Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 498
AS - Asia 255
EU - Europa 119
Totale 872
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 496
SG - Singapore 229
IT - Italia 83
FI - Finlandia 17
CN - Cina 15
KR - Corea 9
DE - Germania 7
BE - Belgio 3
GB - Regno Unito 3
CA - Canada 2
IE - Irlanda 2
LT - Lituania 2
AT - Austria 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
NL - Olanda 1
PH - Filippine 1
Totale 872
Città #
Santa Clara 453
Singapore 142
Helsinki 17
Seoul 9
Rome 7
Bologna 6
Cavallino 6
Milan 6
Guangzhou 5
Bari 4
Urbino 4
Assemini 3
Brussels 3
Falkenstein 3
Rosarno 3
Capannori 2
Florence 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
London 2
Shenzhen 2
Toronto 2
Turin 2
Ashburn 1
Hong Kong 1
Los Angeles 1
Neviano 1
Sannicola 1
Seattle 1
Squinzano 1
Venice 1
Vienna 1
Totale 694
Nome #
"Darker-than-Black" PbS Quantum Dots: Enhancing Optical Absorption of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals via Short Conjugated Ligands. 27
TURBOMOLE: Today and Tomorrow 21
Controlling the optical output of arylamino-dibenzothiophene systems by sulphur oxidation state 21
Colour tunability by optically induced electron transfer in diarylamine-dibenzothiophene derivatives 19
Modified Fourth-Order Kinetic Energy Gradient Expansion with Hartree Potential-Dependent Coefficients 15
Arylamino-fluorene derivatives: Optically induced electron transfer investigation, redox-controlled modulation of absorption and fluorescence 14
Fluorine-Thiophene-Substituted Organic Dyes For Dye Sensitized Solar Cells 14
Noncovalent Interactions from Models for the Møller-Plesset Adiabatic Connection 12
Synthesis and Investigation of Electro-Optical Properties of H-Shape Dibenzofulvene Derivatives 12
Nonlocal kinetic energy functionals in real space using a Yukawa-potential kernel: Properties, linear response, and model functionals 11
Correlating the chemical structure and charge transport ability of dibenzofulvene-based hole transporting materials for stable perovskite solar cells 11
New organic dyes based on a dibenzofulvene bridge for highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells 10
Tailoring of the self-assembled structures and optical waveguide behaviour of arylaminofluorenone derivatives 10
Seeking widely applicable dispersion-corrected GGA functionals: The performances of TCA+D3 and RevTCA+D3 on solid-state systems 10
Ab Initio Plasmonics of Externally Doped Silicon Nanocrystals 10
Synthesis and photovoltaic performance of dibenzofulvene-based organic sensitizers for DSSC 10
The role of the reduced laplacian renormalization in the kinetic energy functional development 10
Correlation energy functional from jellium surface analysis 10
Nonlocal exchange and correlation energy functionals using the Yukawa potential as ingredient: Application to the linear response of the uniform electron gas 10
Performance of Semilocal Kinetic Energy Functionals for Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory 10
Frozen density embedding with hybrid functionals 10
Synthesis and characterization of a new series of dibenzofulvene based organic dyes for DSSCs 9
Live-cell-permeant thiophene fluorophores and cell-mediated formation of fluorescent fibrils 9
Jellium-with-gap model applied to semilocal kinetic functionals 9
Ab initio depolarization in self-assembled molecular monolayers: Beyond conventional density-functional theory 9
Generalized gradient approximation correlation energy functionals based on the uniform electron gas with gap model 9
Bright oligothiophene N-succinimidyl esters for efficient fluorescent labeling of proteins and oligonucleotides 9
Controlling the Functional Properties of Oligothiophene Crystalline Nano/Microfibers via Tailoring of the Self-Assembling Molecular Precursors 9
Torsional effects on excitation energies of thiophene derivatives induced by beta-substituents: Comparison between time-dependent density functional theory and approximated coupled cluster approaches 9
Methods to generate reference total and Pauli kinetic potentials 9
Assessment of interaction-strength interpolation formulas for gold and silver clusters 9
Spontaneous Coassembly of the Protein Terthiophene into Fluorescent Electroactive Microfibers in 2D and 3D Cell Cultures 9
Processable Thiophene-Based Polymers with Tailored Electronic Properties and their Application in Solid-State Electrochromic Devices Using Nanoparticle Films 9
The ab initio density functional theory applied for spin-polarized calculations 9
Polymorphism in Crystalline Microfibers of Achiral Octithiophene: The Effect on Charge Transport, Supramolecular Chirality and Optical Properties 8
Kohn-Sham kinetic energy density in the nuclear and asymptotic regions: Deviations from the von Weizsäcker behavior and applications to density functionals 8
Effects of donor position on dibenzofulvene-based organic dyes for photovoltaics 8
Exploiting Photo- and Electroluminescence Properties of FIrpic Organic Crystals 8
Monodispersed molecular donors for bulk hetero-junction solar cells: From molecular properties to device performances 8
Exploiting photo-and electroluminescence properties of FIrpic organic crystals 8
Plasmon Couplings from Subsystem Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory 8
Laplacian-dependent models of the kinetic energy density: Applications in subsystem density functional theory with meta-generalized gradient approximation functionals 8
First disubstituted dibenzothiophene-5,5-dioxide monodispersed molecular materials for efficient blue-electroluminescence. 8
The Role of Exact-Exchange in the Theoretical Description of Organic-Metal Interfaces 8
Kinetic Energy Density Functionals Based on a Generalized Screened Coulomb Potential: Linear Response and Future Perspectives 8
Improving the property-function tuning range of thiophene materials via facile synthesis of oligo/polythiophene-s-oxides and mixed voligo/polythiophene-s-oxides/oligo/polythiophene-s,s-dioxides 8
Investigation of the Exchange-Correlation Potentials of Functionals Based on the Adiabatic Connection Interpolation 8
MAP: An MP2 Accuracy Predictor for Weak Interactions from Adiabatic Connection Theory 8
Frozen density embedding with non-integer subsystems' particle numbers 7
Kinetic-energy-density dependent semilocal exchange-correlation functionals 7
Semilocal Pauli-Gaussian Kinetic Functionals for Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory Calculations of Solids 7
A series of diphenylamine-fluorenone derivatives as potential fluorescent probes for neuroblastoma cell staining 7
Two-dimensional scan of the performance of generalized gradient approximations with Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof-like enhancement factor 7
Introduction to Computational Molecular Photophysics 7
Localized exchange-correlation potential from second-order self-energy for accurate Kohn-Sham energy gap 7
Semiclassical atom theory applied to solid-state physics 7
Solid-state testing of a van-der-Waals-corrected exchange-correlation functional based on the semiclassical atom theory 7
Semilocal dynamical correlation with increased localization 7
[1]Benzothieno[3,2-b]benzothiophene-Based Organic Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells 7
Assessment of the TCA functional in computational chemistry and solid-state physics 7
Nonlocal kinetic energy functional from the jellium-with-gap model: Applications to orbital-free density functional theory 7
Control of Electron Transfer Processes in Multidimensional Arylamine-Based Mixed-Valence Compounds by Molecular Backbone Design 7
Global Hybrids from the Semiclassical Atom Theory Satisfying the Local Density Linear Response 7
Wave Function and Density Functional Theory Studies of Dihydrogen Complexes 7
Hartree potential dependent exchange functional 7
Subsystem density functional theory with meta-generalized gradient approximation exchange-correlation functionals 7
Restoring Size Consistency of Approximate Functionals Constructed from the Adiabatic Connection 7
Regularized and Opposite Spin-Scaled Functionals from Møller–Plesset Adiabatic Connection─ Higher Accuracy at Lower Cost 7
Kinetic and Exchange Energy Densities near the Nucleus 7
Design and synthesis of fluorenone-based dyes: Two-photon excited fluorescent probes for imaging of lysosomes and mitochondria in living cells 7
Self-Consistent Implementation of Kohn-Sham Adiabatic Connection Models with Improved Treatment of the Strong-Interaction Limit 7
Communication: Strong-interaction limit of an adiabatic connection in Hartree-Fock theory 7
Accurate Kohn-Sham ionization potentials from scaled-opposite-spin second-order optimized effective potential methods 7
Generalized gradient approximation bridging the rapidly and slowly varying density regimes: A PBE-like functional for hybrid interfaces 6
Torsional potential of pi-conjugated molecules using the localized Hartree-Fock Kohn-Sham exchange potential 6
Self-assembled Monolayers of Cobalt(II)-(4-tert-Butylphenyl)-Porphyrins: The Influence of the Electronic Dipole on Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Images 6
Orbital-dependent second-order scaled-opposite-spin correlation functionals in the optimized effective potential method 6
Assessment of interaction-strength interpolation formulas for gold and silver clusters (vol 148, 134106, 2018) 6
Towards an accurate description of the electronic properties of the biphenylthiol/gold interface: the role of exact-exchange 6
A simple non-empirical procedure for spin-component-scaled MP2 methods applied to the calculation of the dissociation energy curve of noncovalently-interacting systems 6
Semiclassical Neutral Atom as a Reference System in Density Functional Theory 6
Optical properties of N-succinimidyl-bithiophene and the effects of the binding to biomolecules: comparison between coupled-cluster and time-dependent density-functional theory calculations and experiment 6
Approximate solution of coupled cluster equations: Application to the coupled cluster doubles method and non-covalent interacting systems 6
Colorless to All-Black Full-NIR High-Contrast Switching in Solid Electrochromic Films Prepared with Organic Mixed Valence Systems Based on Dibenzofulvene Derivatives 6
Nonradiative relaxation in thiophene-S,S-dioxide derivatives: the role of the environment 6
Theoretical study on N-Sucinimidyl oligothiophenes: A novel class of materials for biological applications 6
Nonadiabatic trajectory calculations with ab initio and semiempirical methods 6
Electrostatic Mechanophores in Tuneable Light-Emitting Piezopolymer Nanowires 6
Semilocal density functional theory with correct surface asymptotics 6
Gaussian expansion of Yukawa non-local kinetic energy functionals: Application to metal clusters 6
Gradient-dependent upper bound for the exchange-correlation energy and application to density functional theory 5
Nonuniform scaling applied to surface energies of transition metals 5
Orthogonal electronic coupling in multicentre arylamine mixed-valence compounds based on a dibenzofulvene-thiophene conjugated bridge 5
High-Performance Electrofluorochromic Switching Devices Using a Novel Arylamine-Fluorene Redox-Active Fluorophore 5
Testing the broad applicability of the PBEint GGA functional and its one-parameter hybrid form 5
Relevance of coordinate and particle-number scaling in density-functional theory 5
Generalized Gradient Approximations of the Noninteracting Kinetic Energy from the Semiclassical Atom Theory: Rationalization of the Accuracy of the Frozen Density Embedding Theory for Nonbonded Interactions 5
Meta-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional with a Balanced Treatment of Nonlocality 5
Spin-dependent gradient correction for more accurate atomization energies of molecules 5
Construction of a general semilocal exchange-correlation hole model: Application to nonempirical meta-GGA functionals 5
Totale 833
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.188
article - articoli 4.140
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 48
Totale 8.376

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202439 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 23 10
2024/2025881 10 8 150 73 429 127 75 9 0 0 0 0
Totale 920