Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 163
AS - Asia 104
EU - Europa 26
Totale 293
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 163
SG - Singapore 92
CN - Cina 8
DE - Germania 8
IT - Italia 8
FI - Finlandia 4
KR - Corea 4
NL - Olanda 3
AT - Austria 1
BE - Belgio 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 293
Città #
Santa Clara 142
Singapore 68
Boardman 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Rome 5
Helsinki 4
Seoul 4
Guangzhou 3
Amsterdam 2
Brussels 1
Falkenstein 1
Munich 1
Vienna 1
Totale 244
Nome #
Advances in biocultural geography of olive tree (Olea europaea L.) landscapes by merging biological and historical assays 14
Agroforestry systems and innovation in extra-virgin olive oil chain (EVOO) in Central Italy: a multi-stakeholder perspective 11
Modelling Stakeholders' Knowledge and Perception in a Fuzzy Cognitive Map: The Case of the Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) Value Chain in Central Italy 10
Rheological characteristics of durum wheat doughs, added with long chain inulin, to produce pasta for diabetics 10
Considerations on local development and the Mediterranean legacy 10
Supporting the value chain of extra-virgin olive oil: about the reuse for nutritional purposes of wet olive pomace 9
L'approccio partecipativo e la comunicazione per l'innovazione in agroforestry: il progetto AFINET 9
Analisi spaziali per la tracciabilità geografica dell'olio extravergine di oliva 8
Mental Modeler Matrix Analysis 8
Interferon Beta-1a treatment promotes SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine response in multiple sclerosis subjects 8
Spatial and spatio-temporal analysis of stable isotopes in biogeochemical processes 8
Understanding the resilience of agroforestry systems in a changing biosphere: a review of stable isotopes in ecophysiological studies 8
Agro-biodiversità e tracciabilità in Olea europaea - Sostenibilità e adattamento al cambiamento climatico dell'agroalimentare 7
Manuscript on agronomic productivity and resource use efficiency for identification of knowledge gaps in IFNS 7
Innovations in the Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) value chain in Central Italy 7
Priorità di ricerca per la Riserva dell'Uomo e della Biosfera MAB UNESCO del Monte Peglia 7
Productivity and economic evaluation of agroforestry systems for sustainable production of food and non-food products 7
Case studies of diet reconstruction by stable isotopes of C and N 6
Agro-biodiversità e tracciabilità in Olea europaea L.- Sostenibilità e adattamento al cambiamento climatico dell'agroalimentare. 6
Questionari socio-ecologici per agricoltori della Valle della Bekaa (Libano) 6
null 6
Assessing the multidimensional elements of sustainability in European agroforestry systems 5
Life Cycle Assessment of olive cultivation in Italy: comparison of three management systems 5
The reuse of an ancient metope in the castrum of Civita di Ogliara (Southern Italy): an example of ideological intent in the Longobardian architecture 5
I segnali isotopici negli studi agroambientali ed archeologici. Seminario per gli studenti del corso di Biotecnologie (Università della Tuscia) 5
Timescape: a space-time interpolation algorithm for complex ecological systems 5
Applicazioni ambientali di spettrometria di massa per gli isotopi stabili (IRMS) 5
Studio pilota del sottoprodotto pasta di olive nella filiera dell'EVOO nell'area orvietana 4
Coprolite specimens from Pietraroja (lower Cretaceous, Southern Italy): morphological analysis by scanning electron microscopy 4
Redesigning resilience in Mediterranean socio-ecological systems: the biocultural case of date palm in Palestine 4
Report prima missone agribusiness albicocca (Libano) con Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II: 4
Sampling strategies in a forest environment for the elaboration of Isoscapes 4
Functional relationships between leaves and stem across canopy layers in two contrasting clones of Populus nigra L. 4
Humanities and policy issues on conservation and preservation of Middle East natural resources 4
Timescape: A Novel Spatiotemporal Modeling Tool 4
Socioecological insights on the sustainability of the sweet cherry production chain within the frame of a Lebanese small farming system 4
Redesigning resilience in Mediterranean socioecological systems: lessons from the past to understand how to drive the future 4
Nature conservation and restoration in the jordan valley to support processes of sustainable development 4
Terzo Report: analisi di crescita eseguita sui dati biometrici dell'Aloe vera (Giordania). 4
Stable isotopes in tissues discriminate the diet of free-living wild boar from different areas of Central Italy 4
Report seconda missone a Jericho (Palestina) con Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II 4
Mappatura cognitiva della filiera olivicola orvietana: identità, percezioni e scenari 4
Study of short-term plasticity in two contrasting genotypes of Populus nigra L. 3
Nature conservation and restoration in the Jordan Valley to support processes of sustainable development 3
Stomata morphological traits in two different genotypes of Populus nigra L. 3
Report seconda missone nella Valle della Bekaa (Libano) con Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II 3
The reuse of an ancient metope in the castrum of Civita di Ogliara (Serino, Italy): an example of ideological intent in the longobardian architecture 3
Humanities and policy issues on conservation and preservation of Middle East natural resources 3
Stable isotopes in plant physiology - Applications and perspectives 3
Report prima missone a Jericho (Palestina) con Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II 3
Report prima missone nella Valle della Bekaa (Libano) con Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II 2
Promozione della filiera agribusiness dell'Aloe vera attraverso l'implementazione di un progetto pilota a sostegno delle cooperative di piccoli produttori nell'area di Karak in Giordania - missione 24-30 marzo 2018 2
Preliminary results on the socio-ecological system of the date palm in Jericho (Palestine) 2
Stable isotopes physiological ecology and agro-ecological applications to the sweet cherry plantations in Lebanon 2
A socio-ecological analysis of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) system in Jericho area, Palestine. 2
SAR and optical data comparison for detecting Trees Outside Forest in agroforestry landscapes 1
Totale 297
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.498
article - articoli 356
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 150
Totale 2.004

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202420 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 7
2024/2025277 6 3 64 30 137 37 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 297