Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 279
AS - Asia 127
EU - Europa 28
Totale 434
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 279
SG - Singapore 117
IT - Italia 12
FI - Finlandia 11
CN - Cina 5
KR - Corea 4
FR - Francia 3
DE - Germania 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 434
Città #
Santa Clara 255
Singapore 70
Helsinki 11
Milan 6
Guangzhou 3
Marseille 3
Gangnam-gu 2
Lecce 2
Seoul 2
Trieste 2
Bologna 1
Falkenstein 1
New York 1
Vientiane 1
Totale 360
Nome #
Structural and analytical characterization of Si1-x Gex /Si heterostructures by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and channeling, analytical electron microscopy and double crystal X-ray diffractometry 14
Diaframma per microscopio elettronico e procedimento per realizzare tale diaframma 10
Structural and analytical characterization by scanning transmission electron microscopy of silicon-based nanostructures 10
Convergent beam electron diffraction investigation of strain induced by Ti self-aligned silicides in shallow trench Si isolation structures 9
Nano beam and convergent beam elecron diffraction for strain anaysis in nano-electronics 9
Effect of nitrogen implantation at the SiO2/SiC interface on the electron mobility and free carrier density in 4H-SiC metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor channel 9
HOLZ Line Splitting coupled to a Recursive Procedure. A Tool for the Displacement Field Determination in Nanostructures 9
MIcrochimica Acta: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop of European Microbean analysis Society (EMAS) and the 3rd Meeting og the International Union of Microbean Analysis Societies (IUMAS), Florence, Italy, may 22-26, 2005 9
Application of the parametric bootstrap method to determine statistical errors in quantitative X-ray microanalysis of thin films 9
Improving spatial resolution of convergent beam electron diffraction strain mapping in silicon microstructures 8
Boron nitride thin films deposited by RF plasma reactive pulsed laser ablation as interlayer between WC-Co hard metals and CVD diamond films 8
Nitridation of the SiO2/SiC Interface by N+ implantation: Hall versus field effect mobility in n-channel planar 4H-SiC MOSFETs 8
Method for determination of the displacement field in patterned nanostructures by TEM/CBED analysis of split high-order Laue zone line profiles 8
Damage and recovery in boron doped silicon on insulator layers after high energy Si+ implantation 8
Quantitative strain mapping in nanoelectronic silicon devices by convergent beam electron diffraction 7
X-Ray Microanalysis Combined with Monte Carlo Simulation for the Analysis of Layered Thin Films: The Case of Carbon Contamination 7
Characterization of the PSG/Si interface of H3PO4 doping process for solar cells 7
Comparison of Cliff-Lorimer-Based Methods of Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis for Application to Silicon Oxycarbides Thin Films 7
Planar defects and misfit dislocations in (001) GaAs/Ge heterostructures MOCVD grown with different V/III ratio 7
Quantitative thin-film X-ray microanalysis by STEM/HAADF: Statistical analysis for precision and accuracy determination 7
Dislocation generation in device fabrication process 6
Presentazione orale 6
Damage and recovery in doped SOI layers after high energy implantation 6
Microanalisi a Raggi X e microdiffrazione a fascio convergente: applicazioni al silicio 6
Damage and recovery in doped SOI layers after high energy implantation 6
Strain field reconstruction in shallow trench isolation structures by CBED and LACBED 6
Strain measurements in thin film structures by convergent beam electron diffraction 6
Quantitative X-ray microanalysis of thin NiO films by Monte Carlo and Cliff-Lorimer methods 6
Thickness and orientation dependence of the average HAADF STEM normalized intensity: a comparison with Monte Carlo and Multislice simulations. 6
Transmission electron diffraction techniques for nm scale strain measurement in semiconductors 6
Electron diffraction with ten nanometer beam size for strain analysis of nanodevices 5
Modern developments and applications in microbeam analysis. Proceedings of the 9(th) Workshop of the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) and the 3(rd) Meeting of the International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies (IUMAS), Florence, Italy, May 5
Analytical electron microscopy of Si 1- x Ge x/Si heterostructures and local isolation structures 5
Strain determination in submicron isolation structures by TEM/CBED 5
Microanalisi a raggi X e microdiffrazione a fascio convergente:applicazioni al Silicio 5
Effects of static disorder on LACBED patterns of single crystal silicon implanted with hydrogen 5
Numerical analysis of the process-induced stresses in silicon microstructures: application to micromachined cantilever 5
TEM/CBED determination of strain in silicon-based submicrometric electronic devices 5
Strain analysis of deep sub-micron CMOS devices by TEM/CBED in the < 230 > zone axis 5
Analysis of localised strains in crystals by convergent beam electron diffraction 5
FIB Preparation of a NiO Wedge-Lamella and STEM X-Ray Microanalysis for the Determination of the Experimental k(O-Ni) Cliff-Lorimer Coefficient 5
Strain in Silicon below Si3N4 Stripes, Comparison between SUPREM IV Calculation and TEM/CBED Measurements 5
The nature of electrically inactive antimony in silicon 5
Nitridation of the SiO(2)/SiC interface by N(+) implantation: Hall versus field effect mobility in n-channel planar 4H-SiC MOSFETs 5
Strain Characterisation at the nm Scale of Deep Sub-Micron Devices by Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction 5
Strain determination in silicon microstructures by combined convergent beam electron diffraction, process, simulation, and micro-Raman spectroscopy 5
Split HOLZ lines analysis as a tool to map the strain field in patterned nanostructure 4
Lattice strain and static disorder determination in Si/Si_ {1-x} Ge_ {x}/Si heterostructures by convergent beam electron diffraction 4
On the Spatial Resolution in Analytical Electron Microscopy 4
On the strain determination in cross-sectioned heterostructures by TEM/LACBED 4
Strain mapping in deep sub-micron Si devices by convergent beam electron diffraction in the STEM 4
Strain analysis in sub-micron silicon devices by TEM/CBED 4
Investigation of strain distribution in LOCOS structures by dynamical simulation of LACBED patterns 4
Dynamical simulation of LACBED patterns in cross-sectioned heterostructures 4
Strain induced by Ti salicidation in sub-quarter-micron CMOS devices, as measured by TEM/CBED 4
Influence of experimental parameters on the determination of tetragonal distortion in heterostructures by LACBED 4
Strain analysis in submicron electron devices by convergent beam electron diffraction 4
Bulk mismatch values of heterostructures as determined from convergent beam electron diffraction on thin cross sections 4
Structural and analytical characterization of Si1-xGex heterostructures by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and channeling, analytical electron microscopy and double X-ray diffractometry 4
Investigation of Strain in Si1-xGex/Si Heterostructures and Local Isolation Structures by Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction 4
A novel Monte-Carlo based method for quantitative thin film X-ray microanalysis 4
Strain characterisation of shallow trench isolation structures on a nanometer scale by convergent beam electron diffraction 4
On the assessment of local stress distributions in integrated circuits 4
Determination of lattice strain in local isolation structures by electron diffraction techniques and micro-Raman spectroscopy 4
Strain and Ge concentration determinations in SiGe/Si multiple quantum wells by TEM methods 4
Application of convergent beam electron diffraction to two-dimensional strain mapping in silicon devices 4
Determination of bulk mismatch values in heterostructures by TEM/CBED 4
Stress engineering in Si based micro structures using technology computer-aided design 3
Damage and recovery in boron doped SOI layers after high energy implantation 3
La microanalisi a Raggi X in microscopia elettronica TEM e SEM 3
Totale 434
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.225
article - articoli 1.570
book - libri 35
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 111
Totale 3.941

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 11 0
2024/2025420 3 5 73 39 197 66 2 35 0 0 0 0
Totale 434