Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 159
AS - Asia 139
EU - Europa 43
AF - Africa 1
Totale 342
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 159
SG - Singapore 131
IT - Italia 35
CN - Cina 7
FI - Finlandia 4
MK - Macedonia 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
KR - Corea 1
NL - Olanda 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 342
Città #
Santa Clara 148
Singapore 115
Bitonto 13
Helsinki 4
Guangzhou 3
Sala Baganza 3
Bitola 2
Martina Franca 2
Salerno 2
Venice 2
Abidjan 1
Amsterdam 1
Atrani 1
Naples 1
Parabiago 1
Seoul 1
Totale 300
Nome #
Potential Prebiotic Effect of Inulin-Enriched Pasta after In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion and Simulated Gut Fermentation 22
Caratterizzazione di farine di Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) e loro utilizzo in sourdough 12
Ingrediente a base di sottoprodotto di piselli fermentato con Lactiplantibacillus plantarum ITM21B. 10
Progetto PON PON01_01435 - Prodotti ortofrutticoli ad alto contenuto in servizio: tecnologie per la qualità e nuovi prodotti (OFR.AL.SER.). Relazione sesto SAL 10
Uso delle biotecnologie microbiche per ottenere bioingredienti ricchi in destrano per prodotti panari a ridotto contenuto di grasso aggiunto 10
Valorizzazione di scarti della molitura di frumento duro per la produzione di ingredienti fermentati da impiegare nel processo di panificazione 10
Thermoplastic Starch and Bioactive Chitosan Sub-Microparticle Biocomposites: Antifungal and Chemico-Physical Properties of the Films 9
Effect of Lactobacillus brevis-based bioingredient and bran on microbiological, physico-chemical and textural quality of yeast-leavened bread during storage 8
report di ricerca RoboQbo 1° anno 8
Lactobacillus plantarum ITM21B fermentation product and chickpea flour enhance the nutritional profile of salt reduced bakery products 7
Modeling of Growth and Organic Acid Kinetics and Evolution of the Protein Profile and Amino Acid Content during Lactiplantibacillus plantarum ITM21B Fermentation in Liquid Sourdough 7
1° report di ricerca RoboQbo 7
Characterization of dextran produced by the food-related strain Weissella cibaria C43-11 and of the relevant dex-transucrase gene 7
The viability of probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei IMPC2.1 coating on apple slices during dehydration and simulated gastro-intestinal digestion 7
Transfer of available and recognized mathematical models to technological and probiotic strains to assess growth: a preliminary study 6
Effect of Amaranth and Quinoa Flours on Exopolysaccharide Production and Protein Profile of Liquid Sourdough Fermented by Weissella cibaria and Lactobacillus plantarum 6
Weissella cibaria short-fermented liquid sourdoughs based on quinoa or amaranth flours as fat replacer in focaccia bread formulation 6
La contaminazione microbica e misure di prevenzione e controllo 6
A Predictive Growth Model for Pro-technological and Probiotic Lacticaseibacillus paracasei Strains Fermenting White Cabbage 6
Effect of pH and TPP concentration on chemico-physical properties, release kinetics and antifungal activity of Chitosan-TPP-Ungeremine microbeads 6
Relazione finale Progetto POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I INNOVAZIONE E TRANSIZIONE PRODUTTIVA Regione Piemonte ATTIVITÁ I.1.3 Innovazione e PMI Progetto di Ricerca industriale e di sviluppo A.QU.A (Alta Qualità Alimentare) 6
Microbiological and Physico-Chemical Parameters for Predicting Quality of Fat and Low-fat Raw Ground Beef During Refrigerated Aerobic Storage 6
Variabilità biologica di batteri del genere Bacillus coinvolti nell'alterazione "pane Filante". 5
Toxigenic potential of spore-forming bacteria isolated from ingredients used for bread production and involved in ropy spoilage of bread 5
Realizzazione di pane a ridotto contenuto di sale mediante applicazione di bioingrediente di Lactobacillus plantarum nel processo di panificazione. 5
Biological variability of Bacillus species associated to the bread rope. 5
Progetto PON PON01_01435 - Prodotti ortofrutticoli ad alto contenuto in servizio: tecnologie per la qualità e nuovi prodotti (OFR.AL.SER.). Relazione quinto SAL 5
Biopreservation of nutritional and microbiological features of ready-to-eat vegetables processed by the probiotic strain Lactobacillus paracasei LMGP22043. 5
Comparison of three Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strains growth behaviour and evaluation of the spoilage risk during bread shelf-life 5
Vivium, i vegetali probiotici, benessere e qualità. La ricerca e l impresa guardano oltre. 5
Formulation of yeast-leavened bread with reduced salt content by using a Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation product. 5
Ready-to-eat swordfish fillets suitable for delivering probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei IMPC 2.1 cells into the human gut. 4
Progetto PON PON01_01435 - Prodotti ortofrutticoli ad alto contenuto in servizio: tecnologie per la qualità e nuovi prodotti (OFR.AL.SER.). Relazione terzo SAL 4
Food model aided design tool to optimize food model formulations, processes and storages according to microbial behaviour. 4
Probiotic Vegetable Gastronomy: Effect On Human Gut Microbiota. EFFoST Annual Meeting - Food and Health 4
Progetto PON PON01_01435 - Prodotti ortofrutticoli ad alto contenuto in servizio: tecnologie per la qualità e nuovi prodotti (OFR.AL.SER.). Relazione quarto SAL. 4
Chemico-physical and antifungal properties of poly(butylene succinate)/cavoxin blend: Study of a novel bioactive polymeric based system 4
Physicochemical parameters to predict the microbiological and sensory qualities of fresh-cut baby lettuce leaves. 4
Probiotic vegetable foods containing health promoting molecules 4
Toxigenic potential and heat survival of spore-forming bacteria isolated from bread and ingredients 4
Cytotoxic activity and survival of spore-forming bacteria associated to bread-making process. 4
Modelling the effects of pH and temperature on the mycotoxin production of Alternaria alternata in a tomato-based medium. 4
Pectin-honey coating as novel dehydrating bioactive agent for cut fruit: enhancements of the functional properties of coated dried fruits 4
Sustainable chemo-enzymatic preparation of enantiopure (: R)-beta-hydroxy-1,2,3-triazoles via lactic acid bacteria-mediated bioreduction of aromatic ketones and a heterogeneous "click" cycloaddition reaction in deep eutectic solvents 4
Probiotic Vegetable Gastronomy: Effect On Human Gut Microbiota 4
Diversity of spore-forming bacteria and identification of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens as a species frequently associated with the ropy spoilage of bread. 4
Study on spore-forming Bacillus species involved in bread spoilage, contamination risk evaluation and bio-preservation tool 3
Filetti di pesce spada probiotici ready-to-eat: efficacia in trial nutrizionale 3
Inactivation of foodborne pathogen in ready-to-eat probiotic artichokes. First International Conference on Microbial Diversity 3
Miglioramento della qualitá e della shelf-life di prodotti ittici ready - to eat. 3
Lactobacillus brevis -based bioingredient inhibits Aspergillus niger growth on pan bread 3
Use of the Probiotic Strain Lactobacillus paracasei IMPC2.1 in Fermentation of Table Olives. 3
Identification of spore-forming bacteria contaminating ingredients for bread production: a concern for bread quality and safety? 3
Behaviour of spoilage microorganisms on DREAM model foods: the case of the spoiler Bacillus amyloliquefaciens in bread. 3
Comparison of growth behaviour and heat resistance of two Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strains responsible for ropy spoilage of bread. 3
Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei IMPC 2.1 strain delivered by ready-to-eat swordfish fillets colonizes the human gut after alternate-day supplementation 3
Physico-chemical parameters to predict microbiological and sensory quality aspects of baby lettuce leaves 2
Quantifying Variability in Growth Kinetics of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus paracasei technological and probiotic strains: a preliminary study 2
Lactic acid bacterial's bioactive compounds deriving from phenylpyruvic acid metabolism inhibit fungal contaminants of bakery products 2
Effect of Lactobacillus brevis - based bioingredient and bran on microbiological, physico-chemical and textural quality of yeast leavened bread during storage. 2
Microbiological and chemical spoilage prediction of high and low fat raw ground meat. 2
Improvement of the antifungal activity of lactic acid bacteria by addition to the growth medium of phenylpyruvic acid, a precursor of phenyllactic acid 2
Totale 360
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.623
article - articoli 621
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 25
Totale 2.269

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 4 15
2024/2025336 5 24 85 52 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 360