Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 552
AS - Asia 192
EU - Europa 97
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 842
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 539
SG - Singapore 159
IT - Italia 55
CN - Cina 30
CA - Canada 13
GB - Regno Unito 12
LT - Lituania 11
BE - Belgio 8
FI - Finlandia 6
DE - Germania 4
AU - Australia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IN - India 1
NL - Olanda 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
Totale 842
Città #
Santa Clara 503
Singapore 117
Milan 25
Brescia 13
Brussels 8
Ottawa 7
Guangzhou 6
Helsinki 6
Toronto 6
London 4
Frankfurt am Main 3
Rome 3
Boardman 2
Villongo 2
Bergamo 1
Brisbane 1
Fisciano 1
Hong Kong 1
Noida 1
Novara 1
Rimini 1
Valenza 1
Verdellino 1
Totale 714
Nome #
Hiding task-oriented programming complexity: an industrial case study 21
A Multisensory Edge-Cloud Platform for Opportunistic Radio Sensing in Cobot Environments 20
Identification of human control law during physical Human-Robot Interaction 18
Predicting Human Motion using the Unscented Kalman Filter for Safe and Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration 16
Adaptive hybrid local–global sampling for fast informed sampling-based optimal path planning 16
Evaluating Task Optimization and Reinforcement Learning Models in Robotic Task Parameterization 16
Design of Advanced Human-Robot Collaborative Cells for Personalized Human-Robot Collaborations 14
Inverse Optimal Control for the identification of human objective: a preparatory study for physical Human-Robot Interaction 14
null 14
Learning Human Motion Intention for pHRI Assistive Control 14
Real-time trajectory scaling algorithms for enhanced path following of robot manipulators 12
Vibration Analysis of Robotic Milling Tasks 12
Modeling and Analysis of pHRI with Differential Game Theory 12
A human mimicking control strategy for robotic deburring of hard materials 12
Anytime informed path re- planning and optimization for human-robot collaboratio 12
OpenMORE: An open-source tool for sampling-based path replanning in ROS 11
Safety-aware time-optimal motion planning with uncertain human state estimation 11
Optimal robot motion planning of redundant robots in machining and additive manufacturing applications 11
Optimal Task and Motion Planning and Execution for Multiagent Systems in Dynamic Environments 11
Redundancy optimal ROS-Based CAM postprocessor 10
How motion planning affects human factors in human-robot collaboration 10
Flexible robot-based cast iron deburring cell for small batch production using single-point laser sensor 10
Using of the Robotic Operating System for PID control education 10
Anytime Informed Multi-Path Replanning Strategy for Complex Environments 10
PIROS: Cooperative, Safe and Reconfigurable Robotic Companion for CNC Pallets Load/Unload Stations 10
Anytime informed path re-planning and optimization for human-robot collaboration 10
The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic 10
Flexicast project: Design and setup of a robotic polishing work cell 10
FourByThree - D7.1 Periodical reports on experiments (I) 10
Simplify the robot programming through an action-and-skill manipulation framework 10
Echord++ 1st call proposal: Ergonomic Power-Assisted Handling System for Human Robot Cooperation (ARMSTRONG) 9
Fractional robust PID control of a solar furnace 9
EuRoC project, team PIROS stage 1 control software 9
Anytime informed path re-planning and optimization for human-robot collaboration 9
Optimal task and motion planning for human-robot collaboration 9
A real-time trajectory planning method for enhanced path-tracking performance of serial manipulators 9
FOurByThree - Deliverable 7.3 Periodical reports on experiments (III) 9
COMAU C5Gopen controller 9
Application of SSOD-PI and PI-SSOD event-based controllers to greenhouse climatic control 9
Advanced impedance control software for assembly tasks on ROS 9
A Ros-based framework to boost the manipulation tasks programming and execution 9
Flexicast project: Robotized deburring workcell control system 9
Event-Based PI Plus Feedforward Control Strategies for a Distributed Solar Collector Field 9
On the use of a temperature based friction model for a virtual force sensor in industrial robot manipulators 8
Two degree-of-freedom design for a send-on-delta sampling PI control strategy 8
Control strategy and motion planning for serial elastic actuator robot 8
FourByThree - D7.2 Periodical reports on experiments (II) 8
A feedback linearization-based two-degree-of-freedom constrained controller strategy for a solar furnace 8
Echord++ 2nd call proposal: HAND for coMpliAnt DExterous assembly (HANDMADE) 8
Pickplace - Deliverable 4.1: Human aware motion planning and task selection for material handling 8
Hierarchical QP trajectory scaling with limited joint excursion 8
Progetto Italia-Russia: Design and setup of a reconfigurable robotic milling work cell 8
A Predictive Technique for the Real-TimeTrajectory Scaling under High-Order Constraints 8
Closed-Loop Automatic Tuning Technique for an Event-Based PI Controller 8
Multi-frequency disturbance compensation in a plastic injection molding machine 8
Characterization of symmetric send-on-delta PI controllers 8
Using of the Robotic Operating System for PID control education 8
On the stability of an event-based PI controller for FOPDT processes 8
An Hardware-in-the-Loop Tool for the Design of Complex Mechanical Systems Controllers 8
Event-Based Control of Depth of Hypnosis in Anesthesia 8
Robot external force estimator using on thermal-based joint friction estimation 8
A Global Approach to Manipulability Optimisation for a Dual-Arm Manipulator 8
FourByThree - D3.3 Motion Interpolator 8
Optimal task positioning in multi-robot cells, using nested meta-heuristic swarm algorithms 8
Comau ROS-Industrial Driver 8
A Unified Event-based Control Approach for FOPTD and IPTD Processes Based on the Filtered Smith Predictor 8
Robotiq 3 finger gripper impedance control system 8
Friction Modeling with Temperature Effects for Industrial Robot Manipulators 8
Towards optimal task positioning in multi-robot cells, using nested meta-heuristic swarm algorithms 8
Path Planning Methodology for Multi-Layer Welding of Intersecting Pipes Considering Collision Avoidance 8
FourByThree - D2.3 Robot Identification Tools 8
null 7
Robust Tuning Rules for Series Elastic Actuator PID Cascade Controllers 7
A Predictive Approach to Redundancy Resolution for Robot Manipulators 7
A Robust Linear Control Strategy to Enhance Damping of a Series Elastic Actuator on a Collaborative Robot 7
Fast MPC with staircase parametrization of the inputs: Continuous input blocking 7
Sensorless model-based object-detection applied on an underactuated adaptive hand enabling an impedance behavior 7
Project C1: Optimized Path (waypoint generator) 7
FourByThree - D6.1 Scenario analysis and specification and configuration of the scenarios at the end users 7
null 7
Event based control of propofol and remifentanil coadministration during clinical anesthesia 7
A feedback linearization GPC control strategy for a solar furnace 7
A virtual force sensor for interaction tasks with conventional industrial robots 6
Adaptive Impedance Controller for Human-Robot Arbitration based on Cooperative Differential Game Theory 6
FourByThree - D1.3 System architecture 6
Human-aware task and motion planning for efficient human-robot collaboration 6
null 6
Predictive Inverse Kinematics for Redundant Manipulators: Evaluation in Re-Planning Scenarios 6
Viability and feasibility of constrained kinematic control of manipulators 6
Suite for automatic computation of base parameters, related regressor and the exciting trajectory for robot dynamics identification 6
null 6
High-Accuracy Robotized Industrial Assembly Task Control Schema with Force Overshoots Avoidance 6
Predictive joint trajectory scaling for manipulators with kinodynamic constraints 6
A Layered Control Approach to Human-Aware Task and Motion Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration 6
null 6
null 5
null 5
Predictive Inverse Kinematics for Redundant Manipulators With Task Scaling and Kinematic Constraints 5
null 5
null 4
Totale 897
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.458
article - articoli 1.419
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 24
Totale 4.901

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202452 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 40 8
2024/2025919 42 2 110 117 432 216 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 971