Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 609
AS - Asia 166
EU - Europa 33
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 809
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 602
SG - Singapore 146
FI - Finlandia 13
CN - Cina 12
IT - Italia 8
CA - Canada 7
KR - Corea 7
GB - Regno Unito 5
DE - Germania 3
BE - Belgio 2
UA - Ucraina 2
BR - Brasile 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 809
Città #
Santa Clara 574
Singapore 107
Helsinki 13
Guangzhou 12
Seoul 7
Toronto 4
Falkenstein 3
London 3
Ottawa 3
Bologna 2
Brussels 2
Turin 2
Rome 1
São Paulo 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 735
Nome #
Dynamics of RF Micro-Mechanical Capacitive Shunt Switches in Coplanar Waveguide Configuration 21
A broadband toolbox for scanning microwave microscopy transmission measurements 14
A microfluidic sensor in coplanar waveguide configuration for localized micrometric liquid spectroscopy in microwaves regime 11
Analytical evaluation of the capacitance of a conical sensor for micro-nano imaging techniques 11
A coplanar waveguide microfluidic sensor for a micrometric local spectroscopy of liquid solutions 11
Analytical evaluation of the capacitance of a conical sensor for micro-nano imaging techniques 11
Fabrication of Ultra-Sharp Tips by Dynamic Chemical Etching Process for Scanning Near-Field Microwave Microscopy 11
Reliable response of RF MEMS LTCC packaged switches after mechanical and thermal stress 11
Analytic Design Method for Distributed RF MEMS Phase Shifters 11
Nanoscale characterization of MOS systems by microwaves: Dopant profiling calibration 11
Fabrication and test of RF MEMS in LTCC technology 11
Microwave Microsystems: Technology and Modelling of RF MEMS Switches and Related Applications 10
Transmission microwave spectroscopy for local characterization of dielectric materials 10
SU-8 based Processes for the Realization of RF MEMS Structures 10
Narrow-band switching by means of triangular meta-material resonators based on RF MEMS cantilevers in CPW configuration 10
Analytic design method for distributed RF MEMS phase shifters 10
Wafer-level micropackaging in thin film technology for RF MEMS applications 10
Microwave broadband characterization of aging of SU-8 polymer as CPW substrate 10
Influence of design and fabrication on RF performance of capacitive RF MEMS switches 10
De-embedding techniques for nanoscale characterization of semiconductors by scanning microwave microscopy 10
Charging Effects and related Equivalent Circuits for Ohmic Series and Shunt Capacitive RF MEMS Switches 10
Characterization and Modeling of Charging Effects in Dielectrics for the Actuation of RF MEMS Ohmic Series and Capacitive Shunt Switches 9
Electrical Characterization of Alternative Materials for the Development of RF MEMS Switches in III-V Technology 9
An innovative procedure for the synthesis of MEMS capacitive switches 9
Narrow-band filtering by means of triangular meta-material resonators based on RF MEMS cantilevers in CPW configuration 9
Dynamics of Micromechanical Capacitive Shunt Switches 9
The image phase approach for the design of RF MEMS shunt switches 9
Wafer-level thin film micropackaging for RF MEMS applications 9
Analysis of a transmission mode scanning microwave microscope for subsurface imaging at the nanoscale 9
Contratto ESA 20847/07/NL/GLC High Reliability MEMS Redundancy Switch 9
An Analytic Approach for the Synthesis of RF MEMS Capacitive Switches 9
Reliable response of RF MEMS LTCC packaged switches after mechanical and thermal stress 9
Near-field microwave techniques for micro- and nano-scale characterization in materials science 9
Cycling reliability of RF-MEMS switches with Gold-Platinum multilayers as contact material 9
Alternative Materials for RF MEMS Switches in III-V Technology 9
Reliable RF Microsystem Technologies for Space Applications 9
Design and Optimization of Microwave Triangular Meta-material Resonators in Coplanar Configuration 9
Modeling of a metallic truncated cone for electromagnetic capacitive sensors 9
Analytic Modeling of RF MEMS Shunt Connected Capacitive Switches 9
Dynamics of Micromechanical Capacitive Shunt Switches 9
Characterization of MIM Capacitors for the Investigation of RF MEMS Switch Charging Effects 8
Reliability of RF MEMS Capacitive and Ohmic Switches for Space Redundancy Configurations 8
Characterization of a Scanning Microwave Microscope using 3D Finite-element Method 8
Design Optimization of Meta-Material Transmission Lines for Linear and Non-Linear Microwave Signal Processing 8
Scanning Microwave Microscopy for Nanoscale Characterization of Semiconductors: De-embedding reflection contact mode measurements 8
Low Design of Micromachined Coplanar Grounded Wave-Guides 8
Charging Effects and related Equivalent Circuits for Ohmic Series and Shunt Capacitive RF MEMS Switches 8
Microinterruttori MEMS per applicazioni RF in tecnologia polimerica 8
Technology and test of coplanar grounded wave-guides on micro-machined Si wafers 8
Contratto Very Large Order Switch Matrices using MEMS Technology between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Thales Alenia Space (TAS) Italia (ref. ESA Contract 20622/07/NL/GLC) 8
Contratto Very Large Order Switch Matrices using MEMS Technology between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Thales Alenia Space (TAS) Italia (ref. ESA Contract 20622/07/NL/GLC) 8
Scanning microwave microscopy technique for nanoscale characterization of magnetic materials 8
Reliable response of RF MEMS LTCC packaged switches after mechanical and thermal stress 8
Tailoring design and fabrication of capacitive RF MEMS switches for K-band applications 8
Optimization of the imaging response of scanning microwave microscopy measurements 8
Reliability of RF MEMS Switches due to Charging Effects and their Circuital Modelling 8
SU-8 based Processes for the Realization of RF MEMS Structures 8
Dielectric charging in microwave microelectromechanical Ohmic series and capacitive shunt switches 8
Modulation Instability in RF MEMS devices 8
RF MEMS Switches Fabrication by using SU-8 Technology 8
Modellizzazione, Realizzazione e Test di Strutture a Metamateriale in Tecnologia MEMS per Filtri, Antenne e Sfasatori a Microonde 8
Design, Tecnologie e Test di Architetture Complesse basate su RF MEMS 7
RF MEMS Coplanar Shunt Switches Based on SU-8 Technology 7
Reliability of RF MEMS capacitive and ohmic switches for space redundancy configurations 7
Characterization of MIM Capacitors for the Investigation of RF MEMS Switch Charging Effects 7
Reliability of RF MEMS switches due to charging effects and their circuital modelling 7
Messa a punto di una facility per caratterizzazione di RF MEMS 7
Packaged single pole double thru (SPDT) and true time delay lines (TTDL) based on RF MEMS switches 7
CNT-based Microwave Devices for Switching and Signal Routing 7
Microwave Inter-Connections and Switching by means of Carbon Nano-tubes 7
RF MEMS ohmic switches for matrix configurations 7
Contratto ESA 20847/07/NL/GLC High Reliability MEMS Redundancy Switch 7
Design of single and coupled microwave meta-material resonators in microsystem technology 7
Modellizzazione Elettromeccanica e degli Effetti di Carica in RF MEMS 7
Design and technology of micro-machined coplanar grounded wave-guides 7
Quantitative sub-surface and non-contact imaging using scanning microwave microscopy 7
Deliverable 1.3 del Work Package 1 Progetto FP7 VSMMART Nano 7
Realizzazione di micro-interruttori e strutture in configurazione coplanare per trattamento del segnale RF e Microonde 7
Composite Right / Left Handed (CRLH) based devices for microwave applications 7
Electrical nanoscale measurements with 1 aF sensitivity in capacitance and 10E14 atoms/cm3 to 10E20 atoms/cm3 for dC/dV dopant profiling measurements with either capacitance or dopant profiling showing sub-10 nm lateral resolution 7
Mechanical modelling of capacitive RF MEMS shunt switches 7
Circuital Modelling of Shunt Capacitive RF MEMS Switches 7
Design and Optimization of Microwave Triangular Meta-material Resonators in Coplanar Configuration 7
Compact 12x12 Switch Matrix integrating RF MEMS switches in LTCC hermetic packages 7
Modulation instability in RF MEMS devices 7
RF MEMS Coplanar Shunt Switches Based on SU-8 Technology 7
Smoothing and Surface Planarization of Sacrificial Layers in MEMS Technology 7
RF MEMS ohmic switches for matrix configurations 7
Contratto ESA 20847/07/NL/GLC High Reliability MEMS Redundancy Switch 7
Smoothing and Surface Planarization of Sacrificial Layers in MEMS Technology 7
Mechanical Modelling of Capacitive RF MEMS Shunt Switches 7
Contratto Very Large Order Switch Matrices using MEMS Technology between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Thales Alenia Space (TAS) Italia (ref. ESA Contract 20622/07/NL/GLC) 7
Design of Single and Coupled Microwave Meta-material Resonators in Microsystem Technology 7
Design, Technology and Test of Micro-Machined Coplanar Grounded Wave-Guides on Si Substrates 6
Single-Pole Double-THRU and True Time Delay Lines in Alumina Packaging based on RF MEMS Switches in Silicon Technology 6
Hybrid Electrothermal Simulations of GaN HEMT Devices Based on Self-Heating Free Virtual Electrical Characteristics 5
Totale 814
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.707
article - articoli 978
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 276
Totale 3.961

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 20 0
2024/2025788 9 3 116 54 479 127 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 814