Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.305
AS - Asia 420
EU - Europa 213
AF - Africa 3
Totale 1.941
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.286
SG - Singapore 410
IT - Italia 150
FI - Finlandia 22
CA - Canada 19
DE - Germania 10
GB - Regno Unito 9
BE - Belgio 7
CN - Cina 7
FR - Francia 5
LT - Lituania 5
EG - Egitto 3
ES - Italia 2
NL - Olanda 2
HK - Hong Kong 1
IR - Iran 1
JP - Giappone 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 1.941
Città #
Santa Clara 1.170
Singapore 318
Novara 54
Milan 33
Helsinki 22
Valenza 12
Ottawa 9
Rome 9
Toronto 9
Boardman 7
Brussels 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Forest City 4
Falkenstein 3
Florence 3
London 3
Besana in Brianza 2
Legnano 2
Madrid 2
Nancy 2
Orta di Atella 2
Parabiago 2
Pavia 2
Philadelphia 2
Phoenix 2
Seattle 2
Verdellino 2
Vicenza 2
Ashburn 1
Bitonto 1
Bologna 1
Cairo 1
Damietta 1
Gifu 1
Hong Kong 1
Molassana 1
Naples 1
Rho 1
Totale 1.704
Nome #
A simulator for both manual and powered wheelchairs in immersive virtual reality CAVE 63
A framework for human–robot collaboration enhanced by preference learning and ergonomics 21
LIGHTarm 16
A planar parallel device for neurorehabilitation 16
A Mixed-Integer Model Predictive Control Approach to Motion Cueing in Immersive Wheelchair Simulator 16
Using robotic rehabilitation in stroke patients with body scheme impairment 16
The Arm Line of Devices for Rehabilitation 15
A Spherical Parallel Three Degrees-of-Freedom Robot for Ankle-Foot Neuro-Rehabilitation 15
Using robotic rehabilitation in stroke patients with body scheme impairment 14
Socially Interactive Agents as Cobot Avatars: Developing a Model to Support Flow Experiences and Well-Being in the Workplace 14
27ma BIMU 2010 14
Gaze detection as a social cue to initiate natural human-robot collaboration in an assembly task 14
Deliverable 7.1 - MindBot platform implemented in the workplace and/or in a laboratory environment 14
Software development of Motion Cueing Algorithm (MCA) in integration with the Unity, User Interface (Joystick) and the motion platform 14
D2.4 - Architettura piattaforma meccatronica 14
Kinect V2 Performance Assessment in Daily-Life Gestures: Cohort Study on Healthy Subjects for a Reference Database for Automated Instrumental Evaluations on Neurological Patients 13
Behavioral patterns in robotic collaborative assembly: comparing neurotypical and Autism Spectrum Disorder participants 13
Domanda di brevetto internazionale N. PCT/IB2023/054653 del 04 Maggio 2023 13
RIPRENDO@home. Recupero post-Ictus: Piattaforma per la RiabilitazionE Neuromotoria orientata al DOmicilio 13
Percorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l'orientamento (PCTO), Polo CNR di Lecco e IIS 'A. Badoni' di Lecco, anno 2023 13
D2.2 - Progettazione dei moduli 12
LIGHTarm: an exoskeleton for upper-limb neurorehabilitation 12
D4.4. Validazione della piattaforma Rientr@ 12
LIGHTarm: a gravity-compensated exoskeleton for the upper-limb rehabilitation 12
D3.1 - Simulatore di guida della sedia a rotelle 12
LINarm++, affordable and advanced linear device for arm rehabilitation 12
Robot a cinematica parallela per la riabilitazione neuro-motoria della caviglia - PKAnkle 12
Shooting video PhiCube 11
D1.1. Requisiti funzionali, scenari e metriche - Rip@rto 11
Phicube - Ottimizzazione prototipo Phicube nelle sue varie componenti hardware in previsione di test clinici 2024 11
A Simulator to Promote the Return to Work of Wheelchair Users 11
Robot-assisted upper-limb rehabilitation platform 11
LINarm2 11
Assessing User Transparency with Muscle Synergies during Exoskeleton-Assisted Movements: A Pilot Study on the LIGHTarm Device for Neurorehabilitation 11
MVP for Phicube gamification 11
Deliverable 5.2 - MindBot technologies use and API 11
LINarm3 11
Software Development of Vestibular System 11
A Kinect-Based Biomechanical Assessment of Neurological Patients' Motor Performances for Domestic Rehabilitation 11
VSAcam 11
The kinematic architecture of the Active Headframe: a new head support for awake brain surgery 11
Are You Ready To Collaborate? -- Gaze Detection for Natural Human-Robot Interaction in Industrial Scenarios 11
POWERarm 11
Active HeadFrame 11
Gaze-Based Attention Recognition for Human-Robot Collaboration 11
Deliverable 8.3 - MindBot platform validation report 11
D3.5 Piattaforma Rientr@ 11
Robotics in Rehabilitation - Part I: Requirements and Control Issues 11
Sesto Sensore 11
BabyCrew - Report Simulazioni Numeriche FEM 11
LINarm++ prototype 1.0 11
DUALarm: An open-source and 3D- printable device for upper limb neurorehabilitation 10
Deliverable D6.3 - MindBot platform (first draft) 10
D1.1 Report Trimestrale Progetto StepByStep Mesi: 4-6 10
Prototipo PhiCube 10
Sistema di visione tridimensionale stereoscopica con algoritmo di calibrazione e misura basato su sovracampionamento del target 10
Studio di progetto di un banco di simulazione modulare per la validazione degli algoritmi sviluppati all'interno del progetto MindBot 10
BRIDGE - Development of a motor-joint unit with variable stiffness 10
D.5.1 Rapporto I anno 10
LIGHTarm: A highly adaptable gravity-compensated exoskeleton for upper-limb rehabilitation and ADL assistance 10
Principle of operation of RotWWC-VSA, a multi-turn rotational variable stiffness actuator 10
Poster: The control system of an immersive wheelchair simulator 10
STEPbySTEP scala sensorizzata 10
Reingegnerizzazione pacchetti software per il controllo e l'interazione con il dispositivo PhiCube 10
Raccolta dati (Gaze behavior) durante task di assemblaggio collaborativo 10
An affordable, adaptable, and hybrid assistive device for upper-limb neurorehabilitation 10
Principle of Operation of a Variable Stiffness Joint with a Circular Flexural Spring 10
Tools for Children with Development Coordination Disorder 10
What children with neuromotor disabilities need to play with technological games 10
Secondo prototipo PhiCube 10
Deliverable 5.3 - MindBot technologies use and API 10
Deliverable 6.3 - MindBot platform 10
Dispositivo wearable dotato di feedback multimodale per la correzione della postura 10
Video assemblaggio DUALarm 10
The control system of an immersive wheelchair simulator 9
Deliverable 6.2 - MindBot assessment report 9
D2.2 Design e controllo piattaforma 9
Raccolta dati per l'integrazione di un avatar virtuale all'interno della cella MindBot 9
Ongoing work: Study of improving Active Preference Learning and application on the context of immersive wheelchair simulator 9
Muscle Synergies-Based Characterization and Clustering of Poststroke Patients in Reaching Movements 9
SmartApp- Realizzazione concept e interfaccia grafica-applicazione per l'utilizzo del dispositivo Phicube in clinica e a casa 9
D1.1 Requisiti funzionali, scenari e metriche 9
Kinect One-based biomechanical assessment of the upper limb during rehabilitation 9
Robotic Assistance for Upper Limbs May Induce Slight Changes in Motor Modules Compared With Free Movements in Stroke Survivors: A Cluster-Based Muscle Synergy Analysis 9
Software: Matlab - Simulink code for Motion Cueing Algorithm for a Wheelchair simulator 9
Risk analysis of the Motorized Arm Orthosis - BRIDGE Project 9
Documentazione e ricerca scientifica a supporto della Soluzione V.I.T.A 9
D8.2 Mechanical Adaptors Design 9
Emergenza COVID-19: il potenziale delle tecnologie digitali a supporto della riabilitazione 9
Design of a multimodal device to improve well-being of autistic workers interacting with collaborative robots 9
Deliverable 7.3 - Technical guidelines for the design of cobots able to increase workers' state of well-being 9
Dispositivo per il supporto e per la regolazione della posizione della testa di un paziente durante interventi chirurgici 9
Contratto Comau: Controllo di Forza: Analisi di fattibilità e Prestudio HW/SW per device di esterno 9
LIGHTarm Risk Analysis 9
Effect of human-robot interaction on muscular synergies on healthy people and post-stroke chronic patients. 9
Deliverable D6.2 - MindBot assessment report (first draft) 9
A 3T2R parallel and partially decoupled kinematic architecture 9
Robotic assistance modifies upper limb muscle synergies in healthy people interacting with a planar robotic platform for upper-limb training 9
Successfully using a passive approach in upper-limb robotic rehabilitation of chronic stroke patients 9
Totale 1.157
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.058
article - articoli 1.355
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 218
Totale 8.631

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 79 4 21 22
2024/20251.917 50 25 298 169 1.002 373 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.046