Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 892
AS - Asia 233
EU - Europa 85
Totale 1.210
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 876
SG - Singapore 231
IT - Italia 46
CA - Canada 16
RU - Federazione Russa 10
GB - Regno Unito 7
DE - Germania 6
FI - Finlandia 5
BE - Belgio 4
NL - Olanda 4
LT - Lituania 3
CN - Cina 2
Totale 1.210
Città #
Santa Clara 831
Singapore 161
Toronto 9
Milan 8
Valenza 8
Ottawa 7
Helsinki 5
Novara 5
Brussels 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
London 4
St Petersburg 4
Gatchina 3
Boardman 2
Legnano 2
Leidschendam 2
Moscow 2
Phoenix 2
Rome 2
San Giorgio di Piano 2
Turin 2
Vicenza 2
Carrara 1
Casaluce 1
Forest City 1
Molassana 1
Voronezh 1
Totale 1.076
Nome #
null 20
BaseAvatar 18
null 17
null 15
A Usability Study of an Application to Configure Virtual Reality Training Environments for Wheelchair Users 15
Antonyms, un serious game per migliorare l'attenzione potenziando il controllo dell'impulsività in bambini con ADHD 15
27ma BIMU 2010 14
Software development of Motion Cueing Algorithm (MCA) in integration with the Unity, User Interface (Joystick) and the motion platform 14
D2.4 - Architettura piattaforma meccatronica 14
ANTONYMS: A Serious Game for Enhancing Inhibition Mechanisms in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 13
WheelchairController - Modulo software 13
RIPRENDO@home. Recupero post-Ictus: Piattaforma per la RiabilitazionE Neuromotoria orientata al DOmicilio 13
D2.2 - Progettazione dei moduli 12
Riprendo@Home e VR-riabilitazione in generale: considerazioni 12
WheelchairController - Manuale d'uso 12
Breve indagine sulla trust nella human robot collaboration industriale 12
D4.4. Validazione della piattaforma Rientr@ 12
ANTONYMS: A Serious Game for Enhancing Inhibition Mechanisms in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 12
D3.1 - Simulatore di guida della sedia a rotelle 12
WheelchairController - Manuale di programmazione 12
Does anyone care about opinion of people on living in the metaverse? 12
A Simulator to Promote the Return to Work of Wheelchair Users 11
A Serious Game in Cognitive Training of Brain-Damaged Patients to Enhance Creativity 11
A Virtual and Augmented reality tool for supporting decisions in motorbike design: Aprilia application case 11
Rendiconto Scientifico primo anno Riprendo@Home 11
D3.5 Piattaforma Rientr@ 11
ALLODERMA - Soluzioni innovative per sistemi aptici 11
null 11
The Virtual Reality design tool: case studies and interfacing open topics 10
The pipeline from CAD to Virtual Reality in Visionair Project 10
Applicazione per la configurazione degli ambienti di training outdoor, casa e lavoro 10
Design of a ICT-based Training System to Improve Creative Thinking in Brain-Damaged Patients 10
Applying mixed-augmented-virtual reality to support footwear mass customization 10
VirtualFactory D&MC 10
CREC: The role of serious games in improving flexibility in thinking in neuropsychological rehabilitation 10
The pipeline from CAD to virtual reality in VISIONAIR project 10
A virtual reality system for strengthening awareness and participation in rehabilitation for post-stroke patients 10
Design of a ICT-based Training System to Improve Creative Thinking in Brain-Damaged Patients 10
ExerciseControlPanel 10
The Pipeline from CAD to VR in the Virtual Visualization Service, 10
Euroshoe project: Feasibiity Study for Magic Mirror and FootGlove (1st version) 10
Tools for the innovation: virtual reality and discrete events simulation to build the 2000 Factory 10
Supporting Rehabilitation of ADHD Children with Serious Games and Enhancement of Inhibition Mechanisms 10
DataViewer 3D 10
Deliverable 3.4: Ambiente di training Casa e Lavoro (WP3) 10
New challenges in collaborative virtual factory design 10
Inibizione dell'impulsività nell'ADHD: una proposta di intervento attraverso i serious game 10
Applicazione ExerciseControlPanel - Manuale d'uso 10
Virtual Hangar Demo 10
Breve indagine sull'ergonomia nella human robot collaboration industriale 10
Analysis for the design of a novel integrated framework for the return to work of wheelchair users 10
Shoe customers behaviour with new technologies: the MagicMirror case 10
Avoiding boredom and anxiety: a study for rehabilitation application 10
MakerFaire 2014 10
EUROSHOE - Development of the Process and Implementation of Management Tools for the Extended User Oriented Shoe Enterprise 10
Realtà aumentata e realtà virtuale per la competitività delle aziende 9
Studies for a VR-user interfacing methodology 9
Technology Hub 2016 9
Docenza presso Istituto Europeo di Design 9
Oxylane Innovation Awards 2010 9
Experiences in virtual factory prototipe-modular plants design and simulation 9
Virtual Reality as a support for the product prototyping, configuration and validation: a case study 9
Soluzioni avanzate nella computer vision 3D 9
SPI6 - Sistema Automatizzato ed Integrato per la Produzione di Calzature 9
Virtual reality as support tool in shoe life cycle 9
Report on VR and realtime 3D graphics (Report del Progetto KOBAS) 9
GIOVE DXF Loader 9
LinarmManagerLib 9
FootGlove Configurator 9
Laval Virtual Awards 9
Dorothy Project: D1.3 Reference requirement for Dorothy 9
EUPASS - Evolvable Ultra-Precision Assembly Systems 9
Applicazione per test di base sul dataglove (Rapporto Progetto Alloderma) 9
Technical Survey of CAD/CAM, ERP, PDM/PLM, Virtual Reality 9
La realtà virtuale per la progettazione, la simulazione, la verifica di processi produttivi 9
Dorothy Project: D2.1 Data Model - Shoe Side 9
New challenges in collaborative virtual factory design 9
To build object-oriented virtual factory based on virtual reality and simulation tools 9
Virtual Reality for Product Layout Configuration 9
La realtà virtuale per la progettazione, la simulazione, la verifica di processi produttivi 9
Studio per la realizzazione del Catalogo Virtuale (Deliverable, Progetto High Value Shoes) 9
Studio e progettazione di un sistema per la visualizzazione di scarpe virtuali ai piedi degli utenti (magicmirror) 9
Modacalzado+Iberpiel 2010 9
Dorothy Project: D0.1c Progress report 9
Magic Mirror - Esposizione Internazionale: ExpoProtection 2008 9
Sistema Magic Mirror (Progetto CEC MADE SHOE) 8
GIOVE Virtual Factory: A new viewer for a more immersive role of the user during factory design 8
Meet Me Tonight - La Notte della Ricerca 8
Feasibility study for the FootGlove and the MagicMirror 8
Architecture of a Virtual Reality and Semantics-Based Framework for the Return to Work of Wheelchair Users 8
Apparato per la visualizzazione di scarpe virtuali ai piedi di un utente e relativo metodo 8
D2.1 - Architettura del sistema 8
Design of a Virtual Reality-based Framework for Supporting the Work Reintegration of Wheelchair Users 8
High Value Shoe 8
Light09 - La Notte della Ricerca 8
Design of a Virtual Reality-based Framework for Supporting the Work Reintegration of Wheelchair Users 8
D1.3 - Scenari applicativi 8
Focus on patient in virtual reality-assisted rehabilitation 8
Augmented Reality Aided 3D Modelling 8
Totale 1.027
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.560
article - articoli 449
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 89
Totale 5.098

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 8 4
2024/20251.208 13 19 151 125 712 188 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.231