Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 454
AS - Asia 261
EU - Europa 64
Totale 779
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 452
SG - Singapore 245
IT - Italia 33
FI - Finlandia 11
NL - Olanda 7
CN - Cina 6
KR - Corea 6
AL - Albania 3
BE - Belgio 3
CA - Canada 2
DE - Germania 2
IR - Iran 2
LT - Lituania 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
FR - Francia 1
IN - India 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
Totale 779
Città #
Santa Clara 405
Singapore 168
Helsinki 11
Seoul 6
Florence 4
Guangzhou 4
Rome 4
Brussels 3
Durrës 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Ashburn 1
Bari 1
Chions 1
Messina 1
Milan 1
New Delhi 1
Ottawa 1
Phoenix 1
Pisa 1
Roubaix 1
Tirana 1
Toronto 1
Turin 1
Vicopisano 1
Totale 623
Nome #
La storia della Associazione Geofisica Italiana 12
Benefits and Challenges of distance Learning approaches for the Training of Climate Services Professionals in sub-Saharan Africa 10
Agricultural Meteorology for a Climate Smart Agriculture. Course Report 10
Past and Current Climate Changes in the Mediterranean Region 10
Sviluppo di un modello di previsioni climatiche per il territorio nazionale 10
Hail occurrence in Italy: Towards a national database and climatology 9
Climate variability and trend as an essential factor for the viticulture in the Mediterranean 9
Linking crop yields in Tuscany, Italy, to large-scale atmospheric variability, circulation regimes and weather types 9
Climatologia delle temperature ed eventi estremi estivi a scala nazionale e regionale 9
Mediterranean climate patterns and wine quality in North and Central Italy 9
The role of the jetstream on the extreme precipitation in the Euro-Mediterranean region: the 2009-2010 case study 9
The role of the Euro-Atlantic circulation in the occurrence of summer temperature anomalies and extremes in the Mediterranean 9
Climatology and Dynamical Evolution of Extreme Rainfall Events in the Sinai Peninsula-Egypt 9
A climatology of hail frequency and intensity in Italy 9
Italian - Egyptian Workshop on Sciences and Technologies applied to Cultural Heritage I (STACH 1) 9
Guinea Gulf SST and Mediterranean Summer Climate: analysis of the interannual variability 9
Influence of local SSTa and surface processes on the Sahel Rainfall. 9
Eventi climatici estremi: tendenze attuali e clima futuro sull'Italia 9
Mediterranean climate patterns and wine quality in North and Central Italy 9
Nonlinear dynamics of the Hadley cell in shallow water models 9
Nonlinear dynamics in the tropics in the shallow water approximation 9
L'Istituto di Biometeorologia del CNR ed il Centro Regionale di Formazione del WMO in Italia: storia ed attività 8
Seasonal precipitations in the Central Mediterranean basin and large scale climate patterns 8
Effetto delle variazioni dell 'uso e copertura del suolo sul clima a scala regionale 8
Linear impact of thermal inhomogeneities on mesoscale atmospheric flow with zero synoptic wind. 8
AgroMetSchool - Second Edition 8
Dalla scala locale alla scala regionale: la pluviometria del bacino del fiume Arno come segnale del cambiamento climatico del Mediterraneo 8
Mesoscale vertical velocities generated by stress changes in the boundary layer - linear theory 8
ITCZ migration in the shallow tropical meridional circulation 8
Anomalie climatiche ed onde planetarie. 8
The seven plagues of Egypt: An assessment of past and present heavy rainfall at Thebes (Egypt) 8
Heat transport and weakening of atmospheric stability induced by mesoscale flows 8
Simple solutions for the summer shallow atmospheric circulation over North Africa 8
Impact of climate variability on a "PDO" olive oil in central Italy 8
Mesoscale nonhydrostatic and hydrostatic pressure gradient forces - Theory 8
Quando il meteo costa un patrimonio 8
Drainage flows in Antartctica: a first order analyical model 7
Regional Climatic Variability and its Impacts on Flood and Drought Hazards 7
Osservazione e previsione del Monsone dell'Africa Occidentale. 7
Heat and momentum fluxes induced by thermal inhomogeneities with and without large-scale flow 7
An operational seasonal forecast service for agriculture in Italy: the TEMPIO Project 7
A Person we are deeply missing: Prof. Giampiero Maracchi. 7
Thermally forced mesoscale atmospheric flow over complex terrain in Southern Italy. 7
Bioethics, education and human righ 7
Role of the Monsoons Variability on the Summer Drought events in the Mediterranean Basin 7
Remote Climate Processes underlying Summer Drought Events in the Mediterranean 7
Exceptional Rainfall over Thebes in Ancient and Present Times: An Analysis of Possible Driving Mechanisms 7
Individuazione e caratterizzazione di aree bio-climaticamente omogenee sul territorio nazionale 6
Competencies based innovative learning solutions for co-development of climate services in West Africa 6
Linking maize yields in Veneto Italy, to large-scale atmospheric variability, circulation regimes and weather types 6
Aggiornamento dello Studio sulla pericolosità meteorologica a scala nazionale - I parametri grandine, vento e precipitazioni 6
Climate analysis and prediction over the Arno river basin, Italy. 6
Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in agriculture: Lessons learned from an innovative training programme 6
Part 1: Surface Wind Field in the interior of the Antarctic Continent 5
Il clima: stato dell'arte e messaggio ricevuto 5
Climate and wine quality: Chianti in Tuscany 5
Trenta anni di misure di radioattività dell'aria nella stazione di Pallanza nell'ambito della rete nazionale 5
Il WMO-RTC di IBIMET-CNR: Storia e Attività. 5
Mitigation and Recovery of Semi-arid and Arid Provinces in China 5
Climate Trends, Hazards and Extremes Taranaki Synthesis Report. 5
Deserto senza stress con lo shesh 5
Analysis of changes in heavy precipitation in Italy and connection to atmospheric circulation. 5
Nonlinear dynamics of density currents in an f-plane, two-layer model with a rigid lid. 5
Heat waves in the Mediterranean Region: Analysis and model results 5
Mechanisms leading to rainfall anomalies in the Mediterranean region 5
Reading the past through digital documentation: an integrated methodological approach to the inscriptions of the Harkhuf's Tomb in Aswan (Egypt) 5
Learning and teaching about seasonal climate forecasts: a Mediterranean educational experience toward operational climate services 5
Katabatic wind in Antarctica: A modelling study. 5
The high official Harkhuf and the inscriptions of his tomb in Aswan (Egypt). An integrated methodological approach 5
North-South cooperation to prevent natural disasters 5
IL PROCESSO DI CERTIFICAZIONE Vantaggi e opportunità per le figure professionali nell'ambito della meteorologia 5
Regional Climatic Variability and its Impacts on Flood and Drought Hazards 5
Anche le vacche soffrono il caldo 5
Sognando i tropici ... di casa nostra 5
Climate change, water availability, and cultural heritage in Egypt 5
Esame delle definizioni adottate dal mipaaf nel piano assicurativo agricolo nazionale 2014 per le avversità con conseguenze catastrofali e per le altre avversità atmosferiche. 5
Climate Change Impacts on Precipitation and Temperature 5
Rainfall variability over the Mediterranean region and its linkage with large scale features 5
Verifica del metodo di calcolo delle traiettorie del CRTN - ENEL alla luce dei dati di radioattività dell'aria curati dall'IFA a seguito dell'incidente di Chernobyl 5
Analysis of the extreme heat events in Iran 5
Editoriale Baldi 5
High Intensity Rainfall in Auckland City 4
Seasonal differences in climate in the Chianti region of Tuscany and the relationship to vintage wine quality 4
Climate of Egypt Between Dryness and Torrential Rainfall: Patterns of Climate Variability 4
Il Pianeta dà i numeri 4
Climate extremes in urban area and their impact on human health: the summer heat waves 4
Climatic atmospheric outflow at the rim of the Antarctic Continent 4
Interdisciplinary regional collaboration for public health adaptation to climate change in the eastern mediterranean 4
Climate change impacts on precipitation and temperature 4
L'isola di calore ed il fenomeno della brezza di mare in area urbana: il caso dell'area Romana 4
Settembre caldo e privo di pioggia. Ma attenti al foehn 4
Relations between Climate Variability in the Mediterranean Region and the Tropics: ENSO, South Asian and African Monsoons, Hurricanes and Saharan Dust. 4
Jetstream and rainfall distribution in the Mediterranean region 4
A hydrological onset and withdrawal index for the West African monsoon. 4
Connessioni tra il clima della regione Mediterranea e l Africa Occidentale attraverso la circolazione meridiana di Hadley 4
The Collapse of the Old Kingdom and the Climate Change: A Short Contribution 3
Analisi delle tendenze climatiche nel Tirreno Centrale 3
Prove tecniche di primavera 3
Editoriale Baldi 3
Totale 653
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.577
article - articoli 1.737
book - libri 58
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 661
Totale 7.033

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 12 2
2024/2025762 1 18 183 116 321 119 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 779