Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 150
AS - Asia 53
EU - Europa 44
Totale 247
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 150
SG - Singapore 50
IT - Italia 18
FI - Finlandia 14
DE - Germania 6
NL - Olanda 4
CN - Cina 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IE - Irlanda 1
Totale 247
Città #
Santa Clara 144
Singapore 31
Helsinki 14
Falkenstein 6
Cavallino 5
Sala Baganza 3
Guangzhou 2
Amsterdam 1
Dublin 1
Genoa 1
Jakarta 1
Milan 1
Totale 210
Nome #
Integrating Computational Thinking into Primary and Lower Secondary Education: A Systematic Review 18
Reviewing Computational Thinking in Compulsory Education: State of Play and Practices from the Field (CompuThink II) Deliverable 3 - Full Case Studies 18
SHERPA Project Deliverable 3.3 - SELFIE Pedagogical Innovation Assistant Toolkit release version (report) 14
SELFIE Pedagogical Innovation Assistant Toolkit 14
#SELFIEPTKMOOC - Empowering your school's digital capacity: from reflection to innovation action plans 13
Fostering Computational Thinking in Compulsory Education in Europe: A Multiple Case Study 13
Contextual and Organisational Factors in the Development of Teachers' Digital Competence 12
Memorandum Tecnico attività di Ricerca 2021-2022 11
Reviewing Computational Thinking in compulsory education: state of play and practices from the field 11
Reviewing Computational Thinking in Compulsory Education: State of Play and Practices from the Field (CompuThink II) Deliverable1: Literature Review, Computational Thinking Definition, and Initial Terminology List 11
SHERPA Project Deliverable 5.3 - Exploitation Plan 11
SELFIE for Teachers (DigCompEdu) Deliverable 6 - Data analysis from the pilot of the DigCompEduSELF tool in Estonia, Italy, Lithuania and Portugal 11
Reviewing Computational Thinking in Compulsory Education: State of Play and Practices from the Field (CompuThink II) Deliverable 4 - Online Validation Workshop Summary 10
SHERPA Project Deliverable 5.4 - From Reflection to Innovation: the SELFIE PTK MOOC (report) 10
SELFIE for Teachers (DigCompEdu) Deliverable 4 - Data analysis of pre-pilot follow-up study in Italy and Portugal 10
Memorandum Tecnico Attività di Ricerca 2022-2023 9
Memorandum tecnico attività di ricerca 2020-2023 9
Memorandum tecnico attività di ricerca 2020-2022 9
SELFIE for Teachers (DigCompEdu) Deliverable 3 - Data analysis of DigCompEduSELF tool pre-pilot in Italy and Portugal 9
Memorandum Tecnico Attività di Ricerca- 2023-Parte I 9
SELFIE for Teachers (DigCompEdu) Deliverable 7 - data analysis of the pilot follow-up study in Estonia, Italy, Lithuania and Portugal 8
SELFIE for Teachers (DigCompEdu) Deliverable 8 - Final Report 7
Profili inibitori e regolazione emotiva in adolescenza 1
Profili esecutivi in bambini con disturbi pervasivi dello sviluppo 1
Inhibition and Working Memory: A latent variable analysis during adolescence 1
Emotional, cognitive, and motor development in youth orchestras: A two-year longitudinal study 1
Literacy: assessment and intervention. 1
"Funzioni Esecutive in bambini e ragazzi con disturbi pervasivi dello sviluppo" 1
Cognitive flexibility in autistic children: A comparison between high functioning and low functioning children using DCCS 1
Attention Components and Spelling Accuracy: Which Connections Matter? 1
Working with young people aged 16-25: part 1 1
Distinct inhibition dimensions differentially account for working memory performance in 5-year-old children 1
Le funzioni esecutive e gli apprendimenti nell’area alfabetica in età prescolare e scolare 1
Inhibitory Profiles in Adolescence 1
“Cognitive control and emotion regulation in adolescence” 1
Black Lives Matter: Making a difference for racial justice. 1
Regolazione emotiva e regolazione cognitiva in adolescenti con DCA. Uno studio preliminare 1
The effects of gender and age on inhibition and working memory organization in 14- to 19-year-old adolescents and young adults 1
valutazione delle associazioni tra componenti esecutive in bambini con disturbi pervasivi dello sviluppo: un confronto con un campione a sviluppo tipico 1
Funzioni esecutive in bambini e ragazzi con Disturbi Pervasivi dello Sviluppo 1
Effects of Computerized Emotional Training on Children with High Functioning Autism 1
Inhibition and individual differences in behavior and emotional regulation in adolescence 1
Trauma 1
Funzioni esecutive e Regolazione Emotiva in Adolescenza: Uno studio Pilota 1
Cognitive and emotional regulation in adolescents and young women with eating disorders 1
WM in adolescence: What is the relationship with emotional regulation and behavioural outcomes? 1
Emotional, cognitive, and motor development in youth orchestras: A two-year longitudinal study 1
Working with young people aged 16-25: part 2 1
Funzioni esecutive in disturbi pervasivi dello sviluppo 1
The contribution of attentional processes to calculation skills in second and third grade in a typically developing sample 1
Errori nella scrittura di studenti universitari con difficoltà di scrittura con e senza diagnosi di Disturbo Specifico di Apprendimento 1
Funzioni esecutive in bambini con disturbi pervasivi dello sviluppo 1
Executive Function in pervasive developmental disorders 1
Standardizzazione della batteria LSC-SUA: il Progetto Interateneo 1
The contribution of attentional processes to calculation skills in second and third grade in a typically developing sample 1
Cognitive control and emotion regulation in adolescence 1
Difficulty in Writing Perceived by University Students: A Comparison of Inaccurate Writers with and without Diagnostic Certification 1
Totale 292
Categoria #
all - tutte 896
article - articoli 85
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5
Totale 986

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 6
2024/2025281 1 6 33 18 119 49 55 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 292