Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 489
AS - Asia 165
EU - Europa 128
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 786
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 489
SG - Singapore 155
IT - Italia 101
FI - Finlandia 9
KR - Corea 9
DE - Germania 8
FR - Francia 5
AU - Australia 4
ES - Italia 3
AT - Austria 1
PL - Polonia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 786
Città #
Santa Clara 451
Singapore 122
Genoa 24
Pisa 16
Helsinki 9
Cascina 7
Campi Bisenzio 5
Florence 5
Le Mans 5
Pescara 5
Seoul 5
Ashburn 4
Rome 3
Bari 2
Bologna 2
Castelleone 2
Chieti 2
Falkenstein 2
Matelica 2
Monza 2
Adelaide 1
Bergamo 1
Berlin 1
Fort Worth 1
Gdansk 1
Lucca 1
Madrid 1
Milan 1
Mira 1
Modena 1
Munich 1
Nuremberg 1
Parma 1
Phoenix 1
Venice 1
Vicenza 1
Vienna 1
Washington 1
Totale 693
Nome #
NLP based Metadata Extraction for Legal Text Consolidation 17
Tell me how you write and I'll tell you what you read: a study on the writing style of book reviews 17
Parlamint-it: an 18-karat UD treebank of Italian parliamentary speeches 16
Computational Analysis of Historical Documents: An Application to Italian War Bulletins in World War I and II 16
A Contrastive Approach to Multi-word Extraction from Domain-specific Corpora 15
Linguistic Knowledge Can Enhance Encoder-Decoder Models (If You Let It) 13
NLP based Metadata Extraction for Legal Text Consolidation 13
T2K: a System for Automatically Extracting and Organizing Knowledge from Texts 13
Le tecnologie linguistico-computazionali nella misura della leggibilità di testi giuridici 13
On Robustness and Sensitivity of a Neural Language Model: A Case Study on Italian L1 Learner Errors 12
LangLearn at EVALITA 2023: Overview of the Language Learning Development Task 12
Neuroscienze e genetica comportamentale in un corpus di sentenze italiane alla luce dei risultati di elaborazioni linguistico-computazionali 12
Defining an annotation scheme with a view to automatic text simplification 11
Tracking the Evolution of Written Language Competence in L2 Spanish Learners 11
Assessing the Impact of Incremental Error Detection and Correction. A Case Study on the Italian Universal Dependency Treebank 11
Unmasking the Wordsmith: Revealing Author Identity through Reader Reviews 11
What Makes My Model Perplexed? A Linguistic Investigation on Neural Language Models Perplexity 11
Le tecnologie linguistico-computazionali per la leggibilità della comunicazione istituzionale 11
Is Neural Language Model Perplexity Related to Readability? 11
Sentences and documents in native language identification 11
Dal testo alla conoscenza e ritorno: estrazione terminologica e annotazione semantica di basi documentali di dominio. 10
Why is this language complex? Cherry-pick the optimal set of features in multilingual treebanks 10
Domain Adaptation for Dependency Parsing at EVALITA 2011 10
Tracking the Evolution of Written Language Competence: an NLP-based Approach 10
Metodi e Tecniche di Trattamento Automatico della Lingua per l'Estrazione di Conoscenza dalla Documentazione Scolastica 10
Italian Transformers Under the Linguistic Lens 10
PaCCSS-IT: A Parallel Corpus of Complex-Simple Sentences for Automatic Text Simplification 10
Design and Annotation of the First Italian Corpus for Text Simplification 10
Linguistic Profiling of a Neural Language Model 10
Le parole del miglioramento. Come le scuole descrivono il cambiamento 9
SemEval-2022 Task 3: PreTENS - Evaluating Neural Networks on Presuppositional Semantic Knowledge 9
Language technologies for automatic readability assessment of health-related Information: a preliminary investigation into the informed consent forms used in a regional health service 9
Dangerous Relations in Dependency Treebanks 9
Acquiring Legal Ontologies from Domain-specific Texts 9
Legal Language and Legal Knowledge Management Applications 9
Assessing the readability of sentences: which corpora and features? 9
Making Italian Parliamentary Records Machine-Actionable: the Construction of the ParlaMint-IT corpus 8
Assessing the Impact of Iterative Error Detection and Correction. A Case Study on the Italian Universal Dependency Treebank 8
Linguistic Profiling based on General-purpose Features and Native Language Identification 8
Probing tasks under pressure 8
Nove Anni di jTEI: What's New? 8
Identifying predictive features for textual genre classification: The key role of syntax 8
Monitoraggio linguistico di Scritture Brevi: aspetti metodologici e primi risultati 8
Universal Dependencies and Quantitative Typological Trends. A Case Study on Word Order 8
Linguistically-driven Selection of Difficult-to-Parse Dependency Structures 8
Assessing document and sentence readability in less resourced languages and across textual genres 7
Investigating the relationship between neuroscience and law: a case study on a corpus of Italian case law texts 7
La fede dichiarata. Un'analisi linguistico-computazionale 7
Dal testo alla conoscenza e ritorno: estrazione terminologica e annotazione semantica di basi documentali di dominio 7
COVID-19 vaccinations: An overview of the Italian national health system's online communication from a citizen perspective 7
Linguistically annotated multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint.ana 2.1 7
Voices of the Great War: A Richly Annotated Corpus of Italian Texts on the First World War 7
Building an ontological support for multilingual legislative drafting 7
Investigating legal language peculiarities across different types of Italian legal texts: an NLP-based approach 7
Multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint 2.1 7
Towards a FrameNet Resource for the Legal Domain 7
NLP-based ontology learning from legal texts. A case study 7
The BioLexicon: a large-scale terminological resource for biomedical text mining 7
AcCompl-it @ EVALITA2020: Overview of the acceptability & complexity evaluation task for Italian 7
Semantic annotation of Italian legal texts: a FrameNet-based approach 7
Is this sentence difficult? Do you agree? 7
Bootstrapping a Verb Lexicon for Biomedical Information Extraction 7
A two-level Knowledge approach to support multilingual legislative drafting 7
The ParlaMint corpora of parliamentary proceedings 7
Testing the Effectiveness of the Diagnostic Probing Paradigm on Italian Treebanks 7
When a FrameNet-style knowledge description meets an ontological characterization of Fundamental Legal Concepts 7
null 6
Gender and Genre Linguistic profiling: A case study on female and male journalistic and diary prose 6
La qualità dei consensi informati. Un'analisi linguistico-computazionale della leggibilità dei testi 6
Evaluating Large Language Models via Linguistic Profiling 6
Linguistically-Based Comparison of Different Approaches to Building Corpora for Text Simplification: A Case Study on Italian 6
Italian and English sentence simplification: How many differences? 6
What makes a review helpful? Predicting the helpfulness of Italian tripadvisor reviews 6
Domain Adaptation for Dependency Parsing at Evalita 2011 6
Tecnologie linguistico-computazionali per il monitoraggio della competenza linguistica italiana degli alunni stranieri nella scuola primaria e secondaria 6
Probing Linguistic Knowledge in Italian Neural Language Models across Language Varieties 6
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Linguistic Complexity (CL4LC 2016) 6
Report on Ontology learning tool and testing 6
Higher readability of institutional websites drives the correct fruition of the abortion pathway: A cross-sectional study 5
Tecnologie linguistico-computazionali per il monitoraggio delle competenze linguistiche di apprendenti l'italiano come L2 5
Dissecting Treebanks to Uncover Typological Trends. A Multilingual Comparative Approach 5
Verba et Acta. Un esperimento per promuovere l'evoluzione delle compe- tenze linguistiche degli studenti degli istituti professionali 5
Semantic processing of legal texts 5
Bootstrapping a Verb Lexicon for Biomedical Information Extraction 5
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Semantic Processing of Legal Texts 5
Quantitative linguistic investigations across universal dependencies treebanks 5
Tecnologie linguistico-computazionali per il monitoraggio della competenza linguistica italiana degli alunni stranieri nella scuola primaria e secondaria 5
NLP-Based Readability Assessment of Health-Related Texts: a Case Study on Italian Informed Consent Forms 5
Enriching the ISST-TANL Corpus with Semantic Frames 5
READ-IT: assessing readability of Italian texts with a view to text simplification 4
A NLP-based analysis of reflective writings by Italian teachers 4
Categorising Modality in Biomedical Texts 4
Unsupervised Linguistically-Driven Reliable Dependency Parses Detection and Self-Training for Adaptation to the Biomedical Domain 4
Linguistically-driven selection of correct arcs for dependency parsing 4
Waiting time information in the Italian NHS: A citizen perspective 4
Analytics dei testi riflessivi scritti dai docenti neoassunti nel portfolio digitale 4
Evalita 2011: the Frame Labeling over Italian Texts Task 4
Il ruolo delle tecnologie del linguaggio nel monitoraggio dell'evoluzione delle abilità di scrittura: primi risultati 4
CItA: un Corpus di Produzioni Scritte di Apprendenti l'Italiano L1 Annotato con Errori 3
Totale 804
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.413
article - articoli 873
book - libri 62
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 273
Totale 4.621

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 30 12
2024/2025784 24 17 137 88 358 160 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 833