Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 412
AS - Asia 310
EU - Europa 163
Totale 885
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 412
SG - Singapore 265
IT - Italia 108
CN - Cina 26
FI - Finlandia 22
KR - Corea 14
ES - Italia 11
NL - Olanda 9
DE - Germania 6
JP - Giappone 3
GB - Regno Unito 2
IE - Irlanda 2
RS - Serbia 2
AT - Austria 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
IR - Iran 1
Totale 885
Città #
Santa Clara 355
Singapore 176
Helsinki 22
Seoul 14
Guangzhou 13
Poggibonsi 11
Valencia 11
Turin 8
Florence 7
Falkenstein 6
Milan 6
Rome 5
Phoenix 4
Boardman 3
Forest City 3
Naples 3
Siena 3
Dublin 2
Livorno 2
London 2
Lucca 2
Palermo 2
San Salvatore Telesino 2
Tokyo 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Avellino 1
Canelli 1
Cocconato 1
Council Bluffs 1
Dhaka 1
Fort Worth 1
Spilamberto 1
Tottori-shi 1
Totale 674
Nome #
Regional estimates of gross primary production applying the Process-Based Model 3D-CMCC-FEM vs. Remote-Sensing multiple datasets 34
Mapping woody volume of mediterranean forests by using sar and machine learning: A case study in central Italy 30
Daily GPP estimates in Mediterranean ecosystems by combining remote sensing and meteorological data 17
Indici di Vegetazione NDVI ottenuti con la fotocamera SONY ILCE-QX1 e misure ASD FieldSpec 16
Simulating the net primary production of even-aged forests by the use of remote sensing and ecosystem modelling techniques 15
An integrated approach to estimate how much urban afforestation can contribute to move towards carbon neutrality 14
Tecnologia e sostenibilità: il progetto Plant Care 4.0. Reti di Monitoraggio e Modelli. 13
Assessment and analysis of crop irrigation by the combination of modelling and remote sensing techniques 13
Estimating the effect of water shortage on olive trees by the combination of meteorological and Sentinel-2 data 12
Use of satellite application facility on land surface analysis products to improve an operational method for monitoring forest evapotranspiration 12
Use of Sentinel-2 images for monitoring an industrial tomato crop field in Central Italy 11
Application of a single-tree identification algorithm to LiDAR data for the simulation of stem volume current annual increment 11
An improved NDVI-based method to predict actual evapotranspiration of irrigated grasses and crops 10
Use of remote sensing and biogeochemical modeling to simulate the impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors on forest carbon fluxes 10
Assessment of Water Stress Conditions in Central Italy by the Use of Ground and Remotely Sensed Weather Datasets 10
Combination of ground and remote sensing data to assess carbon stock changes in the main urban park of Florence 10
Applicazione di un modello integrato per la stima dell'evapotraspirazione di piante d'olivo (Olea europea L.) 10
Procedure integrate di analisi della variabilità spazio-temporale del rischio fitopatologico 10
Use of Sentinel-2 images for water-need monitoring: application on an industrial tomato crop in central Italy 10
Assessment of forest GPP variations in Central Italy by the analysis of meteorological, satellite and dendrochronological data. 10
Spatio-temporal fusion of NDVI data for simulating soil water content in heterogeneous Mediterranean areas 10
A Semi-empirical Method to Estimate Actual Evapotranspiration in Mediterranean Environments 10
Simulation of olive grove Gross Primary Production by the combination of ground and multi-sensor satellite data 9
Monitoring and analysis of crop irrigation dynamics in Central Italy through the use of MODIS NDVI data 9
Regional estimates of gross primary production applying the process-based model 3D-CMCC-FEM vs. multiple datasets 9
Modelling the forest carbon budget of a Mediterranean region through the integration of ground and satellite data 9
Stima dell'evapotraspirazione reale come supporto operativo per la gestione della water scarcity 9
Monitoraggio operativo di un oliveto in Toscana mediante dati satellitari e ausiliari 9
Hyperspectral imaging coupled with microclimatic-based alert help targeted management of downy mildew (Hyaloperonospora parasitica (Pers.:Fr) Fr.) of wild rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia L. [D.C.]) 9
Modellizzazione dell'accumulo di carbonio in ecosistemi forestali tramite elaborazione di dati telerilevati e ausiliari 9
Plant Care 4.0 - Delirevable D2.4b "Resoconto Test Funzionali V. 1.0" 8
Wall-to-Wall Mapping of Forest Biomass and Wood Volume Increment in Italy 8
Integration of ground and satellite data to simulate forest carbon budget on regional scale 8
A novel approach to produce NDVI image series with enhanced spatial properties 8
Correction of a 1 km daily rainfall dataset for modelling forest ecosystem processes in Italy 8
Validating an integrated strategy to model net land carbon exchange against aircraft flux measurements 8
Simulation of Mediterranean forest carbon pools under expected environmental scenarios 8
Estimating net forest carbon fluxes by the integration of ground and remote sensing data. 8
Statistical assessment of irrigation water over wide areas by the use of ground and SENTINEL-2 data 8
Integrazione di dati meteorologici, pedologici e telerilevati per la stima del bilancio idrico di aree semi-naturali 7
Stima dell'evapotraspirazione in un'oliveta sottoposta a potatura della chioma 7
Modelling carbon budget of Mediterranean forests using ground and remote sensing measurements. 7
Monitoraggio integrato del bilancio della CO2 a scala regionale: esperienze in Toscana. 7
Simulation of Soil Water Content in Mediterranean Ecosystems by Biogeochemical and Remote Sensing Models 7
Integration of Ground and Multi-Resolution Satellite Data for Predicting theWater Balance of a Mediterranean Two-Layer Agro-Ecosystem 7
Use of LiDAR data to simulate forest net primary production 7
Stime di flusso netto di carbonio degli ecosistemi forestali della regione Toscana 7
Stime di produttività forestale a scala regionale 7
The role of managed forest ecosystems: a modeling based approach 7
Effetti dei possibili cambiamenti climatici sui flussi di carbonio forestali in Toscana 7
The Role of Managed Forest Ecosystems: A Modeling Based Approach 7
Evaluation of Terra/Aqua MODIS and Sentinel-2 MSI NDVI data for predicting actual evapotranspiration in Mediterranean regions 7
Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration in Fragmented Mediterranean Areas by the Spatio-Temporal Fusion of NDVI Data 7
Simulation of forest ecosystem processes by the analysis of multitemporal NOAA-AVHRR NDVI images 7
Stima dell'evapotraspirazione reale come supporto operativo per la gestione della water scarcity 7
Procedure di analisi dei dati e calibrazione dei modelli di rischio fitopatologico scelti (versione finale) 7
Produzione di carte di uso suolo per il rischio erosione. 7
High spatial resolution modelling of net forest carbon fluxes based on ground and remote sensing data 6
Modellizzazione dell'accumulo di carbonio in ecosistemi forestali tramite elaborazione di dati telerilevati ed ausiliari 6
Estimating the GPP of olive trees with variable canopy cover by the use of Sentinel-2 MSI images 6
Integrazione di dati Landsat e MODIS per la stima dell'evapotraspirazione reale in aree disomogenee 6
Valutazione di immagini da diversi sensori per la stima dei flussi di CO2 forestali 6
Modelling and analyzing the water and carbon dynamics of Mediterranean macchia by the use of ground and remote sensing data 6
Bollettini mensili di monitoraggio e previsione della siccità in Toscana 6
Application of BIOME-BGC to simulate Mediterranean forest process 6
Integration of ground and satellite data to estimate the forest carbon fluxes of a Mediterranean region 6
Valutazione di dati LiDAR per la stima di parametri dendrometrici in soprassuoli coetanei di pino domestico 6
A model-based approach for the estimation of carbon sinks in European forests 6
Plant Care 4.0 - Delirevable D2.2a "Modellistica Plant Care 4.0" 6
Prototipo di un sistema di monitoraggio e previsione della siccità in Toscana 6
Improved simulation of soil water content by the combination of ground and remote sensing data. 6
Wall-to-wall spatial prediction of growing stock volume based on Italian National Forest Inventory plots and remotely sensed data 6
Mapping soil organic carbon in Tuscany through the statistical combination of ground observations with ancillary and remote sensing data 6
Use of Sentinel-2 MSI data to monitor crop irrigation in Mediterranean areas 6
The potential of multifrequency SAR images for estimating forest biomass in Mediterranean areas 6
Integration of remote sensing and ancillary data for the estimation of vegetation processes in mediterranean areas 6
CLIMA CHE CAMBIA - Gli impatti sul territorio toscano 6
Integration of Ground and Satellite Data to Model Mediterranean Forest Processes 6
Plant Care 4.0 - Delirevable D1.3 "Progetto Esecutivo sistema Plant Care 4.0" 6
Simulation of soil water content through the combination of meteorological and satellite data 6
A New Method to Enhance the Spatial Features of Multitemporal NDVI Image Series 6
Uso di serie temporali NDVI per stimare l'effetto dei cambiamenti climatici sugli ecosistemi forestali 5
Integration of ground-based and remote sensing data to simulate forest carbon fluxes in a Mediterranean area 5
Informazioni microclimatiche in ambito vivaistico 5
Bilancio idrico multiscala di aree forestali e agricole 5
Confronto tra dati AISA e TM per la determinazione dell Indice di Area Fogliare all interno della pineta di San Rossore 5
Use of ground and LiDAR data to model the NPP of a Mediterranean pine forest 5
Uso di un modello operativo per la stima dell'evapo-traspirazione a scala regionale 5
Modellizzazione dell accumulo di carbonio in ecosistemi forestali: attività svolta nell ambito dell Osservatorio Kyoto della regione Toscana 5
Report 1999 for Changing Climate and Potential Impacts on Potato Yield and Quality (CHIP) on Free Air CO2 enrichment of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) 5
Plant Care 4.0 - Delirevable D2.4a "Resoconto Test Funzionali Vers. Beta" 5
Servizio specialistico a supporto della ricerca per sviluppare sistemi di alert fitopatologico nell'ambito del progetto AgriDigit-agricoltura digitale sotto-progetto AGROFILIERE: Relazione tecnica finale. 5
Combination of ground and satellite data for the operational estimation of daily evapotranspiration 4
Use of BIOME-BGC to simulate Mediterranean forest carbon stocks. 4
Evaluating the effects of environmental changes on the gross productivity of Italian forests. 4
Impiego di Kc_NDVI per la stima dell'ETr del pomodoro da industria in area disomogenea 4
Assessing the most relevant factors to simulate current annual increments of Italian beech forests 4
Assessment of forest net primary production through the elaboration of multisource ground and remote sensing data. 4
Multi-year simulation of Mediterranean forest transpiration by the integration of NOAA-AVHRR and ancillary data 4
Totale 801
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.648
article - articoli 2.693
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 326
Totale 7.667

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 2 41 32
2024/2025789 15 18 184 91 325 85 71 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 903