Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 811
AS - Asia 431
EU - Europa 101
OC - Oceania 3
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 1.349
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 811
SG - Singapore 396
IT - Italia 57
CN - Cina 22
FI - Finlandia 18
KR - Corea 10
SE - Svezia 9
NL - Olanda 4
DE - Germania 3
IE - Irlanda 3
AU - Australia 2
BR - Brasile 2
FR - Francia 2
RO - Romania 2
TH - Thailandia 2
GB - Regno Unito 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 1.349
Città #
Santa Clara 748
Singapore 276
Helsinki 18
Pomigliano d'Arco 10
Seoul 10
Guangzhou 9
Stockholm 8
Milan 6
Cascina 4
Pisa 4
Ashburn 3
Dublin 3
Falkenstein 3
Naples 3
Springfield 3
Amsterdam 2
Bacau 2
Bologna 2
Capurso 2
Phoenix 2
Sydney 2
Brignais 1
Fano 1
Florence 1
Forest City 1
Genoa 1
Grenoble 1
Hong Kong 1
London 1
Mladenovac 1
Patos de Minas 1
Pistoia 1
Riga 1
San Gennaro Vesuviano 1
Santa Maria a Monte 1
Senigallia 1
São Paulo 1
Venice 1
Totale 1.137
Nome #
Biological Assessment of Green Waste and Dredged Sediment Co-Composting for Nursery Plant Cultivation 18
Fitotrattamento dei suoli contaminati da Hg nell'area Canova - Relazione finale 16
Vermicomposting Nursery Green Waste: A Circular Economy Approach 15
Fitostabilizzazione dei fanghi biologici 14
Co-composting winery waste and zeolite: a sustainable valorisation example 13
Isotope signature and ecoenzymatic stoichiometry as key indicators of urban soil functionality 13
Co-Composting of Green Waste and Dredged Sediments Can Reduce the Environmental Impact of the Potted Nursery without Affecting Plant Growth 12
Comparison of extraction methods for recovery of extracellular B-glucosidase in two different forest soils. 11
The phytoremediation of an organic and inorganic polluted soil: A real scale experience 11
Biochemical performance of degraded soil recovered by lake-dredged materials (LDM) as pedotechnomaterials 11
A microcosm approach to assessing the effects of earthworm inoculation and oat cover cropping on CO2 fluxes and biological properties in an amended semiarid soil 11
Zeolite and Winery Waste as Innovative By-Product for Vineyard Soil Management 11
IEF technique to study the b-glucosidase humic complexes in organic and mineral amended soils 11
A low impact sediment and green waste co-compost: can it replace peat in the nursery sector? 10
Relazione relativa alle attività del secondo anno Fitotrattamento di suoli contaminati da Hg nell'area CANOVA 10
Report on analysis and full characterization of co-composted sediments:. Deliverable Action C1 10
Posidonia-Based Compost and Dredged Sediment in Growing Media Improve Tolerance and Nutrient Uptake in Ornamental Plants 10
Recovery and environmental recycling of sediments: the experience of CNR-IRET Pisa 10
Proteasi 9
Caratterizzazione del sottovaglio e del digestato 9
Sediment sampling 9
Lake-dredged material (LDM) in pedotechnique for the restoration of Mediterranean soils affected by erosion/entisolization processes 9
Incarico di consulenza tecnico-scientifica per il completamento delle indagini conoscitive sui laghi di Monticchio ai fini di progettare e sperimentare un intervento pilota di risanamento del Lago Grande 9
Landfarming efficiently recovers marine dredged sediment for pomegranate cultivation 9
Waste materials-based substrates for ornamental plant production: technical and environmental aspects 9
Posidonia oceanica based-compost and dredged sediments as a growth substrate for ornamental plants 9
AGRISED LCA. Deliverable Action C4 9
Role of humo-enzyme complexes in restoring of soil ecosystems 9
Suspended particulate matter in the Lago Grande di Monticchio ( Italy ) : dynamics of sedimentation and eutrophic nutrient productivity. 9
Report on treatment 8
Testing decontaminated sediments as a substrate for ornamentals in field nursery plantations 8
A real-scale soil phytoremediation 8
Hydraulic and biochemical analyses on full-scale sludge consolidation reed beds in Tuscany (Italy) 8
Almond tree for soil quality improvement in southern Italy 8
Final Report Progetto LIFE ZEOWINE 8
Pyrolysis-Gas chromatography to evaluate the organic matter quality of different degraded soil ecosystems 8
Studio degli effetti di prodotti commerciali fertilizzanti sulla fitotossicità e sul rendimento produttivo di varie colture di interesse agronomico "Sperimentazione per la preparazione di un prodotto biostimolante" Relazione intermedia 8
Agricultural reuse of polluted dredged sediments 8
Report on the sediment treatment. Deliverable Action B1 8
"Monitoring and validation of the use of remediated sediments as a substrate for plant nursing and cultivation: non food crop production". "Physical, chemical and biochemical properties of the growing media". Deliverable Action C.2.3 8
Bioremediation of polluted soil through the combined application of plants, earthworms and organic matter 8
Wetland plants, micro-organisms and enzymatic activities interrelations in treating N polluted water 8
Assisted phytoremediation as a management option for a slightly contaminated dredged marine sediments and soils 8
Applicazione della metodologia ESAs in un' area di studio e validazione con dati di campo 8
Biostimulation of microbial activity through organic amendment and almond plant tree association 8
Relazione sulla sperimentazione di vermicompostaggio di materiale di rifiuto effettuata presso il CNR-Pisa 8
Almond tree and organic fertilization for soil quality improvement in southern Italy 8
Relazione relativa alle attività del primo anno Fitotrattamento di suoli contaminati da Hg nell'area CANOVA 8
Impact of the great quaternary eruptions on the environment and climate of Campania and Basilicata (Italy): a multiparameter study on distal tephra microcores 8
Valutazione ed analisi dei fenomeni di degrado del suolo 8
Stable humus-enzyme nucleus: the last barrier against soil desertification 7
Techinal Guidelines 7
Process for biostabilization and humification of biological sludge in planted filtering beds 7
Intervento biologico per il recupero della discarica di Madonna dell'Acqua mediante tecniche naturali 7
Monitoring of an artificial lake to assess the agro-ecosystem health 7
Bio-tests as markers and soil utilization and fertility 7
Technical report POSIDON Project 7
Agricultural reuse of polluted dredged sediments: the AGRIPORT European Project 7
Settima relazione su "Intervento di bonifica del sito inquinato di Madonna dell'Acqua mediante tecniche naturali" 7
Stabilizzazione dei fanghi mediante processo di fitomineralizzazione e condizionamento biologico al fine di preparare tecnosuoli per uso agricolo e/o ambientale 7
Co-composting as a Management Strategy for Posidonia oceanica Residues and Dredged Sediments 7
In situ phytoremediation of a soil historically contaminated by metals, hydrocarbons and polychlorobiphenyls 7
Effects of Hediste diversicolor (Polichaeta:Nereididae) on organic matter degradation in two different fish farm sediments 7
Specific enzyme activities and CHCl3-labile copper as soil indicators of phytoremediation 7
Managing of dredged sediments applying a non conventional technique 7
Technical report on ZEOWINE composting process 7
Analisi della qualità della sostanza organica e dei complessi umo-enzimatici per la valutazione del rischio di desertificazione 7
Impact of natural zeolite on chemical and biochemical properties of vineyard soils 7
Recommendations for using marine sediment as growing media 7
A multidisciplinary approach to study proteins-humic substances interactions 7
Phragmites australis for sewage sludge stabilization 7
Potential universal applicability of soil bioindicators: evaluation in three temperate ecosystems 7
Wetland plants and micro-organisms inter-relations in treating high N polluted water 7
Rapporto di validazione dell applicazione della metodologia ESAI ad un area del crotonese tramite analisi quali-quantitativa della sostanza organica in campioni di suolo. 7
From special waste into products: polluted canal sediments as substrates for plant nursing cultivation 7
Enzyme activity as an indicator of soil quality changes in degraded cultivated acrisol in the Mexican trans-volcanic belt 7
Technical specifications of sediment treatment 7
Applicazione della metodologia ESAs in un'area di studio e validazione con dati di campo 7
Monitoring and validation of the use of remediated sediments as a substrate for nursing and cultivation: food crop production". "Physical, chemical and biochemical properties of the growing media". Deliverable action C.3.3: 7
Soil protection in Mediterranean areas through cultivation of new varieties of almond tree 7
Innovative system for biochemical monitoring of degraded soils restoration 7
Biocondizionamento dei fanghi biologici 7
Intervento biologico per il recupero della discarica di Madonna dell'Acqua mediante tecniche naturali 7
Bioe control - gore cover: l'innovazione nella flessibilità 7
Study and control of the geochemical processes responsible of diagenetic alteration of archaeological bones 7
Structural chemical evaluation of the organic-mineral complex by liming of coffee-growing soils 7
Sediment characterization reports 7
Il processo di fitotrattamento dei sedimenti di dragaggio: risultati della sperimentazione AGRIPORT in Italia 7
Coupling vermiremediation with phytoremediation technology to enhance the efficiency of reclamation of polluted marine sediments 7
Decontamination and functional reclamation of dredged brackish sediments 7
Phytoremediation of dredged marine sediment: Monitoring of chemical and biochemical processes contributing to sediment reclamation 7
Chemical-physical and biochemical characterization by Isoelectrofocusing (IEF) of grape must and distillery wastes and their fractions 7
Heavy metal sequestration by humic substances during phytotreatment of sewage sludges 7
Accumulo e comportamento del rame nei vigneti biologici 7
A real-scale soil Phytoremediation 7
Wetland cane (Prahmites australis) for sewage sludges stabilization 7
Commercial application of AGRIPORT technology 7
Phytoremediation of contaminated sediments:evaluation of acquired agronomic propertiesand risk assessment 7
Totale 837
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.401
article - articoli 2.889
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 354
Totale 10.644

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202454 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 48 2
2024/20251.329 23 20 263 175 732 101 15 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.383