal prototype of Li2MoO4 scintillating bolometers for CUPID and CROSS experiments 55
A first test of CUPID prototypal light detectors with NTD-Ge sensors in a pulse-tube cryostat 54
Optimization of the first CUPID detector module 38
Novel technique for the study of pile-up events in cryogenic bolometers 36
Near-infrared photodetectors based on graphene embedded between amorphous and crystalline silicon 34
Silicon Meet Graphene for a New Family of Resonant Cavity Enhanced Photodetectors 33
CUPID: The Next-Generation Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiment 22
A CUPID Li2 100MoO4 scintillating bolometer tested in the CROSS underground facility 20
Nanomolded buried light-scattering (BLiS) back-reflectors using dielectric nanoparticles for light harvesting in thin-film silicon solar cells 19
Experimental analysis and simulation of the optical properties of gold nano-particles on sodium alginate 17
Chemical Vapour Deposition grown graphene membranes and nanocomposites for optoelectronic and sensing applications 14
Field emission studies on carbon nanotubes in alumina templates 14
Metodo e sistema con nanomanipolatori per misure elettriche affidabili su CNTs cresciuti direttamente sugli elettrodi 14
High density electron emission source based on carbon nanotubes for industrial applications 13
Synthesis of High-Density Graphene Foams Using Nanoparticle Templates 13
Near-infrared photodetectors based on embedded graphene 13
Electron Sources Based on the Field Emission Properties of Carbon Nanotube Systems Organized at the Micro- and Mesoscopic Scale 13
Simulation with GEANT4 of a novel position detector based on nanotechnologies 13
Amorphous silicon nitrogen alloys deposited by PECVD under hydrogen dilution conditions 12
Directly patterned TiO2 nanostructures for efficient light harvesting in thin film solar cells 12
High density electron emission source based on carbon nanotubes for industrial applications 12
Honeycomb arrays of carbon nanotubes in alumina templates for field emission based devices and electron sources 12
Effects of Ni catalyst-substrate interaction on carbon nanotubes growth by CVD 12
Carbon nanotubes grown by catalytic CVD on silicon based substrates for electronics applications 12
Growth of carbon nanotubes by Fe-catalyzed chemical vapor processes on silicon-based substrates 12
Carrier confinement in a-Si1-xNx:H multilayer structures for increased light emission 12
Heterojunction Solar Cells on Textured Silicon 12
Simulation with GEANT4 of a novel position detector based on nanotechnologies 12
Novel back-reflector architecture with nanoparticle based buried light-scattering microstructures for improved solar cell performance 12
Graphene as transparent front contact for dye sensitized solar cells 12
Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Applications 12
Investigation on carbon nanotube growth by site selective CVD with nickel catalyst 12
Machine Learning Techniques for Pile-Up Rejection in Cryogenic Calorimeters 11
Modification of anisotropic plasma diffusion via auxiliary electrons emitted by a carbon nanotubes based electron gun in the CAESAR source 11
Photonic Applications: Impact on “Dielectric Laser Acceleration” and Other Case Studies 11
Sistema CVD a due camere per la deposizione di nanotubi di carbonio in diversi regimi 11
Tecnologia di crescita localizzata mediante CCVD di SWCNTs orizzontali sospesi tra elettrodi 11
Junction formation and interface passivation in homojunction and heterojunction silicon solar cells deposited by VHF PECVD 11
Celle fotovoltaiche di alta efficienza a eterogiunzione silicio amorfo-nanocristallino/silicio cristallino per applicazioni industriali su vasta scala 11
Electrical measurements of single walled carbon nanotubes horizontally grown by CVD on doped polysilicon electrodes 11
Simulation with GEANT4 of a novel position detector based on nanotechnologies 11
Modification of anisotropic plasma diffusion via auxiliary electrons emitted by a carbon nanotubes-based electron gun in an electron cyclotron resonance ion source 11
Field emission properties of carbon nanotube arrays grown in porous anodic alumina 10
The structural, electronic and transport properties of monatomic chains deposited onto silicon surfaces: A study at semi-empirical level 10
Carbon Nanotubes Array as a Charge Collector of a High Resolution Radiation Sensor 10
Hydrocarbon molecules deposited onto monolayer steps on Si(100): A study of adsorption and conductance 10
A novel position detector based on nanotechnologies: the NanoChanT project 10
Mechanical and electrical characterization of CVD-grown graphene transferred on chalcogenide Ge2Sb2Te5layers 10
Graphene - epoxy flexible transparent capacitor obtained by graphene-polymer transfer and UV-induced bonding 10
Carbon Nanotubes Grown by Catalytic CVD on Silicon Based Substrates for Electronics Applications 10
Efficient light-trapping with quasi-periodic uniaxial nanowrinkles for thinfilm silicon solar cells 10
Plasma deposition of amorphous free microcrystalline silicon films thinner than 20 nm 10
Microcrystalline silicon p-i-n photodetectors for telecommunications and photovoltaic applications 10
Thermal transport studies in CVD grown graphene membranes for applications in thermal sensing devices 10
Study of thermal transport properties of CVD grown graphene membranes: a route to graphene-based thermal sensing device 10
Low temperature fabrication process for µc-Si / c-Si heterojunctionsolar cells 10
Evaluation of indium tin oxide based surface plasmon resonance sensor for near-IR applications 10
An optimized texturing process for silicon solar cell substrates using TMAH 10
The conductance of monoatomic As and Ag chains deposited onto silicon steps evaluated using a simplified scattering approach 10
Sistema di misura di emissione di elettroni per effetto di campo 9
Combining light-harvesting with detachability in high-efficiency thin-film silicon solar cellse anno di pubblicazione 9
Modulation of charge transport properties of reduced graphene oxide by submonolayer physisorption of an organic dye 9
TCO optimization of c-si heterojunction solar cells for tandem architecture by optical simulation 9
Brightness Degradation Controlled by Current Induced Metastable Defect Creation in a-SiC:H Based Light Emitting Diodes 9
Patterned growth of carbon nanotubes synthesized by Fe-catalyzed chemical vapour deposition 9
ITO-Free Organic Light-Emitting Transistors with Graphene Gate Electrode 9
A ternary-3D analysis of the optical properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon-rich carbide 9
Charge transport in graphene-polythiophene blends as studied by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and transistor characterization 9
Transfer of a highly efficient thin-film photovoltaic device from its growth substrate to a flexible plastic sheet 9
Ultrathin mu c-Si films deposited by PECVD 9
Synthesis and applications of nanostructured and nanocrystalline silicon based thin films 9
Hydrocarbon Molecules Deposited onto Silicon Surfaces: A DFT Study of Adsorption and Conductance 8
Metodologie di crescita di nanotubi di carbonio mediante deposizione chimica da fase vapore su substrati patternati e in nanostampi 8
Large area fabrication of self-standing nanoporous graphene-on-PMMA substrate 8
Silicon heterojunction solar cells with epitaxial buffer layer on textured substrates 8
Injection of auxiliary electrons for increasing the plasma density in highly charged and high intensity ion sources 8
Influence of the substrate types and treatments on carbon nanotube growth by chemical vapour deposition with nickel catalyst 8
The CANTES experiment: a carbon nanotubes based electron gun to improve the performances of the electron cyclotron resonance ion sources 8
Application of nanotechnologies in high energy physics 8
Nanotechnologies applied to High Energy Physics Detectors 8
Hydrocarbon molecules deposited onto monolayer steps on Si (100): a study of absorption and conductance 8
Carbon-cap for Ohmic Contacts on Ion Implanted 4H-SiC 8
Application of nanotechnologies in high energy physics 7
Patterned growth of carbon nanotubes synthesized by Fe-catalyzed chemical vapour processes on different substrates 7
Contamination-free graphene by chemical vapor deposition in quartz furnaces 7
Silicon heterojunction solar cells with microcrystalline emitter 7
Influence of front contact material on silicon heterojunction solar cell performance 7
Heterojunction solar cells: a new insight in the intrinsic buffer layer concept 7
Amorphous carbon deposited by pulsed laser ablation as material for cold cathode flat emitters 7
Enhancement of electrical and thermal conductivity of Su-8 photocrosslinked coatings containing graphene 7
Chemical production and applications of graphene based materials 6
Study of Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Nitrogen Alloys for Photovoltaic Applications 6
Photocarrier collection in a-SiC : H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells 6
Homojunction and heterojunction silicon solar cells deposited by low temperature-high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition 6
Enhanced Performance of Graphene-Epoxy Flexible Capacitors by Means of Ceramic Fillers 6
Local epitaxy from the silicon substrate in silicon-rich SiC during Si-nanocrystals formation 6
a-Si : H based two-dimensional photonic crystals 6
Totale 1.212
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.975
article - articoli 3.155
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 118
Totale 9.248

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202463 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 6 46 1
2024/20251.347 7 12 206 175 463 103 25 250 106 0 0 0
Totale 1.410