Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 542
AS - Asia 190
EU - Europa 19
Totale 751
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 542
SG - Singapore 179
FI - Finlandia 10
KR - Corea 7
DE - Germania 4
IT - Italia 3
HK - Hong Kong 2
AT - Austria 1
CN - Cina 1
IE - Irlanda 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 751
Città #
Santa Clara 497
Singapore 125
Helsinki 10
Seoul 7
Falkenstein 4
Fort Worth 2
Hong Kong 2
Ashburn 1
Dublin 1
Forest City 1
Tokyo 1
Vienna 1
Totale 652
Nome #
Anomalous supercurrent and diode effect in locally perturbed topological Josephson junctions 15
Characterization of a two-photon quantum battery: Initial conditions, stability and work extraction 14
Charging and energy fluctuations of a driven quantum battery 11
Pure dephasing due to damped bistable quantum impurities 11
Enhancing coherent energy transfer between quantum devices via a mediator 11
Hybrid quantum thermal machines with dynamical couplings 11
Parity dependent Josephson current through a helical Luttinger liquid 10
Dissipative dynamics of an open quantum battery 10
Anomalous flux periodicity in proximitised quantum spin Hall constrictions 9
Characterization of coherent impurity effects in solid-state qubits 9
Efficiency and thermodynamic uncertainty relations of a dynamical quantum heat engine 9
Phonon distributions of a single-bath mode coupled to a quantum dot 9
Dissipation-induced collective advantage of a quantum thermal machine 9
Time-resolved energy dynamics after single electron injection into an interacting helical liquid 9
Effects of the Spatial Extension of the Edge Channels on the Interference Pattern of a Helical Josephson Junction 9
Counting statistics of non-markovian quantum stochastic processes 9
Coherent properties of nanoelectromechanical systems 9
Crystallization of levitons in the fractional quantum Hall regime 8
New Directions in the Physics of One-dimensional Electron Systems 8
Energy Exchange in Driven Open Quantum Systems at Strong Coupling 8
Minimal Excitations in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime 8
Charge Oscillations in Quantum Spin Hall Constrictions 8
Anomalous Friedel oscillations in a quasihelical quantum dot 8
Controlling the formation of gold nanoparticle domains onto inorganic substrates 8
Effects of the Vertices on the Topological Bound States in a Quasicrystalline Topological Insulator 8
Universal transport dynamics in a quenched tunnel-coupled Luttinger liquid 8
Feasible model for photoinduced interband pairing 8
Dissipative dynamics of a driven qubit: Interplay between nonadiabatic dynamics and noise effects from the weak to strong coupling regime 8
Role of the edges in a quasicrystalline Haldane model 8
Quench-induced entanglement and relaxation dynamics in Luttinger liquids 8
Current noise as a probe for Wigner molecules 8
Synchronization-induced violation of thermodynamic uncertainty relations 8
Transient dynamics of spin-polarized injection in helical Luttinger liquids 7
Carbon nanotube sensor for vibrating molecules 7
Nonmonotonic response and light-cone freezing in fermionic systems under quantum quenches from gapless to gapped or partially gapped states 7
Thermal valve in helical liquids controlled by the Rashba effect 7
Relaxation and revival of quasiparticles injected in an interacting quantum Hall liquid 7
Computation of transient dynamics of energy power for a dissipative two state system 7
Collisional interferometry of levitons in quantum Hall edge channels at ?=2 7
Transport signatures of a Floquet topological transition at the helical edge 7
Out-of-equilibrium density dynamics of a quenched fermionic system 7
Thermal effects on the Wigner localization and Friedel oscillations in many-electron nanowires 7
Anomalous Charge Tunneling in Fractional Quantum Hall Edge States at a Filling Factor nu=5/2 7
Current enhancement through a time-dependent constriction in fractional topological insulators 7
Spin transport properties of a quantum dot 7
Crystallization of levitons in the fractional quantum Hall regime 7
Reprint of: Transient dynamics of spin-polarized injection in helical Luttinger liquids 7
Asymmetries in the spectral density of an interaction-quenched Luttinger liquid 7
Time-resolved pure spin fractionalization and spin-charge separation in helical Luttinger liquid based devices 7
Theory of the STM detection of Wigner molecules in spin-incoherent CNTs 7
Wigner oscillations in strongly correlated carbon nanotube quantum dots 7
Edge physics in two-dimensional topological insulators 7
Effective metal-insulator nonequilibrium quantum phase transition in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model 7
Crystallization of fractional charges in a strongly interacting quasihelical quantum dot 7
Nonequilibrium effects on charge and energy partitioning after an interaction quench 7
Delta- T noise for fractional quantum Hall states at different filling factor 7
Electronic wave-packets in integer quantum hall edge channels: Relaxation and dissipative effects 7
From fractional solitons to Majorana fermions in a paradigmatic model of topological superconductivity 7
Correlation functions for the detection of Wigner molecules in a one-channel Luttinger liquid quantum dot 7
Functional integral approach to time-dependent heat exchange in open quantum systems: General method and applications 7
Electrical switching and interferometry of massive Dirac particles in topological insulator constrictions 6
Analytically Solvable Model for Qubit-Mediated Energy Transfer between Quantum Batteries 6
Sub-Poissonian phononic population in a nanoelectromechanical system 6
Spin-thermoelectric transport induced by interactions and spin-flip processes in two-dimensional topological insulators 6
Optimal work-to-work conversion of a nonlinear quantum Brownian duet 6
Levitons in superconducting point contacts 6
Generating and controlling spin-polarized currents induced by a quantum spin Hall antidot 6
Coherent charge and spin oscillations induced by local quenches in nanowires with spin-orbit coupling 6
Finite frequency noise spectroscopy for fractional Hall states at v=5/2 6
Polarized heat current generated by quantum pumping in two-dimensional topological insulators 6
Hong-Ou-Mandel characterization of multiply charged Levitons 6
Enhancing photon squeezing one leviton at a time 6
Interaction and temperature effects on the pair correlation function of a strongly interacting 1D quantum dot 6
Neutral modes' edge state dynamics through quantum point contacts 6
Parity-Dependent Quantum Phase Transition in the Quantum Ising Chain in a Transverse Field 6
Spin textures of strongly correlated spin Hall quantum dots 6
Magnetic ac control of the spin textures in a helical Luttinger liquid 6
Temperature dependence of transport properties in a suspended carbon nanotube 6
Tunneling between helical edge states through extended contacts 6
Current statistics of an antidot in the fractional Hall regime 6
Minimal excitation states for heat transport in driven quantum Hall systems 6
Spin current pumping in helical Luttinger liquids 6
Finite-frequency noise for edge states at a filling factor nu=2/5 6
Pumping current in interacting helical liquids with two time-dependent magnetic scatterers 6
Hong-Ou-Mandel heat noise in the quantum Hall regime 6
Levitons in helical liquids with Rashba spin-orbit coupling probed by a superconducting contact 6
Charge tunneling in fractional edge channels 6
Photoassisted shot noise spectroscopy at fractional filling factor 6
Coulomb blockade microscopy of spin-density oscillations and fractional charge in quantum spin Hall dots 6
Interference-induced thermoelectric switching and heat rectification in quantum Hall junctions 6
Negative differential conductance induced by spin-charge separation 6
Multiple quasiparticle hall spectroscopy investigated with a resonant detector 5
Spin-projected unrestricted Hartree-Fock ground states for harmonic quantum dots 5
Thermally enhanced Wigner oscillations in two-electron 1D quantum dots 5
Probing Wigner correlations in a suspended carbon nanotube 5
Signatures of fractional Hall quasiparticles in moments of current through an antidot 5
Finite frequency noise for Laughlin state investigated by a resonant circuit 5
Temperature-induced emergence of Wigner correlations in a STM-probed one-dimensional quantum dot 5
Suppression of the Fano factor in nanoelectromechanical systems 5
Spin and rotational symmetries in unrestricted Hartree-Fock states of quantum dots 5
Totale 721
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.295
article - articoli 3.144
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 24
Totale 6.463

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 1
2024/2025790 3 15 149 61 486 76 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 801