Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 629
AS - Asia 234
EU - Europa 155
SA - Sud America 2
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 1.022
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 602
SG - Singapore 193
IT - Italia 65
GB - Regno Unito 29
CA - Canada 26
CN - Cina 26
LT - Lituania 19
DE - Germania 16
BE - Belgio 13
KR - Corea 5
CH - Svizzera 4
FR - Francia 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
NL - Olanda 3
KZ - Kazakistan 2
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EC - Ecuador 1
FI - Finlandia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
IN - India 1
JP - Giappone 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MA - Marocco 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 1.022
Città #
Santa Clara 519
Singapore 122
Toronto 22
Brussels 13
Bologna 12
Rome 12
Frankfurt am Main 11
Messina 9
Trieste 9
London 8
Venice 6
Guangzhou 5
Portsmouth 5
Seoul 5
Ashburn 4
Baden 4
Ottawa 4
Hong Kong 3
Lauterbourg 3
Padova 3
Potenza 3
Almaty 2
Amsterdam 2
Hamburg 2
Milan 2
Münster 2
Phoenix 2
Quanzhou 2
Rimini 2
Shanghai 2
Auckland 1
Baku 1
Boardman 1
Buenos Aires 1
Colombo 1
Corte Franca 1
Delhi 1
Douglas 1
Ferrara 1
Fort Wayne 1
Guayaquil 1
Helsinki 1
Islamabad 1
Los Angeles 1
Modena 1
Preston 1
Prineville 1
Springfield 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 819
Nome #
Surface Defect Engineering in Colored TiO2 Hollow Spheres Toward Efficient Photocatalysis 37
Interfacing CrOx and CuS for synergistically enhanced water oxidation catalysis 36
Surface Defect Engineered Nano‐Cu/TiO2 Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Production 21
Tailor-made ZnO@SnO2 networks for high efficiency photovoltaic devices 17
Metal oxide nanoscience and nanotechnology for chemical sensors 15
Preparation and Optical Characterization of ZnO nanowires for sensing and optoelectronic applications 15
Two step synthesis of TiO2-Co3O4 composite for efficient oxygen evolution reaction 15
Controlling photoinduced electron transfer from PbS@CdS core@shell quantum dots to metal oxide nanostructured thin films 14
Cadmium-free electron transport layers for hydrothermally processed semitransparent Sb2S3 solar cells 13
Nanostructured Co3O4 electrocatalyst for OER: The role of organic polyelectrolytes as soft templates 13
Engineering Cu2O Nanowire Surfaces for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction 13
Engineering interfacial structure in "Giant" PbS/CdS quantum dots for photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion 13
Modulating Exciton Dynamics in Composite Nanocrystals for Excitonic Solar Cells 12
MoS2 Nanosheets Uniformly Anchored on NiMoO4 Nanorods, a Highly Active Hierarchical Nanostructure Catalyst for OER and Pseudo-Capacitors 12
Graphene as transparent front contact for dye sensitized solar cells 12
Electrical and holographic characterization of gold catalyzed titania-based layers 12
Metal oxide nanowire and thin-film-based gas sensors for chemical warfare simulants detection 12
Fabrication and investigation of gas sensing properties of Nb-doped TiO 2 nanotubular arrays 12
Insight into the Formation Mechanism of One-Dimensional Indium Oxide Wires 12
Hierarchical self-assembled Cu2S nanostructures: Fast and reproducible spray deposition of effective counter electrodes for high efficiency quantum dot solar cells 12
14N(?,p)17O nuclear reaction cross-section at 4.9-6.1 MeV 11
Effect of blocking layer to boost photoconversion efficiency in ZnO dye-sensitized solar cells 11
Graphene below the percolation threshold in TiO2 for dye-sensitized solar cells 11
Light harvester band gap engineering in excitonic solar cells: A case study on semiconducting quantum dots sensitized rainbow solar cells 11
Hybrid carbon nanotubes-TiO2 photoanodes for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells 11
Flexible dye sensitized solar cells using TiO 2 nanotubes 11
Metal oxide nanowires for biochemical gas sensing 10
Fabrication of innovative metal-oxide-nanowire-based dye sensitized and hybrid solar cells. Progetto Fonadazione Cariplo 2008-2393 10
ZnO/ TiO2 nanonetwork as efficient photoanode in excitonic solar cells 10
Apparatus to study crystal channeling and volume reflection phenomena at the SPSH8 beamline 10
Semiconducting tin oxide nanowires and thin films for Chemical Warfare Agents detection 10
Fabrication of pure and Nb-TiO 2 nanotubes and their functional properties 10
Effects of Ta/Nb-doping on titania-based thin films for gas-sensing 10
Dual emission in asymmetric "giant" PbS/CdS/CdS core/shell/shell quantum dots 10
Indium oxide quasi-monodimensional low temperature gas sensor 10
Role of cobalt precursors in the synthesis of Co3O4 hierarchical nanostructures toward the development of cobalt‐based functional electrocatalysts for bifunctional water splitting in alkaline and acidic media 10
All-Inorganic Hydrothermally Processed Semitransparent Sb2S3 Solar Cells with CuSCN as the Hole Transport Layer 10
Direct integration of metal oxide nanowires into an effective gas sensing device 10
Diffusion-equation approach to describe ionic mobility in nanostructured titania 10
Structure and optical properties of Au-polyimide nanocomposite films prepared by ion implantation 9
Observation of channeling and volume reflection in bent crystals for high-energy negative particles 9
Ground state capture in 14N(p,?)15O studied above the 259 keV resonance at LUNA 9
Spray-assisted silar deposition of cadmium sulphide quantum dots on metal oxide films for excitonic solar cells 9
Astrophysical S-factor of 14N(p,?)15O 9
Analysis of art objects by means of ion beam induced luminescence 9
Deflection of 400GeV/c proton beam with bent silicon crystals at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron 9
Experimental apparatus for annihilation cross-section measurements of low energy antiprotons 9
Structural and functional characterization of W-Si-N sputtered thin films for copper metallizations 9
Volume Reflection Dependence of 400 GeV/c Protons on the Bent Crystal Curvature 9
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the stability of dye sensitized solar cells 9
Thermal evolution of cobalt nanocrystals embedded in silica 9
Sequential physical vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition for the growth of In2O3-SnO2 radial and longitudinal heterojunctions 9
Oxide Nanowires for New Chemical Sensor Devices 9
Mo-W-O thin films for CO sensing 8
Metal oxide nanowires: Preparation and application in gas sensing 8
Vertically aligned TiO 2 nanotubes on plastic substrates for flexible solar cells 8
Synthesis and characterization of semiconducting nanowires for gas sensing 8
High-Efficiency Deflection of High-Energy Protons through Axial Channeling in a Bent Crystal 8
Revision of the 15N(p, ?)16O reaction rate and oxygen abundance in H-burning zones 8
Formation of silver nanoclusters in transparent polyimides by Ag-K ion-exchange process 8
Experimental apparatus to study crystal channeling in an external SPS beamline 8
Preparation and microstructural characterization of nanosized Mo-TiO 2 and Mo-W-O thin films by sputtering: Tailoring of composition and porosity by thermal treatment 8
Apparatus to study crystal channeling and volume reflection phenomena at the SPS H8 beamline 8
Single crystalline metal oxide nano-wires/tubes: Controlled growth for sensitive gas sensor devices 8
Selective sublimation processing of a molybdenum-tungsten mixed oxide thin film 8
Coalescence inhibition in nanosized titania films and related effects on chemoresistive properties towards ethanol 8
Structural properties of reactively sputtered W-Si-N thin films 8
Optical study of the matrix effect on the ESIPT mechanism of 3-HF doped sol-gel glass 8
Observation of nuclear dechanneling for high-energy protons in crystals 8
Preparation of transparent conducting oxide nanostructures for dye-sensitized solar cells 8
Tailoring of silicon crystals for relativistic-particle channeling 8
On-line monitoring and active control of dye uptake in dye-sensitised solar cells 8
Low-energy-channeling surface analysis on silicon crystals designed for high-energy-channeling in accelerators 8
Precision study of ground state capture in the 14N(p,?)15O reaction 8
Hierarchically assembled ZnO nanocrystallites for high-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells 8
Integration of metal oxide nanowires in dye sensitized solar cells 8
Observation of multiple volume reflection by different planes in one bent silicon crystal for high-energy negative particles 8
A new setup for the underground study of capture reactions 8
The bottleneck of CNO burning and the age of Globular Clusters 8
Deflection of high-energy negative particles in a bent crystal through axial channeling and multiple volume reflection stimulated by doughnut scattering 8
Author Correction to: Unraveling the optoelectronic properties of CoSbx intrinsic selective solar absorber towards high-temperature surfaces (Nature Communications, (2023), 14, 1, (7280), 10.1038/s41467-023-42839-6) 8
Deflection of 400 GeV/c proton beam with bent silicon crystals at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron 8
TiO 2 nanotubular and nanoporous arrays by electrochemical anodization on different substrates 8
Hybrid thermal-field emission of ZnO nanowires 8
S-factor of 14N(p,?)15O at astrophysical energies 8
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings: Preface 8
Production and characterization of thin film materials for indoor optical gas sensing applications 8
Panchromatic sensitized solar cells based on metal sulfide quantum dots grown directly on nanostructured TiO 2 electrodes 7
Highly sensitive single crystalline metal oxide nanowires gas sensors 7
Observation of multiple volume reflection of ultrarelativistic protons by a sequence of several bent silicon crystals 7
Thickness of thin films on glass - A round robin test 7
Novel selective ethanol sensors: W/TiO2 thin films by sol-gel spin-coating 7
Deposition of silica-silver nanocomposites by magnetron cosputtering 7
First observation of multiple volume reflection by different planes in one bent silicon crystal for high-energy protons 7
Recent results of the 14N(p,?)15O measurement at LUNA 7
High-efficiency deflection of high-energy negative particles through axial channeling in a bent crystal 7
Synthesis of different ZnO nanostructures by modified PVD process and potential use for dye-sensitized solar cells 7
Influence of iron addition on ethanol and CO sensing properties of tin oxide prepared with the RGTO technique 7
Functional nanowires of tin oxide 7
Optimal crystal surface for efficient channeling in the new generation of hadron machines 7
Totale 1.003
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.355
article - articoli 3.847
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 67
Totale 8.269

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 29 6
2024/20251.029 3 5 118 77 426 244 64 67 25 0 0 0
Totale 1.067