Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 322
EU - Europa 256
AS - Asia 185
AF - Africa 9
Totale 772
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 322
IT - Italia 184
SG - Singapore 155
CN - Cina 26
FI - Finlandia 24
LV - Lettonia 23
DE - Germania 10
EE - Estonia 9
TN - Tunisia 9
GR - Grecia 4
KR - Corea 2
NL - Olanda 2
HK - Hong Kong 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 772
Città #
Santa Clara 298
Singapore 107
Palermo 29
Helsinki 24
Naples 18
Rome 17
Milan 13
Catania 11
Pompei 11
Tallinn 9
Falkenstein 7
Albignasego 5
Bitonto 5
Santa Maria Capua Vetere 5
Trieste 5
Tunis 5
Thessaloniki 4
Casoria 3
Guangzhou 3
Ashburn 2
Berlin 2
Cagliari 2
Florence 2
Mascalucia 2
Misilmeri 2
Seoul 2
Verona 2
Boardman 1
Corato 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Giugliano in Campania 1
Hong Kong 1
Los Angeles 1
Messina 1
Naaldwijk 1
Phoenix 1
Pisa 1
Romola 1
San Pietro Vernotico 1
Santa Flavia 1
Tokyo 1
Turin 1
Totale 610
Nome #
Progetto CELAVIE: descrizione metodologica per la produzione acquaponica di animali e piante 121
Task 4.3.1 - Initial information base and the identification of suitable methodologies and tools 38
Task 4.3.2 – Development of indicators, methodology and innovative assessment tools to measure the impact of maritime plans (Strategic Socio-Environmental Assessment) and Identify potential strengths and weaknesses in the monitoring phase and increase effectiveness in the adaptation phase 30
Economic games and AI: a learning experience at university 21
Addressing marine plastic pollution: a systematic literature review 19
Inclusive science communication: Tools from the natural sounds 19
Activity 4 - Biodiversity mainstreaming in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP4BIODIVERSITY) Task 4.3.3 – Results related to the development of methods for scenario identification and analysis based on a participatory approach 17
M&A in the Italian Energy Market 17
La scelta universitaria in Italia: differenze fra nord e sud 16
Internal migration and technical efficiency: the case of Italy 16
Consumers' Perception and Willingness to Pay for Eco-Labeled Seafood in Italian Hypermarkets 14
Inferring Population Structure from Early Life Stage: The Case of the European Anchovy in the Sicilian and Maltese Shelves 13
Total Factor Productivity in Italian Manufacturing: Does Location Matter? 13
Consumers' Perception and Willingness to Pay for Eco-Labeled Seafood: A Case-Study 12
Toward crustacean without chemicals: a descriptive analysis of consumer response using price comparisons. 12
Total Factor Productivity in Italian Manufacturing: Does Location Matter? 12
Adverse selection in online education 11
Esplorando il Diritto e l'Economia 10
A mobile learning platform to guarantee education continuity for unaccompanied foreign minors and refugees 10
The productivity of Italian firms: a spatial analysis 10
Sull'eterogeneità del Mezzogiorno 10
Ecology and Economics, a multidisciplinary approach applied to the protection and sustainable exploitation of marine biodiversity: ECO2 for the marine Environment 10
Le tecnologie digitali per rispondere ai bisogni formativi dei migranti forzati 9
Efficiency and sustainability of fishery resource management policies: is it an economic or a biological matter? The case study of the fishery of small pelagics in the Strait of Sicily 9
A Systematic Literature Review on Marine Plastic Pollution 9
Do the Academic Web Sites Fit the Information Needs of Potential Students? 8
M&A in the Italian Energy Market 8
Recent trends in the productivity of the Italian trawl fishery: The importance of the socio-economic context and overexploitation 7
Covid-19 on stock market performance: evidence from Italy 7
A semi-automatic system for labelling seafood products and obtaining fishery management data. A case study of the bottom trawl fishery in the central Mediterranean Sea 7
Do Recovery Plans Improve Public Hospitals Efficiency and Productivity? Evidence from Italy 7
A Model to explain Italian regional differences in PISA 2009 outcomes 7
Le migrazioni interne degli stranieri in Italia. La mobilità dei tunisini come caso di studio. 7
Editorial - Promoting social inclusion through educational technology 6
On-line Education Market in Italy 6
A New Proposal to Model the Relationships between Total Factor Productivity, Institutions and Accumulation 6
Engaging Primary School Children in Computational Thinking: Designing and Developing Videogames 6
Social capital and firm's productivity in Italy: a multilevel approach 6
Istruzione e Tecnologie: il progetto "Studiare Migrando" 6
Strategies to innovate in SMEs: analyzing the key factors of internationalization and interaction in Basque and Sicilian firms 6
Istruzione e tecnologie 5
Ripensare la formazione in un contesto di migrazione forzata 5
Crescita e Convergenza delle Regioni Italiane nel periodo 1980-95 5
Le determinanti della produttività: fattori di offerta e fattori di domanda 5
Ostacoli e determinanti dell'innovazione: un'analisi sulle imprese siciliane di successo 5
Pay for performance programs in Italian primary care: state of the art, expected impact on healthcare spending and implication for population health 5
Innovare in un contesto difficile. L'economia siciliana in una prospettiva di lungo periodo. 5
Editorial - Italian Journal of Educational Technology 5
Online universities: student perception and economic factors. Results from a 2-year analysis in Italy 4
Il Trasporto in Italia. Dati, riflessioni e spunti per una discussione. 4
Efficiency and Optimal Size of Italian Public Hospitals: Results from Data Envelopment Analysis 4
Improving communication for effective Supply-Chain Management strategies: a case study 4
Students perception on e-learning: a case-study 4
E-learning as a tool for the universalisation of the university 4
Patti territoriali nel sistema economico regionale 4
E-Learning as a tool for the Universalisation of the University 4
Fishery as collective resource. Review on Italian legislation: Italian Unity - present 4
Are high school students aware of the opportunities offered by on line university courses ? 4
Quality signals in italian academic web sites of on-line courses 4
Efficienza tecnica e Comunità: Quali le ragioni del movimento inteno degli immigrati in Italia? 4
Corruzioni, Istituzioni e sviluppo economico 4
Two approaches for students to evaluate academic on-line courses 4
Online universities: student perception and economic factors. Results from 2-years analysis in Italy 4
La misura dello sviluppo locale 4
Strategies to innovate in SMEs: analyzing the key factors of internationalization and interaction in Basque and Sicilian firms 4
La convergenza condizionata nei livelli della PTF 4
Adverse selection in on line education 4
La tecnologia. Struttura economica e produttività 3
E-learning at italian universities 3
The role of total factor productivity in the Mediterranean countries 3
Mediterranean growth and its determinants (1980-2005) 3
L esperienza siciliana dei patti territoriali: alcune considerazioni critiche 3
Technical efficiency and community: what are the reasons for the internal mobility of immigrants in Italy? 3
Technical efficiency and regional disparities in Italy 3
Imprese che esportano e imprese che vorrebbero esportare: un confronto 3
The evolution of information about on line courses in academic web site 3
E-learning at Italian Universities 3
Evaluation of academic on-line courses 3
Information Technologies to improve Supply-Chain Management strategies: what else? 3
Welfare maximizing competitive balance: the evidence from top European Football Leagues 3
Promoting computational thinking and creativeness in primary school children 3
Key factors of innovation: internationalization and interaction in Spanish and Italian SMEs 3
Le determinanti della produttività nei paesi mediterranei: capitale umano, ricerca e istituzioni 3
Struttura economica e produttività 3
Quality signals in Italian academic web sites of on-line courses 3
La domanda di formazione universitaria in Italia 3
On the characteristics of the demand for online higher education 3
La tecnologia. Produttività, efficienza e tecnologia nel Mediterraneo 3
La tecnologia. Progresso tecnologico e crescita nei paesi mediterranei 3
Regional differences in Italian students' performance: a simulation model 3
Le determinanti della produttività nei paesi mediterranei: investimenti diretti e commercio estero 3
On state piracy: Italian fishermen, patrons, and police extortion 3
Ostacoli e determinanti dell'innovazione: un'analisi sulle imprese siciliane di successo 3
Progresso tecnologico e crescita nei paesi mediterranei 3
La domanda di formazione universitaria in Italia 3
Elementi di debolezza e tracce di dinamismo nella struttura produttiva 3
L'export siciliano nel lungo periodo: criticità, tendenze e caratteri 3
Capitale sociale e produttività nelle province italiane: un approccio multilivello 3
Totale 806
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.107
article - articoli 1.005
book - libri 110
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 528
Totale 4.750

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 68 19 7
2024/2025711 15 20 113 142 265 156 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 812