Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 523
AS - Asia 239
EU - Europa 145
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 910
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 523
SG - Singapore 222
IT - Italia 77
FI - Finlandia 27
DE - Germania 20
FR - Francia 18
CN - Cina 13
BR - Brasile 3
IN - India 2
BE - Belgio 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
KR - Corea 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 910
Città #
Santa Clara 473
Singapore 151
Helsinki 27
Falkenstein 14
Guangzhou 9
Rome 7
Council Bluffs 6
Catania 5
Palermo 5
Messina 4
Bagheria 3
Bologna 3
Naples 3
Pforzheim 3
Pisa 3
Pregnana Milanese 3
Agrate Brianza 2
Dehradun 2
Fabriano 2
Hempstead 2
Milan 2
Rio de Janeiro 2
San Giorgio a Cremano 2
Bari 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Hong Kong 1
London 1
Phoenix 1
Recanati 1
San Vito Chietino 1
Seattle 1
Seoul 1
Totale 742
Nome #
Supportare l'Apprendimento della Lettura e della Scrittura attraverso la Realtà Aumentata in Bambini con Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività: Il Progetto AdHd-Augmented (AHA) 27
Pensiero Computazionale ed Embodied Cognition 27
Economic games and AI: a learning experience at university 22
Exploring the effect of an augmented reality literacy programme for reading and spelling difficulties for children diagnosed with ADHD 16
The AHA Project: An Evidence-Based Augmented Reality Intervention for the Improvement of Reading and Spelling Skills in Children with ADHD 14
Tecnologie per la gestione della conoscenza 13
ChatGPT in Economic Games: Experimenting with Human-AI Interaction 13
Integrating xAPI in AR applications for Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support 12
EduCodeGames - Giochi di codice: Il codice del DNA e dei Computer. Impariamo a conoscerli giocando 11
Educational Robotics in Primary School: Measuring the Development of Computational Thinking Skills with the Bebras Tasks 10
Website and Social Media- UPDATE 2 10
The AR technologies in educational processes The PBIS use case 10
null 10
Note taking with Gym2learn: helping students to use online text comprehension strategies 10
PBIS-AR app 9
Using Augmented Reality (AR) to Support Student Learning Within the PBIS Framework 9
Kaleidoscope 9
Introducing evidence-based practices to manage problem behaviours at school: The behave application 9
Laboratori di tecnologie didattiche: Esplorare Metodi e Tecnologie per l'Insegnamento e l'Apprendimento 9
Dataset of user interactions across four large pilots on the use of augmented reality in learning experiences 9
Kick Off Meeting -Web Health Application for Adhd Monitoring 9
Cognitive Web Annotation Using Multiple Sensory Channels 9
The BASE system: a Digital Behavioral Assessment tool for school environment 8
Collaborative Augmented Reality Tools for Behavioral Lessons 8
Did@Browser: A Tool To Support The Surfing Activities Of Students 8
Sito web del progetto europeo FabLab SchoolNet: STEAM education and learning by Robotics, 3D and Mobile technologies 8
Didattica della programmazione: Robotica, ambienti reali, virtuali e basati sul Web per l'amplificazione del sapere, della conoscenza e della creatività 8
Functional analisys across the life setting of individuals with ADHD:Reflecting on the importance of function-based intervention in school setting 8
Analysis of PBIS Requirement for ARETE 8
Robotic and Virtual World Programming Labs to Stimulate Reasoning and Visual-Spatial Abilities 7
A Tool To Activate Metacognitive Strategies During Web Surfing: A Pilot Study 7
Metacognition for enhancing online learning 7
ScienceLab: Un giorno da scienziato al Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Palermo. Un viaggio esplorativo tra le scienze matematiche, informatiche, fisiche e naturali 7
An on line Environment to Support Training on the Job Activities 7
An Augmented Reality Mobile Learning Experience Based on Treasure Hunt Serious Game 7
Monitoring the English reading and spelling skills and off task behavior of children with ADHD using the AHA Augmented Reality System: A pilot project. 7
Design of a pilot study to evaluate a Question Answering model based on BERT 7
A pilot project for evaluating the effect of Augmented Reality in the reading and spelling skills for children with ADHD 7
La tecnologia per l'osservazione del comportamento: il Whaam Project 7
WHAAM: A Mobile Application for Ubiquitous Monitoring of ADHD Behaviors 7
CheepAR 7
Vocalse@rch 7
The Potential of AR Solutions for Behavioral Learning: A Scoping Review 7
Laboratorio di Apprendimento Cooperativo Guidato 7
Edutainment - Educazione e Intrattenimento nella didattica laboratoriale per competenze 7
An Augmented Reality Solution for the Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support 7
Multimodal Annotation to Support Web Learning Activities 7
Master di alta formazione in metodologie e tecnologie per la didattica e l'apprendimento in rete: e-learning e web 2.0 7
WHAAM - Web Health Application for Adhd Monitoring 7
Gym2Learn a Web Annotation System for text Comprehension 6
Perception of students, teachers and employers about competitiveness and innovativeness in vocational education and training. The European project "IceVET" 6
null 6
FabSchoolNet: Realtà Aumentata, Robotica Educativa e Stampanti 3D nelle scuole 6
Interactive AR PBIS component 6
Metacognition in Web-Based Learning Activities 6
Promoting positive behaviour at school with eXtended Reality (XR) in Europe 6
null 6
Did@browser: un sistema specializzato per la navigazione in ambito didattico 6
Engaging Primary School Children in Computational Thinking: Designing and Developing Videogames 6
Borse Giovani Laureati 6
Combining Augmented Reality and Fairy Tales to Teach Science to Primary School Students: Teachers' Experience from the Fairy Tale Science Augmented (FAnTASIA) Project 6
Cooking Healthy European Paths 6
A tool to visualize surfing paths 6
The design of the Whaam application 6
Workshop - In Rete per l'ADHD Un'app a servizio di Insegnanti, genitori e professionisti della salute 6
Gym2Learn: Un sistema di annotazione per la creazione di percorsi di apprendimento in rete Internet 6
Did@browser 6
Web Health Application for Adhd Monitoring Final report (Public Part) 6
Tecnologie informatiche di supporto ai disabili della vista 6
Question Answering with BERT: designing a 3D virtual avatar for Cultural Heritage exploration 6
Seminario: Migrazioni/Social Network 6
ARLectio: An Augmented Reality Platform to Support Teachers in Producing Educational Resources 6
Exploring the effect of a robotics laboratory on computational thinking skills in primary school children using the Bebras tasks 6
WHAAM - Web Health Application for Adhd Monitoring 6
Surfing Hypertexts with a Metacognition Tool 6
An ontology to support evidence-based Functional Behavioral Assessments 6
BEHAVE: a tool to support the application of Functional Behavioural Difficulties in school setting 6
The ARETE Ecosystem for the Creation and Delivery of Open Augmented Reality Educational Resources: The PBIS Case Study 6
Lettura e comprensione online: da un modello allo sviluppo di un sistema 6
Gym2Learn: esperienze di apprendimento metacognitivo in rete 6
Gym2Learn A web annotation system to support metacognitive learning skills 6
A Reflection on Some Critical Aspects of Online Reading Comprehension 6
Giornata di Studio: Intelligenza emotiva, Mindfulness e nuove tecnologie per la didattica inclusiva 5
null 5
Online learning with virtual puppetry 5
VocalSearch: supporting blind people to have access to the Web 5
Development and Validation of a Functional Behavioural Assessment Ontology to Support Behavioural Health Interventions 5
The WHAAM application: A tool to support the evidence-based practice in the functional behaviour assessment 5
Monitoring behaviour at school and in the family: the WHAAM application 5
Il progetto FabLabSchoolNet: Realtà Aumentata, Robotica Educativa e Stampanti 3D nelle scuole 5
Apprendere recitando nel Te@trino con le marionette 5
Surfing To Learn 5
Web Health Application for Adhd Monitoring Final report (Confidential Part) 5
WHAAM A new online service supporting parents and teachers of children with ADHD 5
A multimedia system for tele-education in Secondary school 5
Totale 774
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.671
article - articoli 934
book - libri 163
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 496
Totale 6.264

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 16 3
2024/2025923 10 18 185 83 420 183 24 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 953