Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 428
AS - Asia 237
EU - Europa 100
AF - Africa 2
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 768
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 423
SG - Singapore 213
IT - Italia 52
FI - Finlandia 15
DE - Germania 11
CN - Cina 6
CA - Canada 5
KR - Corea 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
GB - Regno Unito 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BE - Belgio 2
FR - Francia 2
IE - Irlanda 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NL - Olanda 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AL - Albania 1
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
EG - Egitto 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
IN - India 1
LT - Lituania 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
RO - Romania 1
SE - Svezia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 768
Città #
Santa Clara 347
Singapore 148
Helsinki 15
Rome 14
Reggio Emilia 10
Modena 7
Milan 6
Trieste 6
Los Angeles 5
Seoul 5
Toronto 5
Guangzhou 4
Hong Kong 4
Bologna 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Amsterdam 2
Ashburn 2
Boardman 2
Brussels 2
Cesano Boscone 2
Dublin 2
Falkenstein 2
Kaohsiung 2
Lehnice 2
London 2
Phoenix 2
Riga 2
Baku 1
Boston 1
Bucharest 1
Cairo 1
Centurion 1
Dhaka 1
Douglas 1
Dubai 1
Düsseldorf 1
Grenoble 1
Haifa 1
Lauterbourg 1
Lima region 1
Manila 1
Newark 1
Portsmouth 1
Reston 1
Sioux Falls 1
Stockholm 1
Tirana 1
Vienna 1
Zagreb 1
Totale 628
Nome #
Lifetime of Photogenerated Positive Charges in Hybrid Cerium Oxide-Based Materials from Space and Mirror Charge Effects in Time-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 28
Ultrafast dynamics of plasmon-mediated charge transfer in Ag@CeO2 studied by free electron laser time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy 26
Preparation and characterization of MgO stepped surfaces 20
Interaction of Hydrogen with Cu-Modified Cerium Oxide Surfaces 19
Role of Metal Dopants in Hydrogen Dissociation on Cu:CeO2 and Fe:CeO2 Surfaces Studied by Ambient-Pressure X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy 19
Optical and electronic properties of silver nanoparticles embedded in cerium oxide 19
Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Cuprous Oxide: BulkCrystal versus Crystalline Films 18
Ultrafast Formation of Small Polarons and the Optical Gap in CeO2 16
Surface Reactivity of Ag-Modified Ceria to Hydrogen: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation 16
Interfacial magnetic structure in Fe/NiO(001) 15
Injecting Electrons into CeO2 via Photoexcitation of Embedded Au Nanoparticles 15
Plasmonic properties and stability of Au and Cu nanoparticles embedded in cerium oxide 15
A novel multiwalled carbon nanotube–cyclodextrin nanocomposite for solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in snow samples 14
Preface to the JPCM special issue on physical and chemical properties of reducible oxides 14
Structure of Reduced Cerium Oxide Ultrathin Films on Pt(111): Local Atomic Environment and Long-Range Order 14
LISA annual report 2015 13
OBP-functionalized/hybrid superparamagnetic nanoparticles for Candida albicans treatment 12
Surface Crystallography Analysis of Epitaxial Fe films on Ni(001) 12
Tuning of the exchange-coupling in perpendicular exchange-spring bilayers by the nanoscale structure control 12
Anisotropy-graded magnetic media obtained by ion irradiation of L10 FePt 12
Mapping the local stoichiometry in Cu nanoparticles during controlled oxidation by STEM-EELS spectral imaging 12
Innovative perpendicular thin films for high density magnetic recording 11
Morphology and Optical Properties of Gas-Phase-Synthesized Plasmonic Nanoparticles: Cu and Cu/MgO 11
Controlled co-deposition of FePt nanoparticles embedded in MgO: a detailed investigation of structure and electronic and magnetic properties 10
Dynamics of the Interaction Between Ceria and Platinum During Redox Processes 9
Structure and morphology of silver nanoparticles on the (111) surface of cerium oxide 9
Exchange-coupled bilayers and nanocomposites based on L10-FePt 9
Highly efficient plasmon-mediated electron injection into cerium oxide from embedded silver nanoparticles 9
Role of cerium oxide in bioactive glasses during catalytic dissociation of hydrogen peroxide 9
Perpendicular FePt/Fe bilayers: nanoscale structure, magnetic properties and exchange-spring behavior 9
Growth, Electronic and Structural Characterisation of Fe on Ni(100) 9
Mesoporous bioactive glasses doped with cerium: Investigation over enzymatic-like mimetic activities and bioactivity 8
Tunability of Exchange Bias in Ni@NiO Core-Shell Nanoparticles Obtained by Sequential Layer Deposition 8
Iron oxidation, interfacial expansion, and buckling at the Fe/NiO(001) interface 8
Angular correlation in Auger photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy from the Cu(111) surface 8
Angular correlation in Auger Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy from the Cu(111) surface 8
Contraction, cation oxidation state and size effects in cerium oxide nanoparticles 8
Electronic properties of epitaxial cerium oxide films during controlled reduction and oxidation studied by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering 8
Reducibility of Ag- and Cu-Modified Ultrathin Epitaxial Cerium Oxide Films 8
Growth, structure and epitaxy of ultrathin NiO films on Ag(001) 7
Submicron-scale patterns on ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Fe/NiO layers by focused ion beam (FIB) milling 7
Valence band reconstruction in graphite by grazing incidence (e,2e) spectroscopy 7
CeO2-based model catalysts: Reducibility and interaction with hydrogen 7
Controlled growth of Ni/NiO core-shell nanoparticles: Structure, morphology and tuning of magnetic properties 7
Epitaxy of ultrathin CoO films studied by XPD and GIXRD 7
NiO and MgO ultrathin films by polarization dependent XAS 7
Electron back-scattering contribution to the electron emission anisotropy by keV range electron beams 7
Ni atomic environment in epitaxial NiO layers on Ag(001) 6
Structural characterisation of Fe layers on Co(11(2)over-bar0) 6
Structure of the Fe/NiO(001) interface measured by polarization dependent XAS 6
Growth, structure and epitaxy of ultrathin NiO films on Ag(001) 6
Ion induced, spatially resolved, hard-to-soft transition in FePt films with perpendicular anisotropy 6
Structure of Ultrathin CeO2 Films on Pt(111) by Polarization-Dependent X-ray Absorption Fine Structure 6
Morphology, stoichiometry and interface structure of CeO2 ultrathin films on Pt(111) 5
Growth mode of ultrathin Co films on Fe(001) prepared by low energy ion-assisted deposition 5
Role of interface and morphology in the magnetic behaviour of perpendicular thin films based on L10 FePt 5
Investigation of the LMM Auger spectra of Fe in ultrathin Fe films grown on Cu(100): variations in the lifetime of 3d hole states 5
Reducible oxides as ultrathin epitaxial films 5
Growth of antiferromagnetic oxide thin films 5
Chemical reactions and interdiffusion at the Fe/NiO(001) interface 5
Ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Fe/NiO (100) interface studied by non-linear Kerr effect 5
Structure and electronic properties of Fe nanostructures on MgO(001) 5
Structural analysis of Fe/Ni(001) films by photoelectron diffraction 5
Scanning tunnelling microscopy of MgO ultrathin films on Ag(001) 5
Structural analysis of epitaxial Fe films on Ni(001) 5
Morphology, structural properties and reducibility of size-selected CeO2-x nanoparticle films 5
Structural and morphological modifications of thermally reduced cerium oxide ultrathin epitaxial films on Pt(111) 5
Structure of ultrathins Fe films on Cu3Au(001) 5
Variations in the lifetime of 3d hole states in ultrathin Fe films grown on Cu(100) deduced from the LMM Auger spectra of Fe 5
Absence of oxide formation at the Fe/MgO(001) interface 5
On the ionisation mechanism of reflection (e,2e) events 5
Breakdown of the bi-dimensional symmetry in bct Fe layers by epitaxy on Co(1 1 -2 0) surface 5
Structural characterisation of Fe layers on Co(11-20) 5
Scanning tunnelling microscopy of MgO ultrathin films on Ag(001) 5
Structural and electronic properties of thin Co films on Fe(001) and Fe(001)-p(1 x 1)O in the bct-to-hcp transition regime 4
Imaging of the structure of ultra-thin cobalt silicide films by inelastically backscattered electrons 4
EXAFS analysis of ultrathin Fe films grown on Ni(100) 4
Cerium-doped bioactive 45S5 glasses: spectroscopic, redox, bioactivity and biocatalytic properties 4
Steering the magnetic properties of Ni/NiO/CoO core-shell nanoparticle films: The role of core-shell interface versus interparticle interactions 4
Structural analysis of Fe/Ni(001) films by photoelectron diffraction 4
Oxide/metal interface distance and epitaxial strain in the NiO/Ag(001) system 4
Magnetic profile of Ni/Fe/Ni trilayers 4
Thickness-dependent strain in epitaxial MgO layers on Ag(001) 4
Arrays of metal nanostructures produced by focussed ion beam 4
Structural and electronic properties of thin Co films on Fe(001) and Fe(001)-p(1 x 1)O in the bct-to-hcp transition regime 4
Atomic Scale Structure and Reduction of Cerium Oxide at the Interface with Platinum 4
X-ray Photoemission Study of the Charge State of Au Nanoparticles on Thin MgO/Fe(001) Films 4
Depth-dependent magnetic characterization of Fe films on NiO(001) 4
Structure of active cerium sites within bioactive glasses 4
O K-edge x-ray absorption study of ultrathin NiO epilayers deposited in situ on Ag(001) 3
Growth of NiO on Ag(001): Atomic environment, strain, and interface relaxations studied by polarization dependent extended X-ray absorption fine structure 3
Thickness-dependent strain in epitaxial MgO layers on Ag(001) 3
Grain size reduction and magnetic properties improvement by in situ annealing of FePt epitaxial thin films 3
Initial stages of cobalt disilicide formation on silicon single crystals 3
Self-organized growth of Ni nanoparticles on a cobalt-oxide thin film induced by a buried misfit dislocation network 3
The Fe/NiO interface studied by polarization dependent X-ray absorption spectroscopy 3
Evidence of catalase mimetic activity in Ce3+/Ce4+ doped bioactive glasses 3
Morphology and chemical activity at the Au/NiO interface 3
Morphology-induced magnetic phase transitions in Fe deposits on MgO films investigated with XMCD and STM 3
Metals on oxides: structure, morphology and interface chemistry 3
Totale 790
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.337
article - articoli 3.726
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 32
Totale 8.095

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 4 42 4
2024/2025778 24 6 128 77 250 146 13 84 50 0 0 0
Totale 838