Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.441
AS - Asia 406
EU - Europa 109
Totale 1.956
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.440
SG - Singapore 400
IT - Italia 64
FI - Finlandia 27
DE - Germania 9
CN - Cina 6
NL - Olanda 6
CA - Canada 1
ES - Italia 1
IE - Irlanda 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 1.956
Città #
Santa Clara 1.373
Singapore 286
Helsinki 27
Turin 21
Rome 14
Falkenstein 8
Amsterdam 2
Miami 2
Phoenix 2
Ashburn 1
Dublin 1
Florence 1
Forest City 1
Guangzhou 1
Milan 1
Sala Baganza 1
Santa Maria di Sala 1
Sevilla La Nueva 1
Springfield 1
Toronto 1
Verdello 1
Totale 1.747
Nome #
The large scale polarization explorer (LSPE) for CMB measurements: Performance forecast 22
Ridged Apertures for LEO Direct Radiating Arrays in Ka-Band 19
Additive Manufacturing of RF Waveguide Components 17
Ku-band Diplexer per AMOS-4 con opzione banda Tx [10.7, 11.7] GHz: architettura realizzativa 15
Q-band polarizers for the LSPE-Strip correlation radiometric instrument 15
The LSPE-Strip feed horn array 15
3D Printing of a Monolithic K/Ka-Band Dual-Circular Polarization Antenna-Feeding Network 15
Enhanced Efficiency and Reduced Side Lobe Level Convex Conformal Reflectarray 13
Design and Verification of a Q-Band Test Source for UAV-Based Radiation Pattern Measurements 13
Feed system optimization for Convex Conformal Reflectarray Antennas 13
Preliminary Studies on CIMR Antenna Pattern Brightness Temperature Compensation 12
Characteristic Mode Analysis of Multi-Octave Asymmetric Dipoles 12
Electromagnetic and mechanical analyses of a 3D-printed ka-band integrated twist and orthomode transducer 11
A coherent polarimeter array for the Large Scale Polarization Explorer balloon experiment 11
Effect of Conductive Propellers on VHF UAV-based Antenna Measurements: Simulated Results 11
Feed Horns Design for Ku-band Dual Reflector Antenna 11
Platelet ortho-mode transducer (OMT) for millimeter-wave applications 11
Diplexer STD in banda Ku per il programma AMOS-4: studio di fattibilità della configurazione a banda Tx ridotta [10.7, 11.7] GHz 11
Preliminary Results on the Verification of the LOFAR-HBA with a Flying Test Source 11
XBee modules test 11
Progress Report on the Large-Scale Polarization Explorer 11
Dual-Band Piecewise-Linear Profile Feed-Horns for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer Mission 11
The Large-Scale Polarization Explorer (LSPE) 11
Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR): Dual-Band Antenna-Feed Chains Predevelopments - EN01 - Product Definition File - EN05 - Justification File and Analysis Report - EN08 - Verification Control Document - EN11 - Compliance Matrix to Technical Requirements Document 11
Recent Results in Antenna Pattern Measurement with UAVs 11
Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR): Dual-Band Antenna-Feed Chains Predevelopments - MT01 "Test Specification" - MT03 "Test Procedures" 11
UAV-based Antenna and Field Measurements 11
Systematic Effects Induced by a Flat Isotropic Dielectric Slab 10
Medicina array demonstrator: calibration and radiation pattern characterization using a UAV-mounted radio-frequency source 10
Design considerations for a low-frequency Vivaldi array element 10
W-Band Orthomode Transducer for Dense Focal-Plane Clusters 10
Measurements of the LBA with the UAV Turin campaign 2015-11 10
Platelet Orthomode Transducer for Q-band Correlation Polarimeter Clusters 10
Measurements of waveguide lines manufactured with Direct Metal Laser Sintering Additive manufacturing process 10
Measurements of Ku/K band slanted stub filters with rounded edges manufactured with Additive manufacturing technologies 10
Effect of Conductive Propellers on VHF UAV-based Antenna Measurements: Experimental Results 10
Integration of microwave components through selective laser melting 10
Approccio ibrido radiale-longitudinale per filtri rigetta-banda in doppia polarizzazione 10
VHF/UHF antenna pattern measurement with unmanned aerial vehicles 10
Q-band antenna-feed system for the Large Scale Polarization Explorer balloon experiment 10
DDS RF synthesizer 10
Passive Microwave Feed Chains for High Capacity Satellite Communications Systems 10
Waveguide Hybrid Phase Discriminators for Astrophisical Observations fo the Polarized Sky Emission 10
UAV-mounted Corner Reflector for In-Situ Radar Verification and Calibration 10
Experimental Results on Compensated Joints for Large Dielectric Radomes 10
Manufacturing of Waveguide Components for SatCom through Selective Laser Melting 10
Measurements of Ku/K band stub filters manufactured with Additive manufacturing technologies 10
Measurement setup for Ku/Ka-band components for CIMR project 10
3-D Printing of High-Performance Feed Horns From Ku- to V-Bands 10
Dual use Ku/K band Corrugated Horn for Telecommunication Satellite 10
Integration of an H-Plane Bend, a Twist, and a Filter in Ku/K-Band Through Additive Manufacturing 10
Additive Manufacturing of Ka-Band Dual-Polarization Waveguide Components 10
Electromagnetic Analysis of ELTA S-band Radome-Antenna System 10
On Superluminal Propagation 10
Understanding phase pattern discrepancies in UAV-based measurements of a SKA-low prototype 10
3D-Printing of Antenna-Feed Components for Space Applications 10
PLL RF Synthesyzer 10
Passive devices for astrophysical observations at microwaves and millimeter waves 10
Additive manufacturing of Ku/K-band waveguide filters: a comparative analysis among selective-laser melting and stereo-lithography 10
Thermal Vacuum Cold Target for the Metop SG MicroWave Imager 9
Near-Field Phase Reconstruction for UAV-based Antenna Measurements 9
A new reduced-order model of SAW interdigital transducers 9
Analysis of axisymmetric waveguide components by a multi-domain spectral method 9
Design Study of a Marker Injector for the SRT Q-band Multi-Feed Dual-polarization Receiver (IEIIT-CNR-130227-EA-TO) 9
Optimized Architecture of E-plane Filters for High-Power Applications 9
Full-Wave Design of Broad-Band Compact Waveguide Step-Twists 9
On Board Calibration System for Millimeter Wave Radiometers Based on Reference Signal Injection 9
Selective Laser Melting Manufacturing of Integrated Microwave Waveguide Components 9
Antenna Elements for the AAlo project 9
Design study and experimental validation of a cavity sensor for the measurement of the steel and powder levels in continuous casting machines-Phases 3 and 4 - Final Report IEIIT-CNR-120309-TO 9
Dual-polarization Vivaldi Array Element for AA-low 9
Preliminary Study of a Compact W-band OMT for Dense Focal Planes 9
Evaluation and consolidation of Additive Manufacturing processes and materials for the manufacturing of RF hardware - Set of specifications for the RF concepts (TN-02) 9
Experimental results with the UAV-based Antenna Measurement System 9
Passive Devices for Antenna Multi-Feed Systems Operating at Q and W Band 9
Sistema di misura di pattern d'antenna mediante UAV e misura su prototipi di schiere II 9
Power Budget and Noise Budget for the Receiving Chain of the UAV Antenna Pattern Verification System 9
Filtraggio della risposta in frequenza del sensore di livello di acciaio fuso e polveri 9
A Novel Design Tool for Waveguide Polarizers 9
Una cavità aperta e surmodata come sensore di livello di acciaio fuso in sistemi di produzione a colata continua 9
High Integrable Flat Antenna for Satellite Video Receiving 9
Integration of RF functionalities in microwave waveguide components through 3D metal printing 9
A Waveguide Correlation Unit and a Method for its Manufacturing 9
UAV-based Far-Field Measurements on the SKA Aperture Array Verification System 9
Measurements of Ku/K band slanted stub filters manufactured with Additive manufacturing technologies 9
Sistema ad onde elettromagnetiche per il rilevamento del livello di acciaio liquido e polveri lubrificanti in impianti a colata continua 9
Strong Mutual Coupling Effects on LOFAR: Modeling and In Situ Validation 9
Measurements on the Vivaldi 3.1 9
Fast and Accurate Analysis of Waveguide Devices: an Application to Ridge Waveguide Filters 9
Design of uniformly radiating slotted coaxial cables 9
Design of C-band Orthomode Transducer 9
Selective Laser Melting Manufacturing of Microwave Waveguide Devices 9
Optimum-Iris-Set Concept for Waveguide Polarizers 9
Synthesis Strategy for Broadband Multiplexers 9
Dual-polarization passive waveguide sub-assemblies for astrophysics 9
AAVS0 Results, Dual-Polarized Vivaldi Antenna 9
Electromagnetic Measurements on the Dual-Polarization AA-low Vivaldi (70-450 MHz) 9
Array Element Design for AAlo 9
Synthesis Technique for the Design of Waveguide Polarizers 9
Totale 1.035
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.609
article - articoli 1.934
book - libri 39
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 29
Totale 9.611

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 7
2024/20252.014 11 21 311 180 1.196 295 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.028