Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 631
AS - Asia 313
EU - Europa 42
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 988
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 629
SG - Singapore 298
FI - Finlandia 19
IT - Italia 13
HK - Hong Kong 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
CN - Cina 2
DE - Germania 2
JO - Giordania 2
NO - Norvegia 2
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BR - Brasile 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
EE - Estonia 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JP - Giappone 1
NL - Olanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SE - Svezia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 988
Città #
Santa Clara 553
Singapore 170
Helsinki 19
Rome 8
Ashburn 4
Hong Kong 4
Amman 2
Forest City 2
Los Angeles 2
Oslo 2
Pescara 2
Seattle 2
Baku 1
Buenos Aires 1
Dubai 1
Guangzhou 1
Islamabad 1
London 1
Milan 1
Minsk 1
Nuremberg 1
Phoenix 1
Pisa 1
Shanghai 1
Tallinn 1
Tokyo 1
Turin 1
Vienna 1
Totale 786
Nome #
From quantum foam to graviton condensation: the Zel'dovich route 21
Comparing One-loop Gravitational Bremsstrahlung Amplitudes to the Multipolar-Post-Minkowskian Waveform 20
Einstein, Planck and Vera Rubin: Relevant Encounters Between the Cosmological and the Quantum Worlds 17
Radiated momentum in gravitational two-body scattering including time-asymmetric effects 17
Binary dynamics at the fifth and fifth-and-a-half post-Newtonian orders 17
Momentum recoil in the relativistic two-body problem: Higher-order tails 17
Wedging spacetime principal null directions 15
First Post-Minkowskian approach to turbulent gravity 15
Detweiler's redshift invariant for extended bodies orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole 14
Radiative contributions to gravitational scattering 14
Gravitomagnetic Helicity 14
Sixth post-Newtonian nonlocal-in-time dynamics of binary systems 13
Multipolar invariants and the eccentricity enhancement function parametrization of gravitational radiation 13
Estimating today's cosmological constant via the Zel'dovich-Holographic connection 13
Frequency domain analysis of the gravitational wave energy loss in hyperbolic encounters 13
Godel spacetime, planar geodesics and the Mobius map 13
Gravitational scattering at the seventh order in G: Nonlocal contribution at the sixth post-Newtonian accuracy 13
Higher-order tail contributions to the energy and angular momentum fluxes in a two-body scattering process 12
Gravitational bremsstrahlung waveform at the fourth post-Minkowskian order and the second post-Newtonian level 12
Sixth post-Newtonian local-in-time dynamics of binary systems 12
Scattering of tidally interacting bodies in post-Minkowskian gravity 12
Analytical determination of the periastron advance in spinning binaries from self-force computations 11
Science & Coffee Break all'IAC_Roma (attività seminariale permanente) 11
Gravitational waveforms: A tale of two formalisms 11
Static and dynamic Melvin universes 10
Comparing effective-one-body Hamiltonians for spin-aligned coalescing binaries 10
Investigating new forms of gravity-matter couplings in the gravitational field equations 10
Effect of an arbitrary spin orientation on the quadrupolar structure of an extended body in a Schwarzschild spacetime 9
Dixon's extended bodies and impulsive gravitational waves 9
Refraction index analysis of light propagation in a colliding gravitational wave spacetime 9
On the linearization of the Belinski-Alekseev exact solution for two charged masses in equilibrium 9
Spin-orbit contribution to radiative losses for spinning binaries with aligned spins 9
Gravitational self-force corrections to tidal invariants for spinning particles on circular orbits in a Schwarzschild spacetime 9
Fourth post-Minkowskian local-in-time conservative dynamics of binary systems 9
On Fermi’s Resolution of the “4/3 Problem” in the Classical Theory of the Electron 9
Black hole geodesic parallel transport and the Marck reduction procedure 9
Radiation-reaction and angular momentum loss at the second Post-Minkowskian order 9
Novel approach to binary dynamics: application to the fifth post-Newtonian level 9
Gravitational induction 8
Massless Dirac particles in the vacuum C-metric 8
Gravitational self-force corrections to tidal invariants for particles on eccentric orbits in a Schwarzschild spacetime 8
The signal from an emitting source moving in a Schwarzschild 8
Inertial effects of an accelerating black hole 8
Border rank of a PX9X2 tensor and the optimal approximation of a pair of bilinear forms 8
Charged massive particle at rest in the field of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole 8
Deviation of quadrupolar bodies from geodesic motion in a Kerr spacetime 8
New gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole: Redshift invariant 8
Confirming and improving post-Newtonian and effective-one-body results from self-force computations along eccentric orbits around a Schwarzschild bh 8
Gravitational self-force corrections to gyroscope precession along circular orbits in the Kerr spacetime 8
Dark energy from cosmological fluids obeying a Shan-Chen nonideal equation of state 8
Charged spinning particles on circular orbits in the Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime 8
Extended bodies in a Kerr spacetime: exploring the role of a general quadrupole tensor 8
Spinning particles in the vacuum C metric 8
Particles under radiation thrust in Schwarzschild space-time: a flux perpendicular to the equatorial plane 8
Massless fields and gravitomagnetism in the Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime 8
Physical frames along circular orbits in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes 8
Three-band decomposition analysis of wall shear stress in pulsatile flows 8
Gyroscope precession along general timelike geodesics in a Kerr black hole spacetime 8
Cylindrical gravitational waves: C-energy, super-energy and associated dynamical effects 8
Observer-dependent tidal indicators in the Kerr spacetime 8
On the local isometric embedding of trapped surfaces into three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds 8
Inertial forces: the special relativistic assessment 8
On the Modification of the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Spectrum from Canonical Quantum Gravity 7
The speciality index and the Lifshitz-Khalatnikov Kasner index parametrization 7
Gravitational self-force corrections to two-body tidal interactions and the effective one-body formalism 7
New solutions of the Ermakov-Pinney equation in curved spacetime 7
Post-Minkowskian self-force in the low-velocity limit: Scalar field scattering 7
Light scattering by radiation fields: the optical medium analogy 7
Effective action approach to higher-order relativistic tidal interactions in binary 7
Orbital effects due to gravitational induction 7
Observer-dependent optical properties of stationary axisymmetric spacetimes 7
Kerr spacetime with an arbitrary mass quadrupole moment: geometric properties vs particle motion 7
Compatibility of physical frames in relativity 7
Kerr metric, static observers and Fermi coordinates 7
New gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole: Gyroscope precession 7
Radiation drag in the field of a non-spherical source 7
Weitzenböck's torsion, Fermi coordinates, and adapted frames 7
Scattering of particles by radiation fields: a comparative analysis 7
Introduction to relativistic continuum mechanics 7
Dynamics of extended bodies in a Kerr spacetime with spin-induced quadrupole tensor 7
Three-band decomposition analysis of wall shear stress in pulsatile flows 7
Scattering by a Schwarzschild black hole of particles undergoing drag force effects 7
C metric: the equatorial plane and Fermi coordinates 7
null 7
Spin-geodesic deviations in the Kerr spacetime 7
Spinning particles in twisted gravitational wave spacetimes 7
Scalar field self-force effects on a particle orbiting a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole 7
Vacuum C-Metric and the Gravitational Stark Effect 7
Analytic determination of the two-body gravitational interaction potential at the 4th post-Newtonian approximation 7
Hyperbolic scattering of spinning particles by a Kerr black hole 7
Spinning test particles and clock effect in Schwarzschild spacetime 7
High post-Newtonian order gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole 7
Neutrino current in a gravitational plane wave collision background 7
Equatorial Circular Geodesics in the Hartle-Thorne Spacetime 7
Geometric transport along circular orbits in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes 7
Frenet-Serret formalism for null world lines 7
de Rham wave equation for tensor valued p-forms 7
Taub-NUT spinless particles and Schwarzschild spinning particles 7
Superposition of Weyl solutions: Circular orbits 7
Explicit solution of the gravitational two-body problem at the second post-Minkowskian order 7
Totale 927
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.770
article - articoli 5.359
book - libri 53
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 36
Totale 11.218

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20245 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2
2024/20251.132 2 18 183 111 451 173 89 47 58 0 0 0
Totale 1.137