Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 471
AS - Asia 186
EU - Europa 70
Totale 727
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 470
SG - Singapore 169
IT - Italia 53
FI - Finlandia 13
CN - Cina 9
KR - Corea 5
DE - Germania 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
CA - Canada 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 727
Città #
Santa Clara 437
Singapore 140
Milan 17
Bologna 14
Helsinki 13
Trieste 11
Seoul 5
Falkenstein 3
Hong Kong 3
Pisa 3
Fort Worth 2
Modena 2
Phoenix 2
Ashburn 1
Forest City 1
Guangzhou 1
Los Angeles 1
Montecatini Terme 1
Ottawa 1
Springfield 1
Totale 659
Nome #
Growth and Strain Relaxation Mechanisms of InAs/InP/GaAsSb Core-Dual-Shell Nanowires 15
Electrical probing of carrier separation in InAs/InP/GaAsSb core-dualshell nanowires 15
Self-catalyzed InSb/InAs quantum dot nanowires 14
III-V semicondutor nanostructures and iontronics: InAs nanowire-based electric double layer field effect transistors 13
Scattering mechanisms in undoped In0.75Ga0.25As/In0.75Al0.25As Two-Dimensional Electron Gases 12
RIE Standard Operationg Procedure 12
Detection of a 2.8 THz quantum cascade laser with a semiconductor nanowire FET 11
Fast, sensitive and low-noise nanowire and graphene field effect transistors for room-temperature detection of Terahertz quantum cascade laser emission 11
Crystal Phases in Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Nanowire Devices 10
High-Mobility Free-Standing InSb Nanoflags Grown on InP Nanowire Stems for Quantum Devices 10
Near-field terahertz probes with room-temperature nanodetectors for subwavelength resolution imaging 10
Orbital Tuning of Tunnel Coupling in InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots 10
InAs/InP/InSb Nanowires as Low Capacitance n-n Heterojunction Diodes 10
Internal field induced enhancement and effect of resonance in Raman scattering of InAs nanowires 9
InAs nanowire superconducting tunnel junctions: Quasiparticle spectroscopy, thermometry, and nanorefrigeration 9
Heterogeneous nucleation of catalyst-free InAs nanowires on silicon 9
Suppression of lateral growth in InAs/InAsSb heterostructured nanowires 9
Rapid method for the interconnection of single nano-objects 9
Gate-Tunable Spatial Modulation of Localized Plasmon Resonances 9
Near-Field microscopy with phase sensitive coherent detection employing quantum cascade lasers 9
Morphology control of single-crystal InSb nanostructures by tuning the growth parameters 9
Detection of a 2.8 THz quantum cascade laser with a semiconductor nanowire field-effect transistor coupled to a bow-tie antenna 9
Nanowire-based field effect transistors for terahertz detection and imaging systems 8
Towards a Hybrid High Critical Temperature Superconductor Junction With a Semiconducting InAs Nanowire Barrier 8
Raman sensitivity to crystal structure in InAs nanowires 8
Self-assembled InAs nanowires as optical reflectors 8
Hall nano-probes fabricated by focused ion beam 8
Electron beam induced current in InSb-InAs nanowire type-III heterostructures 8
Magnetically-driven colossal supercurrent enhancement in InAs nanowire Josephson junctions 8
Sub-wavelength near field imaging techniques at terahertz frequencies 8
Electrical properties and band diagram of InSb-InAs nanowire type-III heterojunctions 8
Local noise in a diffusive conductor 8
GHz Electroluminescence Modulation in Nanoscale Subwavelength Emitters 8
Focused ion beam patterned Hall nano-sensors 8
Transport anisotropy in In0.75Ga0.25As two-dimensional electron gases induced by indium concentration modulation 8
Room-temperature nanowire terahertz photodetectors 7
Catalyst Composition Tuning: The Key for the Growth of Straight Axial Nanowire Heterostructures with Group III Interchange 7
Crystal phase induced bandgap modifications in AlAs nanowires probed by resonant Raman scpectroscopy 7
Terahetz detection by heterostructed InAs/InSb nanowire based field effect transistors 7
Pb/InAs nanowire josephson junction with high critical current and magnetic flux focusing 7
Suspended InAs Nanowire-Based Devices for Thermal Conductivity Measurement Using the 3? Method 7
Strong modulations of optical reflectance in tapered core-shell nanowires 7
Nanoparticle Stability in Axial InAs-InP Nanowire Heterostructures with Atomically Sharp Interfaces 7
Charge localization and reentrant superconductivity in a quasi-ballistic InAs nanowire coupled to superconductors 7
null 7
Evidence of material mixing during local anodic oxidation nanolithography 7
Tunable Esaki Effect in Catalyst-Free InAs/GaSb Core-Shell Nanowires 7
Near-field THz photocurrent nanoscopy of InAs nanowires FET 7
Electronic band structure of wurtzite GaP nanowires via temperature dependent resonance Raman spectroscopy 7
Electrostatic Spin Control in InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots 7
Giant thermovoltage in single InAs nanowire field-effect transistors 7
Suspended InAs nanowire Josephson junctions assembled via dielectrophoresis 7
Noise thermometry applied to thermoelectric measurements in InAs nanowires 7
Growth of defect-free GaP nanowires 7
Chemistry and formation process of Ga(Al)As oxide during local anodic oxidation nanolithography 7
Ni-rich phases identification in GaAs nanowire devices by mean of electron diffraction tomography 7
Role of contact material on transport properties of InAs nanowire Josephson junctions 6
LEEM and XPEEM studies of C-AFM induced surface modifications of thermally grown SiO2 6
Transport anisotropy in high mobility In0.75Ga0.25As/In0.75Al0.25As 2DEGs 6
Room-Temperature Terahertz Detectors Based on Semiconductor Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors 6
Ultrafast field-resolved multi-terahertz nano-spectroscopy 6
Modeling of InAs-InSb nanowires grown by Au-assisted chemical beam epitaxy 6
Growth mechanism of InAs InSb heterostructured nanowires grown by chemical beam epitaxy 6
Mapping of axial strain in InAs/InSb heterostructured nanowires 6
Thermoelectric Conversion at 30 K in InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots 6
X-ray induced variation of the chemistry of GaAs/AlAs oxide nanostructures 6
Terahertz photodetectors based on tapered semiconductor nanowires 6
Readsorption Assisted Growth of InAs/InSb Heterostructured Nanowire Arrays 6
Electronic properties of quantum dot systems realized in semiconductor nanowires 6
Mapping the Coulomb Environment in Interference-Quenched Ballistic Nanowires 6
Unit Cell Structure of Crystal Polytypes in InAs and InSb Nanowires 6
Nanowire Terahertz detectors with a resonant four-leaf-clover-shaped antenna 6
Manipulation of Electron Orbitals in Hard-Wall InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots 6
Semiconductor nanowires for highly sensitive, room-temperature detection of terahertz quantum cascade laser emission 6
Hot-electron effects in InAs nanowire Josephson junctions 6
Growth dynamics of InAs/InP nanowire heterostructures by Au-assisted chemical beam epitaxy 6
Raman scattering study of InAs nanowires under high pressure 6
Behavior of SiO2 nanostructures under intense extreme ultraviolet illumination 6
GaAs oxide desorption under extreme ultraviolet photon flux 6
Modeling the comosition of ternary III-V nanowires and axial nanowire heterostructures 6
Manipulation of polarization anisotropy in bare InAs and InAs/GaSb core-shell nanowires 6
Growth of InAs/InAsSb heterostructured nanowires 6
Length distributions of Au-catalyzed and In-catalyzed InAs nanowires 6
Electrostatic spin control in multi-barrier nanowires 5
Catalyst-free growth of InAs nanowires on Si (111) by CBE 5
Large thermal biasing of individual gated nanostructures 5
Laser induced photothermal effects on InAs nanowires: tuning the hole density 5
Nanowire-based architectures for the detection of THz radiation 5
Nanowire and graphene architectures for Room Temperature THz detection 5
Nanoscale spin rectifiers controlled by the Stark effect 5
Strain-induced band alignment in wurtzite/zinc-blende InAs heterostructured nanowires 5
Nucleation and growth mechanism of self-catalyzed InAs nanowires on silicon 5
Assessing the thermoelectric properties of single InSb nanowires: The role of thermal contact resistance 5
Transport anisotropy in InGaAs 2D electron gases 5
Ultrafast multi-terahertz nano-spectroscopy with sub-cycle temporal resolution 5
Se-doping dependence of the transport properties in CBE-grown InAs nanowire field effect transistors 5
Type II band alignment in InAs zinc-blende/wurtzite heterostructured nanowires 5
Magnetic field and temperature dependence of an AFM-defined quantum point contact 5
Large-Area Ohmic Top Contact to Vertically Grown Nanowires Using a Free-Standing Au Microplate Electrode 5
Totale 732
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.007
article - articoli 2.788
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 5.795

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202439 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 15 17
2024/2025719 3 7 131 54 455 69 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 758