Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 307
AS - Asia 90
EU - Europa 28
AF - Africa 4
Totale 429
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 307
SG - Singapore 81
IT - Italia 14
CN - Cina 9
FI - Finlandia 9
DZ - Algeria 4
IE - Irlanda 3
NL - Olanda 1
RO - Romania 1
Totale 429
Città #
Santa Clara 280
Singapore 56
Helsinki 9
Rome 6
Dublin 3
Catania 2
Guangzhou 1
Milan 1
Naples 1
Timișoara 1
Totale 360
Nome #
Sensory evaluation of different "caciocavallo" typical cheeses. 17
Valutazione sensoriale da parte del consumatore di campioni di castagne conservate in sciroppo. 11
Profilo sensoriale ed accettabilita' del salame tipo Napoli privo di additivi chimici. 11
Cosa mangiano i bambini? Risultati di un'indagine CNR 11
Caratterizzazione sensoriale della carne bufalina e fattori che incidono sui consumatori 10
Caratterizzazione sensoriale della carne bufalina e fattori che incidono sui consumi. 10
Sensory properties and consumers acceptability of oils 10
Applicazione dell'Analisi Descrittiva Quantitativa a tre vini vini bianchi tipici della Campania. 10
Assessment of the organoleptic properties of rice bran oil and its acceptability by European consumers. 10
Gender differences in the eating behaviour of Italian schoolchildren 9
Assessment of the organoleptic properties of argan oil and their acceptability by European consumers. 9
Indagine sulle abitudini alimentari di bambini in età scolare. 9
Profilo sensoriale della carne bufalina e motivazioni al consumo. 9
Chemical, Volatile Profile and Shelf Life of Muffin Enriched with Supplementation Chestnut Cream 9
Evaluation of the sensory qualities of Buffalo meat and identification of choice factors. 8
Valutazione sensoriale da parte dei consumatori di campioni di castagne conservate in sciroppo 8
Quantitative descriptive sensory analysis of buffalo meat from animals fed with a diet containing different amounts of vitamin E. 8
Quantitative descriptive sensory analysis of buffalo meat from animals fed with a diet containing different amounts of vitamin E. 8
Assessment of the organoleptic properties of virgin olive oil and its acceptability by European consumers. 8
Microstructure and olfactory quality of apples de-hydrated by innovative technologies 8
Analisi descrittiva quantitativa delle caratteristiche sensoriali del Fiano di Avellino, Greco di Tufo e Falanghina 8
Analisi Sensoriale di Salame Trattato con Estratti Vegetali 8
Sensory evaluation by panel test and consumers acceptability 7
Analisi descrittiva quantitativa delle caratteristiche sensoriali del Fiano di Avellino, Greco di Tufo e Falanghina 7
Assessment of the organoleptic properties of corn oil and its acceptability by European consumers. 7
A new human atrial natriuretic peptide gene C/T polymorphism is more frequent in type 1 microalbuminuric diabetic patients 7
Influence of extraction techniques on physical-chemical characteristics and volatile compounds of extra virgin olive oil 7
Antifungal coating for preservation of perishable small fruits 7
Analisi sensoriale di salame trattato con estratti vegetali 7
Assessment of the organoleptic properties of peanut oil and its acceptability by European consumers. 7
A new human atrial natriuretic peptide gene C/T polymorphism correlates with microalbuminuria in type 1 diabetic patients 7
A new human atrial natriuretic peptide gene C/T polymorphism correlates with microalbuminuria in IDDM patients 7
Quantitation of feline immunodeficiency proviruses in doubly infected cats using competitive PCR and a fluorescent-based RFLP 6
Prima colazione e fuori pasto di bambini in età scolare, e valutazione sensoriale della preferenza di alimenti dolci. 6
Scelte alimentari errate tra scolari adolescenti della regione Campania 6
CD4-Mediated Anchoring of the Seminal Antigen gp17 onto the Spermatozoon Surface 6
Breakfast food preferences in school children. 6
Effects of apple de-hydration by innovative technologies on the microstructure and olfactory quality 6
Partial nucleotide sequencing of six subtype 2c Hepatitis C Viruses detected in Italy 5
Analysis of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of Italian isolates of feline immunodeficiency virus evidences a high prevalence and heterogeneity of subtype B 5
A 17-kDa CD4-binding glycoprotein present in human seminal plasma and in breast tumor cells 5
Differences in hepatitis C viruses quasispecies composition between liver, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma 5
Qusasispecies analysis of HCV in liver, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma: evidences for alternative HCV replication 5
Assessment of the organoleptic properties of sunflower oil and its acceptability by European consumers 5
Caratterizzazione di isolati di virus dell' epatite C mediante PCR genotipo specifica e sequenziamento: correlazione con i dati sierologici e bioptici 5
Reduced sensitivity to strain-specific neutralization of laboratory adapted Feline Immunodeficiecy Virus after one passage in vivo: association with amino acid substitution in V4 region of the surface glycoprotein 5
Competitive polymerase chain reaction for quantitating feline immunodeficiency virus load in infected cat tissues 5
A neutralizing antibody-inducing peptide of V3 domain of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus envelope glicoprotein does not induce protective immunity 5
Identification of a CD4 binding site on the beta2 domain of HLA-DR molecules 5
A fungal metabolite which inhibits the interaction of CD4 with major histocompatibility complex-encoded class II molecules 4
Genetic hetereogenity of hepatitis C virus: quasispecies analysis in liver, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma 4
Binding of CD4 to soluble HLA-DR molecules produced in insect cells: identification of beta-2 domain 4
Differences in Hepatitis C virus quasispecies composition between liver, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma 4
During readaptation in vivo, a tissue culture-adapted strain of feline immunodeficiency virus reverts to broad neutralization resistance at different times in individual hosts but through changes at the same position of the surface glycoprotein 4
Beta-Casomorphins: Substitution of Phenylalanine with beta-homo Phenylalanine Increases the mu-Type Opioid Receptor Affinity 4
Kinetics of replication of a partially attenuated virus and of the challenge virus during a three-year intersubtype feline immunodeficiency virus superinfection experiment in cats 4
Totale 429
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.587
article - articoli 851
book - libri 64
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 2.502

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 1
2024/2025417 2 3 83 30 277 22 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 429