Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 383
AS - Asia 292
EU - Europa 205
SA - Sud America 8
OC - Oceania 2
AF - Africa 1
Totale 891
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 371
SG - Singapore 231
IT - Italia 104
KR - Corea 41
DE - Germania 32
FI - Finlandia 17
NL - Olanda 13
CN - Cina 12
AT - Austria 9
FR - Francia 7
MX - Messico 7
IE - Irlanda 6
CA - Canada 4
BR - Brasile 3
PL - Polonia 3
AL - Albania 2
AR - Argentina 2
CH - Svizzera 2
ES - Italia 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PE - Perù 2
PH - Filippine 2
AU - Australia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CL - Cile 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
GR - Grecia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
MA - Marocco 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 891
Città #
Santa Clara 270
Singapore 138
Seoul 41
Rome 34
Berlin 18
Helsinki 17
Milan 17
Los Angeles 13
Vienna 9
Lyon 7
Dublin 6
Naples 5
Querétaro City 5
Barberino di Mugello 4
Falkenstein 4
Turin 4
Ashburn 3
Brescia 3
Guangzhou 3
Phoenix 3
Amsterdam 2
Bochum 2
Buenos Aires 2
Cavaria con Premezzo 2
Florence 2
Fortaleza 2
Manila 2
Messina 2
Murcia 2
Newark 2
Novara 2
Reggio Calabria 2
Tirana 2
Viadanica 2
Zurich 2
Aktobe 1
Alatri 1
Almaty 1
Athens 1
Auckland 1
Bologna 1
Colombo 1
Düsseldorf 1
Forest City 1
Genoa 1
Hong Kong 1
Lima 1
Market Rasen 1
Maserà di Padova 1
Sofia 1
Sydney 1
São Paulo 1
Tel Aviv 1
Tortona 1
Warsaw 1
Zagreb 1
Totale 655
Nome #
Chestnut cultivation development in Lombardy: leveraging native genetic resources in two pilot areas 46
Detecting tree hedgerows in agroforestry landscapes 28
Resumption of chestnut cultivation in Lombardy: starting from native genetic resources 26
Fitodepurazione con rucola "Eruca sativa Mill." degli alcoli di condensa presenti nella Stazione Spaziale Internazionale: caratterizzazione cinetica dell'enzima alcol deidrogenasi 21
Tis21 is required for adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and for olfactory behavior regulating cyclins, BMP4, Hes1/5 and Ids 17
Genetic and morphological diversity of chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Lombardy sub mountain areas 16
Realizzazione di un sistema di videoconferenza utilizzando il software open source Jitsi. 16
Btg1 is Required to Maintain the Pool of Stem and Progenitor Cells of the Dentate Gyrus and Subventricular Zone. 15
Lutein/?-carotene ratio in extra virgin olive oil: An easy and rapid quantification method by Raman spectroscopy 14
Monuments Unveiled: Genetic Characterization of Large Old Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Trees Using Comparative Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA Analysis 14
Chemiochina per il trattamento terapeutico del medulloblastoma 14
Monitoraggio e valorizzazione delle risorse genetiche dei castagneti da frutto in Umbria e Lombardia: verso un nuovo concetto di terroir genetico 14
Technical Software 2021 13
Using a Motherboard to Test Peripherals 13
HDAC1, HDAC4, and HDAC9 Bind to PC3/Tis21/Btg2 and Are Required for Its Inhibition of Cell Cycle Progression and Cyclin D1 Expression 13
PC4 co-activates MyoD by relieving the HDAC4-mediated inhibition of MEF2C. 13
Nuove opportunittà per la pioppicoltura con i sistemi silvoarabili ed i nuovi cloni 13
Sistemi silvo-arabili di pioppo da industria e farnia. Il caso studio dell'azienda Casaria nel Polesine 13
The chemokine Cxcl3 regulates the migration of cerebellar precursors and prevents their neoplastic transformation 13
Science Software 2020 13
Tis21 is required for adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and for olfactory behavior regulating cyclins, BMP4, Hes1/5 and Ids. 13
Productivity Software 2021 13
Sviluppo ed ottimizzazione di una metodica per la purificazione degli acidi grassi dell'olio extra vergine di oliva mediante HPLC in reverse phase 12
Induction of neurogenesis by IFRD1/PC4 in adult hippocampus 12
Science Software 2019 12
Altered cerebellum development and impaired motor coordination in mice lacking the Btg1 gene: Involvement of cyclin D1. 12
Procedura per l'analisi di marcatori microsatellitari per lo studio della diversità genetica 12
PC4/Tis7/IFRD1 stimulates skeletal muscle regeneration and is involved in myoblast differentiation as a regulator of MyoD and NF-kB 12
Productivity Software 2019 11
Genetic diversity of the endemic species Q. trojana Webb. in Southern Italy : case study of the National Biodiversity Future Center 11
PC4/Tis7/IFRD1 stimulates skeletal muscle regeneration and is involved in myoblast differentiation as a regulator of MyoD and NF-kB 11
IRET - Microsoft Office 365 11
CASTADIVA: Biodiversity and multi-functionality of the chestnut tree. Leveraging genetic resources for the development of Lombardy sub mountain areas 11
Sicurezza & Manutenzione Computer IRET 11
Control of the migration of cerebellar precursors by the chemokine cxcl3 regulates the frequency of tumorigenesis: a novel principle for medulloblastoma therapy 11
Running rescues defective adult neurogenesis by shortening the length of the cell cycle of neural stem and progenitor cells 10
Science Software 2021 10
Aspetti fisiopatologici dell'interazione Didymella bryoniae - melone 10
Seasonal climatic influence on carbon stable isotope compositions of ¬¬fatty acids in monovarietal extra-virgin olive oils 10
Productivity Software 2020 10
Valorizzazione e conservazione della diversità genetica del Castagno 10
When the Mediterranean becomes harsh: Heat pulses strongly affect C allocation in plant-soil-atmosphere continuum in Eucalyptus camaldulensis 10
Analisi della diversità genetica come supporto per la gestione del germoplasma locale e per la valorizzazione della castanicoltura in Lombardia 9
null 9
Running rescues defective adult neurogenesis and pattern separation by shortening the length of the cell cycle of neural stem and progenitor cells 9
Combining analysis of fatty acid composition and ?13C in olive oils as affected by harvest period and cultivar: Possible use in traceability studies 9
One drop only. Easy and rapid Raman evaluation of ?-carotene in olive oil and its relevance as an index of olive fly attack 9
Impaired terminal differentiation of hippocampal granule neurons and defective contextual memory in PC3/Tis21 knockout mice 9
Trees for timber with arable crops in Italy 8
Monumental chestnut trees: source of genetic diversity, cultural and landscape value 8
Progettazione e costruzione di una gabbia di protezione dal pascolo per campionamenti di biomassa in ecosistemi agro-silvo-pastorali 8
Proteine PR per l'espressione di resistenza a malattie fungine in pianta 8
Studio degli alberi monumentali di Castanea sativa in europa: diversità genetica e strategie di conservazione 8
Conservation genetics of the Italian alder (Alnus cordata) in the face of climate change 7
Comparative spatial genetic structure of C. sativa cultivated varieties vs wild populations across Europe 7
Antifungal activity of a Bowman-Birk-type trypsin inhibitor from wheat kernel 7
Sviluppo di una metodica per la purificazione della luteina dall'olio extra vergine di olivia mediante HPLC in reverse phase 7
Olive ripening and cultivar effects on carbon stable isotope compositions of n-alkanes and fatty acids in extra-virgin olive oils 7
Inhibition of medulloblastoma tumorigenesis by the antiproliferative and pro-differentiative gene PC3. 6
Inter-specific interactions on the light, water and nitrogen availaibility in a young poplar silvoarable system 6
Antifungal properties of chitinases from Castanea sativa against hypovirulent and virulent strains of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica 6
Tis21 knock-out enhances the frequency of medulloblastoma in patched1 heterozygous mice by inhibiting the cxcl3-dependent migration of cerebellar neurons 6
Cloning and expression of wheat cDNA clones encoding PR4 proteins 6
Pathogen-responsive wheat PR4 genes are induced by plant activators of systemic acquired resistance and wounding 5
Running exerts a robust beneficial effect in a mouse model with impared neurogenesis, by shorthening the cell cycle lenght of neural stem and progenitor cell 5
Btg2 Enhances Retinoic Acid-Induced Differentiation by Modulating Histone H4 Methylation and Acetylation. 5
Medulloblastoma or not? Crucial role in tumorigenesis of the timing of migration of cerebellar granule precursor cells, regulated by Nos2 and Tis21 5
Hybrid poplars for timber with arable crops in Italy: innovating the tradition facing Global Changes 5
Molecular characterization of PR-4 antifungal proteins from wheat 5
Induction of pathogenesis-related proteins in germinating wheat seeds infected with Fusarium culmorum 5
Castanea Sativa Ancient Trees Across Europe: Source of Genetic Diversity 5
Differential induction of defence related proteins in melon seedlings infected with Didymella bryoniae and upon treatment with BTH, salicilic acid and methyl-jasmonate. 4
Wound-Induced trypsin inhibitor from wheat leaves 4
A basic peroxidase from wheat kernel with antifungal activity 4
Comparing the modelled structures of PR-4 proteins from wheat. 4
Recombinat wheat antifungal PR4 proteins expressed in Escherichia coli 4
Comparing the modeled structures of PR-4 proteins from wheat 4
"In vitro" differential inhibition of hypovirulent and virulent strains of Cryphonectria parasitica with a purified chitinases from Castanea sativa. 4
Role of the gene PC4/IFRD1 in muscle and neuron regeneration 4
Role of the gene PC4/IFRD1 in muscle and neuron regeneration. 4
Monoclonal antibody against complement component C3 of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax: preliminary data 4
Isolation and characterisation of wheat cDNA clones encoding PR4 proteins 4
Isolation and amino acid sequence of two new PR-4 proteins from wheat 4
Essential role of PC3/Tis21/Btg2 gene in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. 3
Wheat pathogenesis-related proteins of class 4 have ribonuclease activity 3
Purification and struttural-functional characterisation of a basic peroxidase from wheat 3
Espressione di geni PR in risposta ad induttori della resistenza sistemica acquisita 3
Antifungal defence proteins from wheat kernel 3
Remote sensing, GIS and GPS: Geospatial techniques for detecting TOF in Italian traditional Agroforestry systems 3
Trasformazione genetica di pomodoro con geni codificanti proteine ad attività antifungina 3
Exploring the protein surface accessibility by controlled proteolysis and sequence analysis of unfractionated digestion mixtures 2
Probing the modelled structure of wheatwin1 by controlled proteolysis and sequence analysis of unfractionated digestion mixtures 2
Differential induction of pathogenesis related (PR) proteins in melon hypocotyls upon incompatible infection with Didymella bryoniae 2
Rapid assessment of structural differences of homologous proteins by a computer-aided strategy using sequence and mass fingerprints 2
Purification and characterisation of an antifungal PR4 protein from wheat kernel 2
Totale 897
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.070
article - articoli 1.229
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 73
Totale 5.372

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 21 67 11
2024/2025810 11 21 145 61 293 59 44 106 70 0 0 0
Totale 912