Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 588
AS - Asia 179
EU - Europa 117
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 885
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 588
SG - Singapore 171
IT - Italia 90
FI - Finlandia 16
FR - Francia 7
CN - Cina 6
NL - Olanda 4
AU - Australia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 885
Città #
Santa Clara 542
Singapore 112
Pisa 20
Helsinki 16
Genoa 9
Bologna 8
Florence 4
Milan 4
Naples 4
Turin 4
Cascina 3
Guangzhou 3
La Motte-Servolex 3
Phoenix 3
Vicopisano 3
Amsterdam 2
Bari 2
Buggiano 2
La Londe-les-Maures 2
Lido di Jesolo 2
Lucca 2
Albano Laziale 1
Boardman 1
Forest City 1
Hong Kong 1
Rome 1
San Marcellino 1
Tokyo 1
Wagga Wagga 1
Totale 758
Nome #
Carta geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000 Foglio 196 - Cabella Ligure e Note illustrative. 37
Geology and geodiversity of the Folafotur peninsula (Westfjords, Iceland) 26
Floods and earthquakes in the Apuan Alps UNESCO Global Geopark (Italy): from the scientific knowledge to the awareness for local communities 20
I corpi idrici significativi della Regione Toscana DGRT 225/2003. Inquadramento regionale. Perimetrazione e ricostruzione. Prospettive e sviluppi. 18
Carta geologico-strutturale dell'Appennino emiliano-romagnolo (1:250.000) - THE STRUCTURAL-GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE EMILIA-ROMAGNA APENNINES (1:250.000) 15
Carta Geologica d Italia: Foglio 235: Pievelago e note illustrative, (scala 1:50.000), Regione Emilia Romagna. 14
Tectonics of the Mw 6.8 Al Haouz earthquake (Morocco) reveals minor role of asthenospheric upwelling 13
Carta escursionistica e geoturistica delle Alpi Apuane (scala 1:20.000) - Hiking and Geotourist Map of the Apuan Alps (1:20.000 scale) 12
Accordo di collaborazione tra Unione Valdera e CNR-IGG avente per oggetto lo studio biostratigrafico e l'analisi strutturale dei depositi neogenici dell'area dell'Unione Valdera, finalizzati al miglioramento delle conoscenze sulla stratigrafia plio-pleistocenica ed alla ricostruzione dell'evoluzione dei principali lineamenti strutturali potenzialmente interessati da una tettonica recente - Rapporto finale 12
A structural geological approach for the exploitation of groundwater resources in buried rock aquifers: the experience of the Tuscany Region (Italy). 11
La possibile valorizzazione di affioramenti di interesse geologico in prospettiva turistico - culturale: l'esempio di Rocca Grimalda (Al) 11
Carte Géologique du Maroc au 1/50 000, feuille Taroucht - Notice explicative. 11
Study of the brittle deformation in the Fantiscritti marble basin (Apuan Alps, Carrara, Italy) for the paleostress reconstruction. 11
Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Antola Unit succession (Northern Apennines, Italy): new age constraints for the Late Cretaceous Helminthoid Flysch. 10
Two Thousand Years of History Written on Marble 10
Comment on "Hydrodynamics of karst aquifers in metamorphic carbonate rocks: results from spring monitoring in the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy)": report published in Hydrogeology Journal (2023) 31:241-255, by Leonardo Piccini, Alessia Nannoni and Emilio Poggetti 10
Carte Géologique du Maroc au 1/50 000, feuille Imi n'Ouzrou - Notice explicative. 10
Contributo dell'analisi geologico-strutturale allo studio dei massi erratici delle Alpi Apuane: dati preliminari sul blocco della Rondinella (Vagli di Sopra, Lucca). 10
Geological setting and geochemical signatures of the mafic rocks from the Intra-Pontide Suture Zone: implications for the geodynamic reconstruction of the Mesozoic Neotethys 10
Fault zone structure and fluid-rock interaction of a high angle normal fault in Carrara marble (NW Tuscany, Italy) 10
Contributo dell'analisi geologico-strutturale allo studio dei massi erratici: il blocco della Rondinella (Geoparco Alpi Apuane) 10
The Intra-Pontide ophiolites in Northern Turkey revisited: From birth to death of a Neotethyan oceanic domain 10
Mapping of poliphase folding at upper structural levels: An example from the Val Borbera (northern Apennines). 9
The Italian contribution to the study of the Intra-Pontide suture zone in Central Turkey 9
Late Jurassic amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the Intra-Pontide Suture Zone (Turkey): an eastward extension of the Vardar Ocean from the Balkans... 9
Can the Aveto unit (Early Oligocene, Subligurian Domain) be considered the record of the first apenninic foredeep? Evidence from provenance data. 9
The northern Apennine, Italy: Geological structure and traspressive evolution. 9
Carta geologica del Jebel Sahro (1:50.000). Versione preliminare presentata al Ministero dell'Energia e delle Miniere del Marocco. Rabat, marzo 2004 9
The Intra-Pontide suture zone in the Tosya-Kastamonu area, Northern Turkey 9
Geodiversity Sites in the Apuan Alps Geopark 9
Transpressional structuring of the High Atlas belt, Morocco 9
Multidisciplinary approach for the characterization of a new Late Cretaceous continental arc in the Central Pontides (Northern Turkey) 9
Conditions for veining and origin of mineralizing fluids in the Alpi Apuane (NW Tuscany, Italy): Evidence from structural and geochemical analyses on calcite veins hosted in Carrara marbles 9
Duplex architecture and late-orogenic back-thrusting in the foredeep units of the northern Apennines (Italy). 9
Geological and geochemical evidence for a Late Cretaceous continental arc in the central Pontides, northern Turkey. 9
Duplex architecture and late orogenic backthrusting in Foredeep Units of the Northern Apennines (Italy). 8
The Arkot Da' Mélange Central Turkey: evidence for the geodynamic evolution of the Intra-Pontide suture zone. 8
The Northern Apennine, Italy: Geological structure and transpressive evolution 8
The reconstruction of complex structural stackings at upper crustal levels through the nannofossil biostratigraphy: two examples from the Northern Apennines (Italy). 8
Possible touristic exploitation of geological outcrops: the case of Rocca Grimalda (Piedmont Region, Italy). 8
Rumble And Tremble, An Educational Exhibition To Promote Earthquake Awareness In The Apuan Alps UGGp (Italy) 8
Transpressional tectonics and nappe stacking along the Southern Variscan Front of Morocco. 8
Evolution of an early Eocene pull-apart basin in the Central Pontides (Northern Turkey): New insights into the origin of the North Anatolian Shear Zone 8
La geologia strutturale: un approccio scientifico per la ricerca d'acqua. 8
Le arenarie di Rocca Grimalda: appunti da un viaggio nel tempo. 8
The Arkot Dag Melange in Arac area, central Turkey: Evidence of its origin within the geodynamic evolution of the Intra-Pontide suture zone 8
Elemental and Sr-isotope characterization of the high-altitude Bosa vineyard in the Apuan Alps UNESCO Global Geopark (Italy) 8
The Intrapontide Suture zone in Turkey: The eastern extension of the Dinaric-Hellenic belt? 8
Enhancing the Geological Heritage of the Apuan Alps Geopark (Italy) 8
The Subligurian Units of the Northern Apennines, Italy: new definition and possible geodynamic significance 8
Kinematic analysis of the High Atlas in the Tinerhir area (Southern Morocco): evidence of a transpressional fold-thrust belt 7
Il Complesso carsico dell'Antro del Corchia (Alpi Apuane - Toscana): misurazione e valutazione del valore del geosito - The Antro del Corchia Karst Complex (Apuan Alps - Tuscany): measurement and evaluation of the geosite value 7
Fault tectonics of the Tuscan Nappe in the eastern sector of the Apuan Alps (Italy) 7
Metamorphic imprint of ridge subduction on the Neo-Tethyan ophiolites from the Saka Unit (Central Pontides, northern Turkey) 7
Nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Antola Unit succession (Northern Apennines): new age constraints for the Upper Cretaceous Helminthoid Flysch. 7
U-Pb zircon geochronology of intrusive rocks from an exotic block in the Late Cretaceous - Paleocene Tarakli Flysch (northern Turkey): Constraints on the tectonics of the Intrapontide suture zone 7
Oligocene macrofossil assemblage form the middle Vobbia Valley, Eastern Tertiary Piedmont Basin (Northern Apennines). 7
Analysis of the North Anatolian Shear Zone in Central Pontides (northern Turkey): Insight for geometries and kinematics of deformation structures in a transpressional zone 7
Geological, Structural and Mineralogical Approach to Investigate the Evolution of Low- and very Low-Grade Metamorphic Units from the Intra-Pontide Suture Zone, Central Pontides, Turkey 7
RAINS & RUINS twenty years ago in the Apuan Alps 7
The Centenary of the 1920 Garfagnana-Lunigiana Earthquake provides the Apuan Alps Geopark with an opportunity to learn from the past to build a safer future 7
'Apuan Alps Geopark' Dossier: protection and promotion activities for geological heritage 7
The Foredeep Basin Evolution in the Northern Apennines (Italy). 7
La carta geologica come strumento di divulgazione scientifica e valorizzazione del territorio. 7
Tectonics at the top of the Mesoalpine accretionary wedge: the example of the Antola unit (Northern Apennine, Italy). 7
The contribution of calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in solving geological problems: the example of the Oligocene-Miocene foredeep of the Northern Apennines (Italy). 7
The Intrapontide Suture Zone, Northern Turkey: an updated view. 7
Chapter 9: Structural geological analysis of the High Atlas (Morocco): Evidences of a traspressional fold-thrust belt 6
Alpi Apuane geopercorsi e geositi - Apuan Alps geotrails and geosites 6
Discovering the "Giants' Potholes": A new geotrail in the Apuan Alps UNESCO Global Geopark 6
Convenzione tra il Settore Tutela delle Acque Interne e Costiere - Servizi Idrici della Regione Toscana e il CNR-IGG finalizzata all'ampliamento dei Corpi Idrici Significativi in roccia e all'individuazione di nuovi. Rapporto finale. 6
Tectonic evolution of the Antola Unit (Northern Apennine, italy): long-lived polyphase deformation history at high structural level. 6
Multidisciplinary study of the Torrio landslide (Northern Apennines, Italy) 6
Way-marked trails along the Gothic Line in the Apuan Alps Geopark 6
Studio geologico e geomorfologico di un'area significativa attorno all'abitato di Roccamurata in Comune di Borgo Val di Taro (PR), finalizzato alla sua perimetrazione - Relazione integrativa. 6
Modellistica concettuale e numerica del sistema acquifero Panna. Realizzazione "in solido" del modello geologico di sottosuolo e del relativo modello idrostrutturale 6
New Geotrails Discovering the Apuan Alps UNESCO Global Geopark, Italy 6
Studio geologico-strutturale per la ricostruzione del campo di paleostress. 6
The Hiking and Geotourist Map of the Apuan Alps: a new tool to get to know the Geopark 6
Post-Variscan tectonics in eastern Anti-Atlas (Morocco). 6
ApuanGeoLab: a new educational structure in the Apuan Alps Geopark (Italy) 6
Polyorogenic deformation history recognized at very shallow structural levels: the case of the Antola Unit (Northern Apennine, Italy). 6
Tectonic setting and geochemical characteristics of the basic rocks from the Intrapontide suture 6
Oligocene macrofossil assemblage from the midlle Vobbia valley, eastern tertiary Piedmont basin (northern Apennines). 6
Analisi dei rapporti tra microstrutture dei marmi e principali zone di deformazione. 6
The Ranzano unit boundaries in the type area: Lower Oligocene events in the epi-Ligurian Succession (northern Apennines, Italy) 6
Oligocene-Miocene transpression in Ligurian Alps, Tertiary Piemonte Basin and Northern Apennines 6
Multidisciplinary study of the Torrio landslide (Northern Apennines, Italy). 6
The Tarakli Flysch in the Boyali area (Sakarya Terrane, northern Turkey): Implications for the tectonic history of the IntraPontide suture zone 6
Intrapontide Suture Zone in Northern Turkey: evidences from Daday-Arac-Kursunlu geotraverse. 6
La carta escursionistica e geoturistica delle Alpi Apuane 6
Popularizing Structural Geology: Exemplary Structural Geosites from the Apuan Alps UNESCO Global Geopark (Northern Apennines, Italy) 6
Nuovi dati biostratigrafici sulla successione dell?unità Antola (Appennino settentrionale). 6
Stratigraphical, paleontological and structural features of the Tarakli flysch in the Boyali Area: Evidences for the tectonic history of the Intrapontide Suture Zone 6
Deformazione fragile delle Alpi Apuane centro-orientali: risultati preliminari. 6
The Tarakli flysch in the Boyali Area: Implications for the tectonic history of the Intrapontide Suture Zone 6
Totale 863
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.572
article - articoli 1.476
book - libri 161
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 326
Totale 5.535

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202458 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 27 14 10
2024/2025849 11 11 143 94 454 129 7 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 907